Hanvn't played for almost a year. Whats new?

  • As the title states i havn't played in a long time. Last time i played the Ashen lords and the fire skull was brand new, what has happend since? what do i need to know? I just opend the game and it was honestly so overwhelming that i just had to close the game and seek advice. Please help me out fellow Pirate game enjoyers.

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  • @reformation6242 In short... Lots!

    I suppose the Plunder Pass/Seasons is the biggest thing... I would take my time focusing on progressing through the Season, this will also highlight to you new and changed mechanics along the way completing the objective on the Trials page should show you the way!

  • @reformation6242

    • seasons
    • a pirates life tall tales (pirates of the Caribbean)
    • sunken kingdom (underwater shrimes and treasuries)
    • fort of fortune (fort with lots of waves and lots of loot)
    • new gold hoarder voyages (vaults)
    • new merchant voyages (sunken ships)
    • merchant trade routes
    • emissary reward updates
  • @reformation6242 said in Hanvn't played for almost a year. Whats new?:

    As the title states i havn't played in a long time. Last time i played the Ashen lords and the fire skull was brand new, what has happend since? what do i need to know? I just opend the game and it was honestly so overwhelming that i just had to close the game and seek advice. Please help me out fellow Pirate game enjoyers.

    Read this and have fun https://seaofthieves.gamepedia.com/Content_Updates

  • Also, don't get too overwhelmed... there isn't as much time-limited content as there used to be!

  • What's new , well... No , if i really need to sum that up , then i lost my afternoon with typing , i would say : jump in and see for yourself , be suprized and just enjoy . Next time, don't be too long away because every Season brings alot of New stuff. The previous and this Season added sooo much stuff... Just jump in the New Tall Tales and let them take you on a journey that will bring more than one smile of joy, recognition and just pure immersement ...

    You don't believe me? Okay, take the plunge and come tell me if i lied ...i'm sure i didn't...

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