Will the shores of plenty fishing voyage come back

  • Will the shores of plenty fishing voyage come back before the event ends? I’m not sure if it’s a bug, but I missed it last week and now not it’s not in Larina’s stock.

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  • @aribalam

    If you're asking this because you still have to do it for completion: the task says "Complete -A- festival of Fishing Voyage [..]." It doesn't say you need to complete a specific one. So if you just do the voyage that is currently in stock, I think it'll count as a completion.

    I think you only need to complete one ever, at the end of the festival. It should register all of them at once. For people who don't like them. :)

    If you're asking because you wanted to do that specific voyage: rest assured, they seem to be the same every week, only with different fish.

  • @jeroenix I just checked and it said “Complete a Festival of Fishing Voyage within The Shores of Plenty.”

    Plus, I did the week 2 voyage yesterday and it didn’t count.

  • @aribalam said in Will the shores of plenty fishing voyage come back:

    Will the shores of plenty fishing voyage come back before the event ends? I’m not sure if it’s a bug, but I missed it last week and now not it’s not in Larina’s stock.

    This is the official response I got after submitting a ticket:

    alt text

  • @daddy-helmut I got roughly the same message, I just wish they would’ve told us that before because I don’t even want the fishing rods. I only want the title because the rods will still be available just locked behind commendations.

  • @aribalam You're right.. I must need glasses or something... I seemed to have stopped reading mid sentence.

    In the other thread, Musicmee said: "Luckily if you complete all the fishing challenges and miss the "weekly" voyages you will still, however, be able to earn the Fishing Rod cosmetics." (this time I quoted the whole thing :) ) so there is still hope.

  • I'm in the same boat here missing out on the Spoils of Plenty Voyage but got all the fish done last.. Completely missed that second page on Voyage needs to be complete...Unreal as some websites that we all visit for sot info were even stating that Larinna would carry each of those weekly voyages and just keep adding weekly but keep them up for the event timelines.. Heck even on the Fishing Event screen it shows 8 days remaining to unlock the Voyage in SPoils of Plenty [ including the fish ] but as mentioned the voyage has been removed/update to latest Ancient Ils fishing voyage.. Also just wanted the title and think SOT could have made it much more clear...That's extremely disappointing TBH.. If anyone still has the SPLENTY OF SPOILS FISHING VOYAGE PLEASE PLEASE DM ME [ Same Gamertag in XBOX ] as I really wanted this Title.. almost 2 years playing this game and the fact it wasn't clear is just sad on SOT's part..

  • just seen a tweet from SoT_Support:

    We're aware that some players missed out on completing Festival of Fishing goals tied to weekly Voyages that have now ended. In order to ensure everyone has a chance to fully complete this Event, we will be adding the previous Voyages to all player's inventories.

    So hopefully you'll be able to catch up now

  • I receive The shore of plenty voyage in my inventory, but my game crashed and I lost the quest. And now?

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