Weapons idea

  • It would be cool if you could equip 2 of the same type of gun like blunderbuss and blunderbuss

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  • Good luck against the skilled pvpers with a sniper/sniper

    it's gonna be a bloodbath out there

  • @wolfmanbush so? Just get good

  • It would be cool if more thoughts went into your suggestions then just "it would be cool", just saying, no offense.

  • @toast-ghost1323 said in Weapons idea:

    @wolfmanbush so? Just get good

    The game is focused on balance as it should be

    Day 1 players and skilled pvpers are in the same environment the only way for that to work is to stay in the middle and not lean too heavily into either. Leaning into pvp advantages with the bumper sticker of "get good" doesn't grow a base or keep all the people in the middle satisfied with the product

    Double blunder at close range double pistol at mid range and sniper at any range changes throws off the balance of everything they have worked on balancing

  • @uzugijin oh maybe you should tell me what wrong with them instead of just saying there bad. And maybe come up with an actual reason but i geuss that would be to difficult for you cuzz all you want to do is hate on everything

  • @toast-ghost1323 A lot of things would be cool, sure, but you have to think about current gameplay mechanics, balance and other technical stuff. Add something like: why you think it should be implemented, why it would be cool for everyone, things like that. If you want to change the game, have a better reason. I don't want to come off as someone who hates on everything though. I'm sorry.

  • @toast-ghost1323 He already told you why it was bad. Try listening instead of ignoring.

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