Giving rewards earned in previous seasons in exchange for commendations or rewards.

  • I think if something like this happens, players who missed the seasons would be happy.
    And for example;
    A player with a maximum Athena Fortune level can receive a Legendary Curse as a level reward.
    Shackled Phantom Hull can also be obtained in exchange for a commendation.
    These can be added to the game after 5 or 10 seasons. It was a suggestion.

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  • This is the plan, but we don't know when it's happening.

  • @d3adst1ck, Giving rewards earned in previous seasons in exchange for commendations or rewards. içinde yazdı:

    This is the plan, but we don't know when it's happening.

    Great! I'm glad to hear this, thank you.

  • Wandering Reaper, Wailing Barnacle, Mercenary, Bone Crusher....those should all come back too, right?

  • @sweetsandman and this is the where the problem is if we bring back some old cosmetics why not bring back all of them. Feels bad for the players who played during season 1 to not get any meaningful limited time rewards while right before the limited time rewards were incredible like the wandering reaper hull and Captain Bones Original Cutlass

    I think they should all come back and be commendation locked hate limited time stuff despite having a lot of them just FOMO tactics

  • @nitroxien So true. The only reason people are protective of those awesome OG cosmetics is because they know there hasn't been any good time limited cosmetics since like 2019. Sure that's'd really be in the minority if you disagree with that.

    Either bring them all back (with commendations) or keep them all in their places in time.

  • @nitroxien said in Giving rewards earned in previous seasons in exchange for commendations or rewards.:

    @sweetsandman and this is the where the problem is if we bring back some old cosmetics why not bring back all of them. Feels bad for the players who played during season 1 to not get any meaningful limited time rewards while right before the limited time rewards were incredible like the wandering reaper hull and Captain Bones Original Cutlass

    I think they should all come back and be commendation locked hate limited time stuff despite having a lot of them just FOMO tactics

    It was known since Season 1 that the items wouldn't be exclusive for ever.

    So no - they are not the same as other limited items - nice try.

  • @sweetsandman THANK YOU! Limited time cosmetics have been getting significantly worst ever since seasons were introduced!

    2 years ago there was the wandering reaper hull, skeleton figurehead, golden blunderbuss, gold hauler figurehead...

    For comparison recently the coolest reward is the PL curse (which most people want to be brought back) and an eye patch with a red gem on it... alongside some atrocious-looking tattoos and scars.

    Most of the other stuff was brought back like gold hoarder and order of souls weapons so I don't get why not bringing it all back would be better for everyone! Or at least make significantly cooler time-limited cosmetics newer stuff should be better looking than older stuff to keep players wanting to play and get more stuff.

  • @lem0n-curry yes and was that fair that those items were not while the others were...

    The wailing barnacle stuff and bone-crusher figurehead were not supposed to either and were supposed to be brought back in the black market...

  • @nitroxien said in Giving rewards earned in previous seasons in exchange for commendations or rewards.:

    @sweetsandman THANK YOU! Limited time cosmetics have been getting significantly worst ever since seasons were introduced!
    For comparison recently the coolest reward is the PL curse (which most people want to be brought back) and an eye patch with a red gem on it... alongside some atrocious-looking tattoos and scars.

    What you said here is completely subjective. I love all the new scars and tattoos and some of the clothing pieces have been amazing.

  • @sweetsandman Rare has stated that these items won’t be coming back to the game. We have recolors of those for those who’d like the models.

    As far as I remember, wailing Barnacle and bone crusher were never supposed to come back. We now have recolors of both though. With the exception of the silent barnacle figurehead, which will make its way into someday.

  • @ninja-naranja they were all supposed to come back that was the idea of the blackmarket they chose then retroactively in response to feedback to not bring it back just like they announced on their twitter that they were gonna bring the PL curse back then chose not to due to backlash

  • @nitroxien the PL curse is still coming back. Do you have a link to when they said that it wouldn’t be?

  • @nitroxien said in Giving rewards earned in previous seasons in exchange for commendations or rewards.:

    @sweetsandman THANK YOU! Limited time cosmetics have been getting significantly worst ever since seasons were introduced!

    No, they aren't. They are just as good as they've been, that is to say they aren't all for everyone. I rarely see any of the cosmetics you named being used.

    Most people are after certain cosmetics because they decided to take a break and realized they missed out on something awesome by not doing events or seasons.

    This will be an extremely controversial statement I'm about to say but I wholeheartedly believe in it;

    "If they don't play the game, they don't deserve the rewards."

    I say this to every SoT player or any player who cares about customization in any game they play:

    "If cosmetics are important to you, you should be actively paying attention to every event and update. You don't need to play if you don't care but you should be regularly checking in on the updates to see if there is anything you'd want so you do not miss out."

  • @nitroxien year 1 limtied time cosmetics where never supposed to come back, they where always marketed as exclusive to that time period and rare is keeping that stance.

    The black market got introduced way later and would have the recolors of said cosmetics

    Seasonal rewards where always marketed to come back at some point in the future apart from some season specific titles, scars or tattoos

  • I think certain items as the barrel emote or the legendary curse should come to the stores in exchange for commendations.

    Maybe we see them in next content updates.

  • @ninja-naranja said in Giving rewards earned in previous seasons in exchange for commendations or rewards.:

    @sweetsandman Rare has stated that these items won’t be coming back to the game. We have recolors of those for those who’d like the models.

    As far as I remember, wailing Barnacle and bone crusher were never supposed to come back. We now have recolors of both though. With the exception of the silent barnacle figurehead, which will make its way into someday.

    When that figurehead is released I’ll be throwing a party.

  • They should just let us purchase old passes at the same cost as the plunder pass. (999 Ancient coins)
    You chose which single active plunder pass you wish to work on and when. (current or old)
    Everyone wins, they make more money while players get more content.

  • @munsterxiii this thread is 5 months old and it’s against the forum rules to necro it. Also buying older plunder passes wouldn’t make any sense since all that content is in the emporium.

    @Deckhands , a lock if you please?

  • Ahoy maties!

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    A general reminder to all, please avoid reviving threads aged past 30 days, as it is considered a necro, and is against our Forum Rules.

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