Solo sloop attacked by Galleon

  • So im just slooping around and sail near this galleon. I then proceeded to shoot off some fireworks because I'm feeling jolly. They then proceeded to cannon me until my ship sank. I survived and did not attack back. They then cut me down easy peazy… feeling irate i spawn back in and bought commodities, wood,fruit,balls…. It was now my turn.. for the next 45 minutes I harassed them chasing and running and sailing through storms to slow them down. I also would jump off and throw firebombs over and over. They then got tired and scuttled their ship. Victory at last.. some would say a waste of time but the joy it gave me…. It was awesome. Love and hate this game but i always find myself coming back.

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  • As long as you are enjoying the game, while observing the Code of Conduct have a ball.

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