Bring back Removed cosmetics

  • Bring back the Ruffian Sea Dog Cutlass, Grand Admiral, Scurvy Bilge Rat and Castaway Bilge rat, cause you brought back the Figureheads Thanks :)alt text

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  • As a person who bought them specially because rare decided to remove them i dont want this items to come back. I like keeping some stuff locked forever if you werent able to buy it when there was a time to do it.

  • @fgfoot these items aren’t classified as limited timed items. Rare removed them because people complained about them being too similar to other cosmetics. I expect them to be re-distributed in the future. Like the figureheads did.

  • Agree, bring it back, it only got removed becouse people meant it was to simular, but yeah, still want it tho.

  • @smellysnowballs yes they brought back the figureheads recently so why not :D

  • I agree, bring it back :)

  • I feel like you guys desperatly try to convince yourself that this items arent time limited so rare should bring them back. I can bet you that you will not use this items for more than 10 minutes, coz they are bad looking, so i dont know why you want them back. You missed a chance to get them- its your fault, just deal with it.

  • I admit, I don't view these as time limited either, and I own the bulk of them (if not all). They were never promoted or marketed as such like other items have been. These got removed because a portion of the community grumbled a bunch about them being too similar and just recolors. I always thought that was silly, personally, and absolutely agree that they should come back since they are just slight variations on basic cosmetics. It just adds more options of items to use for pirates which is a good thing in a cosmetics based game like this.

    So, toss me in the camp of thinking it would be fine, likely even a flat out good thing, to bring these items back in. Actually time limited and exclusive stuff should stay that way, but now that there is some item variety go ahead and dump all those recolors back in to the mix for people.

  • @fgfoot they fall into the same category as the figureheads that were removed and subsequently added back in. I.E. not limited time.

    Also you don’t have to be so rude. There are always nicer ways to get your point across.

  • It's weird to have the cutlasses of some standard sets unavailable. It's even weirder that some are defending them remaining unavailable :p

    Also weird that when players complained about lack of variety, rare decided to remove some items instead of adding more (sign of things to come with cosmetics lol)

  • I count myself fortunate to have received the Grand Admiral Cutlass, which is CLEARLY different from its other Admiral counterparts. Why I begrudgingly understood why Rare made their decision, I always thought it was a poor choice. If pirates did like the similarities, they could simply choose not to use them! There was no need IMO to remove them. Still, some of the differences in weapons were hard to distinguish (looking at you Bilge Rat Cutlasses). In any case, times change, and with weapon emotes, there are now more ways than ever to see the more obscured parts of a weapon, such as the grip, pommel, guard, etc.

  • @fgfoot Looks like we won

  • @cpt-obsidian677 they brought them back?

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