game suggestions (theres alot)

  • Me and some friends were talking about what would be some cool new things to add and we came up with quite a few.

    1rst, whales and artic area.
    If an ice area is added, add whales for hunters call quests and treasure that progressively slows down the carrier as they hold it, and some cursed balls that freeze the water around ships, slowing them down.

    2nd, functional cosmetics.
    Make certain ship cosmetics have a bit of functionality. Like the new party capstan that has the bowl of grog, make it where you can refill tankards from it.

    3rd, Pirate bounties.
    Add a system for players to put bounties on other players that might've stolen from them or sunk them, and the player sets the bounty and the gold to pay the bounty comes from them.

    4th, Merchant ship transport.
    A merchant quest that focuses on keeping their trading vassal or vassals from sinking on route instead of hunting down their remains. Or vice versa for reapers, where they hunt down and sink a merchant ship.

    5th, playable games.
    Little minigames for while sailing long voyages where you can buy the board game from a shop in taverns and set it down somewhere then play it with a friend. and you could place bets on the games so you can gain or lose money.

    6th, transferrable credits.
    make an option to transfer any of the 3 currencies to a crewmate so if they're saving up for an expensive cosmetic or something, you can help out.

    7th, reduced income on custom servers.
    instead of making custom servers where any loot or rep you obtain while on them doesn't count, make it where it's significantly reduced so that larger friend groups can be in one server and actually earn gold or rep. Also have an option to join the server a friend is on if their crew is already full, maybe even give players in an alliance the option to set a ship as a flagship to respawn on.

    8th, quality of life.
    Maybe add more animals to the oceans, like mantas that'll swim close to the surface or dolphins that swim along ships and do their little jump dives.
    And if you can get permission, Easter egg sea creatures from other games that rarely spawn and either don't do much or attack players. (my main thoughts would be something like the reaper leviathan spawning when players are doing a shrine, and it spawns at the edge of rendering and lets out some roars.)

    That's about all I could recall from conversations with friends. I hope you guys will consider these suggestions, and possibly even accept some.
    Thanks for your time.

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    communityjust for funfeedbackgeneral
  • All of these have been said hundreds of times before and are overdone and not going to be added. Especially #7. There's a reason there's no income in custom servers and giving players the option of technically having a crew of more than 4 right off spawn is not a good balancing idea.

  • Sounds interesting, especially the bounty one.
    But if the pirate can set the bounty payout then rich veteran player could set high payout bounty on someone to troll them and the entire server might chase after a solo sloop

  • Many of the things listed are things that have been asked for frequently in other posts. A lot of these are pretty good ideas. 😊

    @ponder2977 said in game suggestions (theres alot):

    1rst, whales and artic area.
    If an ice area is added, add whales for hunters call quests and treasure that progressively slows down the carrier as they hold it, and some cursed balls that freeze the water around ships, slowing them down.

    An arctic or ice region gets asked for a lot and it would be nice to have. With the introduction of instances, one could be introduced as an instanced tall tale.

    2nd, functional cosmetics.
    Make certain ship cosmetics have a bit of functionality. Like the new party capstan that has the bowl of grog, make it where you can refill tankards from it.

    *eyes the new grog capstan *
    Would so love to refill my tankard at the new capstan.

    3rd, Pirate bounties.
    Add a system for players to put bounties on other players that might've stolen from them or sunk them, and the player sets the bounty and the gold to pay the bounty comes from them.

    This kind of feels like it may lead to bullying players.

    5th, playable games.
    Little minigames for while sailing long voyages where you can buy the board game from a shop in taverns and set it down somewhere then play it with a friend. and you could place bets on the games so you can gain or lose money.

    Upstages tavern rooms having gambling rooms could be cool.

    6th, transferrable credits.
    make an option to transfer any of the 3 currencies to a crewmate so if they're saving up for an expensive cosmetic or something, you can help out.

    This could backfire badly. It could make it easier for gold bots and a black market to exist in sea of thieves, where accounts build up a bunch of gold and then sell it to other people on the game. Gold bot black markets are awful, a pest to fight and have negative impacts on games and players.

    8th, quality of life.
    Maybe add more animals to the oceans, like mantas that'll swim close to the surface or dolphins that swim along ships and do their little jump dives.
    And if you can get permission, Easter egg sea creatures from other games that rarely spawn and either don't do much or attack players. (my main thoughts would be something like the reaper leviathan spawning when players are doing a shrine, and it spawns at the edge of rendering and lets out some roars.)

    Second this and other posts requesting for being able to see random whales in deep sea, maybe a dolphin jumping by a ship, and other sea life. When it comes to other games, may be a while if we ever see something like that as it would take agreements between gaming companies.

    That said, other kinds of leviathan creatures could also be introduced the way the kraken was. They could consider someday adding other creatures and beasts which reflect the mythological creatures that were drawn on old sea maps.

  • @ponder2977 said in game suggestions (theres alot):

    1rst, whales and artic area.
    ...add whales for hunters call quests...

    As long as they're not for being hunted. If they are, leave us alone!

    2nd, functional cosmetics.
    Make certain ship cosmetics have a bit of functionality. Like the new party capstan that has the bowl of grog, make it where you can refill tankards from it.

    Sort of pay-to-win (but admittedly very, very loosely) - grog has strategic advantages.

    3rd, Pirate bounties.
    Add a system for players to put bounties on other players that might've stolen from them or sunk them, and the player sets the bounty and the gold to pay the bounty comes from them.

    No need to talk about this one, listen to the other players on the thread.

    4th, Merchant ship transport.
    A merchant quest that focuses on keeping their trading vassal or vassals from sinking on route instead of hunting down their remains. Or vice versa for reapers, where they hunt down and sink a merchant ship.

    Cool, but couldn't players sink their own escorted ship and get loot fast? This one is good encouragement for PvE-ers to practice PvP but is a tricky to balance, I'd love to hear your ideas on how.

    5th, playable games.
    Little minigames for while sailing long voyages where you can buy the board game from a shop in taverns and set it down somewhere then play it with a friend. and you could place bets on the games so you can gain or lose money.

    Check out other threads on this topic, there are some counterarguments which I don't want to explain because it is a cool idea but one with flaws.

    6th, transferrable credits.
    make an option to transfer any of the 3 currencies to a crewmate so if they're saving up for an expensive cosmetic or something, you can help out.

    Not sure about this one. I always find it awkward when someone gives me money. Also, we have those players who have every unlimited cosmetic and just want to burn gold, which seems nice, but getting 20,000,000 gold for free kind of diminishes the sense of accomplishment.

    7th, reduced income on custom servers.

    No comment for this one, I know nothing about custom servers.

    8th, quality of life.
    Maybe add more animals to the oceans, like mantas that'll swim close to the surface or dolphins that swim along ships and do their little jump dives.
    And if you can get permission, Easter egg sea creatures from other games that rarely spawn and either don't do much or attack players. (my main thoughts would be something like the reaper leviathan spawning when players are doing a shrine, and it spawns at the edge of rendering and lets out some roars.)

    Extra sea creatures are always good, but I prefer we don't take stuff from other games. One thing I've always liked about SoT is that it is it's own thing with few references to other games, and they do well with it- they even maintained that sense when A Pirate's Life was added, but perhaps that's just because I have no idea where Ocean Crawlers fit into Pirates of the Caribbean.

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