Stop Reaper’s Chest/Bounty spawning outside of map grid.

  • It would be nice if the reaper’s chests spawned within the actual map grid. Every time I seem to find one it is always super far away, and usually goes untouched as no one wants to travel that far. I also think that the chests need to get an improvement in terms of value, I remember the days where people would kill to get their hands on one, now it’s just not worth it.

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  • I think it would be nice if the shipwrecks were confined to the original map area. This would probably help more with players getting and returning the bounty/reaper chests.

    I don't think the price needs to be adjusted at all.

  • reaper chest is 63 doubloons and bounty is 25k with a grade 5 reaper. Plenty of value there even compared to current prices considering how easy the process is for cashing one in imo.

    I don't see much of a reason to bump the base price

    as far as spawning goes I think that if we are gonna accept how easy some are that spawn right next to reapers or an outpost through fortunate rng than we accept unfortunate rng spawns as well, imo

    reaper chests in the red sea are from people red sea running and them being stuck on the map a lot longer than they are actually available

  • Yeah it weird to see these outside the map area and in the deep Red Sea. Sometimes there in the area of with the TT

  • @burnbacon sagte in Stop Reaper’s Chest/Bounty spawning outside of map grid.:

    Yeah it weird to see these outside the map area and in the deep Red Sea. Sometimes there in the area of with the TT

    It doesn't spawn in the red sea...just outside of the "old map border"

  • Tbh it would be really cool if they add a third reaper loot that spawns very rarely, gives both gold and doubloons and could be sold to both Reaper and Athena, maybe something they both want. Something that's rare enough not to be server hopped for nor influence too much on the economy, but that would give enough reward to always be contested.

  • @atherza I will sometimes go clear those out. If I'm in the area for whatever reason. I don't take the chest aaaaaaalllllll the way back I just let it float so it'll despawn and a new one can spawn in.

  • The Bounty I'd say is fine to spawn far away. 10k Gold base is enough to make you at least consider the 15-20 minutes of sailing. The regular Reaper's chest, though? There's not even anything to spend doubloons on. It either needs a re-work for it's reward, or to only spawn inside the regular grid...or give us a darn doubloon sink...such a pointless currency right now.

  • @sweetsandman said in Stop Reaper’s Chest/Bounty spawning outside of map grid.:

    such a pointless currency

    Imagine how it feels to be DeMarco.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Stop Reaper’s Chest/Bounty spawning outside of map grid.:

    @sweetsandman said in Stop Reaper’s Chest/Bounty spawning outside of map grid.:

    such a pointless currency

    Imagine how it feels to be DeMarco.

    RIP Silver we barely knew ye

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