Special cannonballs : duration of peace ball and skeleton ship's ability to spam.

  • so I just found a skelly ship stuck on a rock. Like it beached itself. I suppose that's almost a bug?
    I pulled up next to it to get my last few cursed cannonball shots for the event.
    I did that, which was my only goal, but I learned two things:

    For one, the peace ball effect is way too short. I hit them with that (commendation popped up and all) but they still started shooting me after like .00001 seconds. The duration is so short it's pointless, the ball might as well not exist unless the duration is buffed.

    Secondly, the rate at which skelly ships can spam cursed balls is insane. After a few seconds of combat in which I got all my cursed shots off (and they shot a few regular shots that missed), they suddenly just starting hitting me with a chain of sleep curse balls. I stayed passed out from their first hole put in my ship until I was sunk.

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  • Lol...park behind them not in their broad side. Hopefully lessen learned.

    Also spam them with firebombs burns the skelly cannoneers and kills them that way gives you extra time from being hit.
    The sniper still can take you out.

  • Never go side to side with the big boys they will bonnie and clyde you every time including when far away

    peaceball is useful when controlling the distance but overall you want to get them in a death circle at a slowed down speed or get close to them to prevent getting lit up and manipulate the situation to where you you can get shots without taking too many

    When I trigger a pre-spawned skelly I just start off the hostilities with a good old fashioned ram. You'll put some good holes in them with a nice windy crash and it'll keep you close so you can set up a good angle without taking much damage. As said before setting a nice bone bon fire will help keep them off cannons too

  • @the-song42 said in Special cannonballs : duration of peace ball and skeleton ship's ability to spam.:

    For one, the peace ball effect is way too short. I hit them with that (commendation popped up and all) but they still started shooting me after like .00001 seconds. The duration is so short it's pointless, the ball might as well not exist unless the duration is buffed.

    Secondly, the rate at which skelly ships can spam cursed balls is insane. After a few seconds of combat in which I got all my cursed shots off (and they shot a few regular shots that missed), they suddenly just starting hitting me with a chain of sleep curse balls. I stayed passed out from their first hole put in my ship until I was sunk.

    So your saying the ball is so bad that it does essentially nothing, then you go to saying its so OP it needs to be removed?

  • @rtl-saint ...no, I said the peace ball is so bad it effectively doesn't exist, and that if it effectively doesn't exist it may as well literally not exist. Then I said that since they want it to exist it needs to be buffed, so that there's actually a point to using it.

  • @johnhp1
    I mean I certainly would have handled them differently, coming from behind and what not, if I wanted to fight them to the death and take the loot. But I just wanted to shoot my last few cursed balls for the event then log off for the day. Then proceeded to watch what happened with the perma-sleep in sheer amazment that it was even possible, since I rather think it shouldn't be. After all, it's not like most skelly ship fights occur with it beached.

  • Actually I have seen lot parked on piers and stuck on rocks at sea.

  • Yeah, they seem to have nerfed the cursed cannonballs quite a bit, I'm not really sure when that happened, but it can feel like very little respite is provided by them at times. I'm not really sure how I feel about it, because obviously it is fair and equal for everyone, what it does mean though is that you have to continue to hit your enemies over and over with crew disabling shots for it to be effective. It just means that when you're in trouble that you can't rely on one good shot with a cursed ball to save you.

  • @the-song42 cough cough use those eyes and look at the 2nd paragraph. this is gonna be hard but you need to look at the last half...... ;)

  • also the duration is just incompetency on your end. In an actual pvp encounter (the only time you need cursed balls) it delays your opponents for about 3 seconds. that's enough to load another and shoot on...... you can farm someone and keep them in a loop for as long as you have the balls that pretty op if you ask me. As for them being too good for skelly ships and not good enough for you, that's just plain old terrible skill. I have no issues with the balls or the difficulty level on skelly ships. Yea as a sloop it sucks getting farmed but you don't get stunned locked while getting barrel balled is annoying use your bucket, anchor ball is another story, however, you are complaining about how bad it is when you go to saying how good it is on skelly ships. that is just skill level. are you admitting to being worse than skellys???

  • @rtl-saint The last paragraph was about a differnt ball, not the peace one. It also wasn't about the ball, but about skelly's being able to spam them every shot without needing to farm them like a player would. I would also remind you of my already stated intent: to just fire my last cursed balls, finishing the event step, and log out, without actually bothering to fight the skeleton ship.

    I assure you, the peace ball does not stop cannons for three seconds. It lasted less than one second. If it had lasted 3 seconds, I would have already logged off before they started hitting me with sleep balls, since I had finished that last thing I wanted to do before leaving (my last 2 cursed ball hits for the event). But since it lasted no time at all, I got to sit there and watch what happened first. Finishing my session with "Well, that was as amusing to see as it was dumfounding to learn is a possibility in the first place. Oh well, still got my cursed shots out in time, logging out as planned."

  • @the-song42 alright, I apologize, i was tired when i wrote it. I should have read more carfully. I apologize.

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