That Damned Black Dog Set...

  • Alright so I'm gonna keep this sort and simple. I'm a huge cosmetic hunter, and I don't have the Black Dog Set. I bought the game 3 days after (March 23, 2018) it was fully released to the public and have non stop played it since. I was wondering if there were any possible way, out of pure generosity, be given that set. Ya'll would be so sick if this could happen :) Keep up the kick butt work Rare.

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  • The only way to get it is to pay an extortionate amount to eBay sellers.

  • Over the past years, there has been multiple opportunities to get the Black Dog gear. If you want it, then you will need to pay attention to the events that Sea of Thieves announces. Keep tabs with their Twitter, they usually announce stuff there.

  • @nabberwar I think he's referring to the coat, hat, etc... which to my knowledge has never been given away outside of the preorder bonus code.

    The only other part of this set that isn't given away via codes or regular giveaways is the Blunderbuss which was paired with the SoT XBox controller.

  • @d3adst1ck

    You’re thinking of the Ferryman set, I think.

  • Black Dog was for Pre-Orders, Ferryman was with the Controller and as far as I know, neither has been released otherwise.

    Obsidian/Midnight/Ebon/Onyx were all also similar to Black Dog items and have been given away via Drops/MixPots or other contests and or promotions.

  • @blindhoudinis The Black Dog set was given to those that pre-ordered Sea of Thieves.

    If you didn't pre-order, then, unfortunately, I don't think you qualify.

  • That preorder Black Dog set remains unique among all the items in SoT (excluding that Ferryman set).
    It is swag for the earliest adopters of SoT, the very first taste of in-game exclusivity, and they still generate envy.

    Damn those Black Dogs.

  • I only missing the Midnight Blunderbuss, too expensive, Wheel missed that twitch drop and capstan, dont know how to get it.

  • I love this set and have almost everything except the blunderbuss (cause I’m not paying $300)

    And that friggin BANJO

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