Sing A Sad Song For Our Stolen Loot...

  • I shall now share with ye' details of the largest loot haul I've ever had the misfortune of losing.

    I've played SoT for about a year now. Pirate Legend, Legendary Thief, Hunter of the Shrouded...all that good stuff. My two teammates are of similar caliber. Our little trio got XBOX Series Xs' for Christmas, and since then we have quite literally been unstoppable against XBOX and PC players alike. We hadn't sunk in Adventure since before Christmas (and 90% of the time we run reaper and fight everything that moves).

    Today we decided that we wanted to utilize the Double Gold Weekend and see if we could rack up a 1,000,000 gold loot haul using a level 5 reaper emissary. For at least four straight hours we killed every crew in sight, and did a Flameheart, Skull Fort, and Battle for the Sea of Thieves.

    It was by far the most loot I've ever carried. Without a doubt, we hit our 1,000,000 gold goal and then some. But then, on the horizon, a white sailed galleon appears. Lo' and behold, a god squad unlike any we have fought recently. Not just a standard run-of-the-mill Pirate Legend Galleon (we can chew through those like a mouse in a hanker-chief drawer). No. I'm talking a gold cursed, Legendary Sea Dogged, born to play SoT crew that probably hasn't seen the bottom of the ocean for at least a year.

    Long battle short...we fought valiantly but ended with a sink. There was so much loot that spilled out of our ship, it was lagging out the sector.

    F's in the chat. RIP
    We sunk right next to Reaper's Hideout so there was no chance of getting any back.
    Think about the saltiest potato chips you've ever double the salt levels and you might be starting to get close to the amount of SALT I felt about sinking.

    ........But this is not a rage post. This is not me going 'wah, we need passive mode cuz I lost my shinys, wah'. No, quite the opposite. You better believe that my crew will be out there next weekend...and we will be out with a vengeance. So look-the-hell out!

    And remember, everyone sinks...everyone loses loot...and the next time a crew comes along and totally annihilates you...remember that this time it was your turn to lose. But it won't alway be. This time it was our turn. You win some, you lose some. Tonight, we lost big. But we've won big before, too. And we will win big again.

    You can count on it.

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  • if it makes you feel any better it's entirely possible that they aren't gonna get the gold/rep for turning that in while servers are having on again off again issues

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