New Area, More Emissary Rewards, New Threats, and New Adventures to Explore!

  • There's a lot this game can still add or improve and these are just some of my ideas.

    Artic Area
    We've heard or read the fan concept of the the Ice area and how epic that sounds I don't know if they are going to add new areas. However I would like to add my own ideas if we were to get an Ice area.
    A freeze debuff. The longer your in the cold your health bar will begin to freeze making that part of your health unusable until you thaw it out. Making this a new world environment caused threat. We cant forget blizzards which will slow your movement, impair your vision, and speed up freezing. Do not fret because on the artic islands would be braziers to get rid of the debuff, and you can add wood to your stove and huddle around to keep warm.

    Wolves would be a new wild hostile mob that hunt for the lone wary pirate. Turning your back just for a second and you'll see hundreds of yellow glowing eyes looking your way. Then with a howl, the hunt is on. Will you be their next meal?

    The new Frost Skeletons coming sporting their Viking aesthetic and axes. However watch out the cold isn't the only thing that stings. As when you get hit you find that your counter swing of your sword might be a little slower.

    As your sailing these frigged waters you may find the water freezing your ship in place, and out of view frost skeleton rushing your ship wave after wave. You'll have to defend your ship until the Frost Skeleton Lord shows themselves and defeat them to release your ship. (Would be a random encounter like the kraken. and you would be able to walk on the ice as well.)

    The Deep Depths
    This idea would go with the hostile mermaids.

    Sirens would grab the sides of your ship and if you get too close then the would grab you and start to swim to the deep drowning you. They would only come out at night because they hate the light. So your lantern is a great way to counter them to let go of your ship or yourself.

    Rising Tides would be a new world event that triggers every 7 (or 14) in game days on the moon cycle during every new moon. (i know a new moon happens once a month but for game sake it would trigger every 2.8hrs or 5.6hrs) and during this time is when the tides are the lowest and the skies are the darkest. And on this darkest of days a random island (just one or a few) would appear out of the water at set locations. These islands have been cursed by the ancients casting them underwater to be forgotten however no one tells the seas what to do. On these islands are treasures collected from the bottom of the ocean but that's not all these islands have to offer. Find why these islands where cast under and what treasures they hide and open the vault. (so these islands curse would make it almost imposable to see when setting foot on them so a lantern is a must. They are also covered with Shadow skeletons. So this is a race against the other pirates and the clock to find which island is active and to get as much loot off it. Unlike how treasure works where it floats to the top if anything including yourself is still on the island it all goes under and doesn't float up.)

    The next Tall Tale quest should be centered around Atlantis and im not talking just one tale im talking a 9 tale quest chain all about finding the lost city of Atlantis. With it being more focused on the depths of the oceans. However maybe making the ending and you finding Atlantis just the beginning. And creating the first replay able procedurally generated instanced dungeon. With puzzles, traps and new threats every turn. (procedurally generated just makes things SO much more replay able.)

    Emissary Rewards
    So we all have every current emissary rewards and other than some events and the rep/ gold we get from it the leader board rewards and ranking means nothing now. So just add more rewards.
    Imagine this

    Reward 1 Reward 2 Reward 3
    Reward 4 Reward 5 Reward 6....

    So if you only get reward 1 and 2, then 4 and 5 would take its place next month. However you didn't get reward 3 so reward 3 will stay until you get it.
    Just my thoughts on how they could add more.

    Random World Rewards
    So when I say random world rewards I'm talking world events could drop cosmetics rewards. Or world set rewards. Think Pirates of the Caribbean and the cursed Aztec gold. Imagine finding that chest in a hidden cave and when you interact with it you now unlock that skeleton curse. That would be epic.

    A Few Last Ideas
    The Navy being a new faction introducing the bounty system.
    Table games at the taverns where you and another crew can bet loot in a game of Liars dice or Black jack.
    This is a big one but add an infinite level 101 on the season pass giving us small amounts of gold or doubloons or both this way once you hit max at least your still earing something (played for a few hours already 40)

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    feedbackcommunityjust for funeventscompetition
  • And one thing I forgot but Sea Dogs making a smaller arena game mode. Where 4 sloops, 3 brigs, or 2 galleys are around 1 island and the objective is to find and get the most treasure on your ship within the time, killing all the enemy pirates lives. (maybe like 10 lives per ship, and once they are all up your ship sinks)

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