Interesting enemies

  • I like Phantoms and Ocean Crawlers, but less face it: they're more or less the same as skeletons. I'd love to see new enemies that require players to switch up tactics and use items in new ways. Consider:

    • A giant skeleton that stomps around islands and is all but invulnerable. Players can hide from it in shrubs or barrels to sneak past.

    • Fast, blind dog creatures that pounce when they hear a sound. Players must tread carefully to get past. Walking on sand gets less attention than walking on wood. And firebombs and blunderbombs send the creatures scurrying to investigate the noise.

    • Creatures that respond to smell. Players must approach from downwind.

    • An invisible creature. Players must work together to hunt it. Compasses spin the closer it gets, so pirates play hotter / colder to find it. Splash it with water to reveal its outline for a few minutes.

    • A siren that mesmerizes players. When players hear its song, they must play a shanty to overpower the sound, or else receive the drunk effect until they can get out of earshot.

    • Would love to see another use for the pocketwatch. Perhaps a heist where the players have a ten minute window at a specific time to slip in and out with the changing of the guard. Of course, if players have to sneak past a giant skeleton and fool some sniffing hellhounds, it will still be a harrowing ten minutes.

    What do you all think?

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  • I think the struggle with land enemies in a game like this is that cool and fresh become old and annoying really quick

    and then rng tends to be too thick so it really gets irritating for the day to day activities over time.

    I don't even know if there is room anymore with what we already have flooding islands so often.

    Personally I think skeletons should just be expanded into animal hybrids based on island lore and have abilities based on what they are mixed with

    devil's ridge would have boar skelly hybrids with a charge ability
    plunder valley would have eagle skellies with a jump/dive attack
    snake skellies, shark skellies, etc

    this allows some rng replacing rather than adding so it doesn't just flood land more with enemies

    2 of the 3 crawlers just don't fit in imo. to me the plant skellies and shadow skellies were more in a direction that fit with the game

    phantoms are just terrible outside of visually imo. They are pretty but when it comes to fitting in with gameplay I just don't find them compatible as they are currently.

    Annoying players on land just leads to less loot production and less land usage in general. People adapt when they get tired of endless land enemies and then just stick to the sea.

    I do think there could be a few random land boss enemies added similar to what a meg is to the sea. Would add some loot and something that just wasn't constantly bugging people.

  • @wolfmanbush I agree, land enemies just aren't very fun to fight.

    And I'd say land enemies should still be skeletons 90% of the time. I'm proposing enemies for specific scenarios.

    For instance:

    A fort heist with sneaking and stealth. It's guarded be the giant skeleton and the blind dogs and you have to creep past instead of fighting.

    A mission where you hunt down and capture a ghost. This is where you face the invisible creature and the quest is terrifying: a night mission with spooky sounds, ghostly footsteps, and jump scares.

    The other two (smell creature and siren) could be emergent creatures, but ones designed around clever avoidance, rather than fighting.

    Long story short, I'm sick of fighting and I want variety! I agree these shouldn't be annoying—there must be a way to make them additive to the core gameplay loop.

  • @prescafatty said in Interesting enemies:

    @wolfmanbush I agree, land enemies just aren't very fun to fight.

    And I'd say land enemies should still be skeletons 90% of the time. I'm proposing enemies for specific scenarios.

    For instance:

    A fort heist with sneaking and stealth. It's guarded be the giant skeleton and the blind dogs and you have to creep past instead of fighting.

    A mission where you hunt down and capture a ghost. This is where you face the invisible creature and the quest is terrifying: a night mission with spooky sounds, ghostly footsteps, and jump scares.

    The other two (smell creature and siren) could be emergent creatures, but ones designed around clever avoidance, rather than fighting.

    Long story short, I'm sick of fighting and I want variety! I agree these shouldn't be annoying—there must be a way to make them additive to the core gameplay loop.

    it's always good to throw some specific ideas out there
    maybe the devs will see something they like and it'll turn into something

    with the smell creature on land how do people navigate the wind situation?

  • I really like the idea of a giant skelly fight, but i have a somewhat different idea for it.

    So imagine in some tall tale you have to find a skeleton lord hiding in one of the ancients many ruins. After going through some puzzles and different challenges you find him or her in a room with one of those giant statues you find on the Shores of Gold or the one in the Shrine of Tribute. The skeleton lord then preforms a ritual and fuses themselves to the statue, which gives them the power to use the statue kinda like a fantasy mecha. Some sort of unique mechanic would be needed to beat it, as bullets and swords would do nothing to it. I think this would be a interesting way to implement such large scale boss battle.

    If it wouldn't be part of a tall tale then it could be like a meg or kraken, and would rise out of the sea and try to destroy your ship. A mechanic for this type of encounter could be that you have to hit certain weak points on the statue when they glow. Once defeated, it would drop Gold Hoarder loot and a unique treasure like a giant ancient crown or core that would sell for a very good amount of gold.

  • @wolfmanbush I suppose the wind "tails" would need to still be visible in the sky while on land.

    @el-spaniardchi This sounds potentially cool. But what's the mechanics to defeat it? I'm keen on more interesting, more varied combat.

  • @prescafatty I wrote the full mechanics down in a seperate post called New Boss: Ancient Statue, and it goes into abit more detail. Check it out!

  • @prescafatty
    I'd say anything that impedes my ability to traverse an island should be kept on an order of souls mission.
    The skeleton that I have to hide from. What if it's standing on an X for my mission? How long do I have to wait for that thing to go away?
    (Read the rest of the thread)
    These are cool ideas, but I don't think it would be right to make them random spawns on islands, besides maybe the siren. In my opinion they would have to be tied to an OoS mission or a new fort or tall tale.
    Does it fit the game, though? I don't think I should see a dog as an enemy, and a giant skeleton makes me wonder how that thing ever came to be.

  • The most interesting enemy the game offers is players.

    One moment they are your best friend, next your ship is sinking with your stuff on there ship.
    Or backwards.
    You just never (mostly) know what they might do.

  • Giant flaming bird that attacks from above. You'll be sailing around on your boat and then suddenly the large sound of beating wings and a loud KACAWWWW as a huge bird begins to attack the crew. You have to use the ranged items to knock it down, then use the harpoon to pull it into the boat so you can wail on it. It attempts to break free to continue its assault, begins to attack at the crew with wings, beak, and talon while you try to cut it down before it flies off again.

    Could repeat this 2-3 times until you defeat it and it drops a pile of loot, like Megs.

    Edit: I should add that it can knock down your masts and slam into your ship causing holes and it is a fire bird so there's going to be flames to deal with as well on some of it's attacks. It could probably even blow your ship around and cause it to ignite by wing attacking it.

  • @burnbacon Totally agree. There could be a whole separate thread on ways to make player interaction more dynamic.

    @personalc0ffee I love the idea of using the harpoon in a battle. Good stuff.

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