Are the new Emissary rewards already available?

  • In-game it looks like we'll have to wait next month to get the new rewards, but a recent tweet says:
    "If you're setting out on the seas this weekend we want to know what you're planning. A spot of Emissary commerce trading? Are there Forts of Fortune in your future? Targeting the top of an Emissary Ledger for those new rewards? Tell us, we won't steal your loot. Maybe."

    Does this means that if we are top 25% at the end of the current ledger we'll get the rewards?

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  • @pellahh

    What they're trying to say is that at the end of the season (Which lasts 1 month) If you are still in the top 25% of players in a certain emissary ledger (whether that be merchant, gold hoarders, etc) Then you will get the rewards. But just because you're top 25% NOW, doesn't mean that you get the rewards now, you have to be top 25% at the end of the season in order to get your rewards.

  • @kaijoi said in Are the new Emissary rewards already available?:


    What they're trying to say is that at the end of the season (I think in 10 weeks) If you are still in the top 25% of players in a certain emissary ledger (whether that be merchant, gold hoarders, etc) Then you will get the rewards. But just because you're top 25% NOW, doesn't mean that you get the rewards now, you have to be top 25% at the end of the season in order to get your rewards.

    Unless something has changed.. Emissary is tracked monthly not seasonally.

    End of a month if you're in the top tier you get rewards. You can view the item in game if you've already got the previous one too. Probably won't hsve them until end of the timeframe though which is usually a month

  • i think you can start earning them next month but don't quote me on that

  • @tre-oni

    It very well might only be 1 month and not 10 weeks like I said.

  • You can not earn the new rewards during this ledger period, since the new rewards appeared halfway through the month. You'll be able to earn the new stuff starting in May (this is why it says 'Congrats you already have the rewards' when you look at the ledger).

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