Treasure mermaids

  • Hi folks. What is the permanency of treasure that I store with a given treasure mermaid? Can I go about the rest of a session and come back any time to collect my treasure?

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  • @vin-the-rat

    I had 3 waiting for me one time lol

    You can also portal hop and they will follow you to the new server. Maps won't go in the statue or a chest so you have to either post them or drop them.

  • @pithyrumble - Thanks!

  • @PithyRumble May I ask whether you might also know an answer to my question?
    Because I have been wondering what happens if I am in the shrine, leaving my ship unguarded which could lead to it getting destroyed – may it be a storm or players – that the shrine could still port me outside to a new ship and also still give me the loot? Reading here that the portal hop to a new server works got me a bit more hopeful.

  • Anything you put in the mermaid statue will still be there. It will teleport you to your ship, wherever it is, and be waiting for you at the shrine you were in. Don't worry about rushing back so whatever sank you has time to go away.

  • @pithyrumble Oh that's great, thank you!

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