Solo sloopers

  • It seems that Rare is trying to force individuals to join others in groups. Some of the items are just unrealistic for a solo sloopers to deal with. I don't like doing open crew because you never know who is going to be on your crew. You sometimes can't talk to them. They don't have mic's. Don't speak English. I play on Xbox so it is hard to communicate. If Rare continues to make it so difficult for solo players I will have to switch games. I love SOT but it is getting to difficult for solo players.

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  • There are LFG threads on the forums and plenty of discord communities to join. If solo slooping is too hard or you can't find like minded players to play with, good luck in your future games.

  • I've done a lot of solo slooping and I find it easier than a crew.

    The only personality I have to deal with is my own
    I live and die by my own decisions and gameplay
    It's ultimate freedom during an adventure

    there are some commendations that require other players and there are a lot of things that are faster with a team but this game is very solo friendly imo.

    What we lose in gold we gain in glory and grand tall tales of adventure

    I refuse to kill a solo slooper on these treacherous seas unless they are committed to battling me. I respect a solo pirate too much to ever start the hostilities

    alt text

    Tip as a solo for commendations: if you get some hits on bosses/pve enemies you will often get the credit if another team makes the kill (you really only need to be within range but hits help secure it). If an event is active and you need kills for commendations get yourself in there and make some noise or just tuck in the area, it'll help you get credit while solo.

    Useful for stuff like FOTD, flameheart and the new ashen lords

  • @solideagle8858

    The game was never intended or designed with solo play in mind. They added solo play because the community cried for it but Rare made sure to tell everyone that the game will not be developed around solo play and that solo players are going to have to play in the same game as everyone else.

    Look for LFG, discords communities, try to find someone to play with.

    I know it sounds harsh but for something like this, a direct approach is best.

  • Playing solo is just hard mode. It's doable but hard.

  • @solideagle8858 said in Solo sloopers:

    It seems that Rare is trying to force individuals to join others in groups. Some of the items are just unrealistic for a solo sloopers to deal with. I don't like doing open crew because you never know who is going to be on your crew. You sometimes can't talk to them. They don't have mic's. Don't speak English. I play on Xbox so it is hard to communicate. If Rare continues to make it so difficult for solo players I will have to switch games. I love SOT but it is getting to difficult for solo players.

    I am a solo slooper.
    Being a solo slooper I must accept that there are things you just can't do quite as well alone as opposed to a crew.

    On the plus side, it means you can choose where to sail, when, what you do as you call the shots.

    There's pros and cons to everything.
    Solos like me shouldn't be able to do everything alone otherwise what would be the point of crewing up? To be social? Screw that, I'd rather go to the pub to be social.

    Because forts are time consuming and a pain solo, as well as tall tales etc, it makes me crew up.

    Then crews are blessed by really competent crew mates who know how to play well as they have been managing a ship all by themselves for so long.

    There are ways to achieve everything though its just much slower and harder alone. Which is one of those things we just gotta accept. Otherwise everything would be too easy when you are in a crew and that ease breeds boredom.

    However, i disagree that solo is hard. Its actually not that hard.
    Its about playing smart.

  • people say the game was never intendent to play solo ,ok than will rare lose a lot players.rare created a nice world but they have no clue how to balance pvp and pve,yesterday i played solo did my first ashenlord ,at all supereasy but all i did is shooting with eye of reach on him and sword lunge the skellies and idk how long i did it i guess 40minutes? just to get interrupted by an incoming ship that sunk me ,.had nice loot on board from brig i sunk before but the point is 40 minutes against a stupid boring ai is way to long....i checked recent players the brig logged off after i sunk them me logged off after i got sunk,dosent speak for the game design....

  • @weedstar-deluxe said in Solo sloopers:

    people say the game was never intendent to play solo ,ok than will rare lose a lot players.rare created a nice world but they have no clue how to balance pvp and pve,yesterday i played solo did my first ashenlord ,at all supereasy but all i did is shooting with eye of reach on him and sword lunge the skellies and idk how long i did it i guess 40minutes? just to get interrupted by an incoming ship that sunk me ,.had nice loot on board from brig i sunk before but the point is 40 minutes against a stupid boring ai is way to long....i checked recent players the brig logged off after i sunk them me logged off after i got sunk,dosent speak for the game design....

    Events should take some time or people would just easily farm them without any threat and so that people have the opportunity to interact and participate in events themselves.

    I disagree with the complaints about the ashen lord HP being too high. It's about the same amount of time as any event when done right (solo or with a crew)

    Using a pistol or sniper isn't the best way especially for a solo. The goal is to get in and out as quickly as possible and the fastest way solo is to get consistent blunder and sword hits while bouncing around dodging attacks and eating food. The skellies are easy so strategic sword lunges clears them periodically

    If you just want loot events aren't typically the way to go for solo. Megs/skelly ships in between a decent voyage will be faster and safer by yourself. They had their drops increased and they are well worth it now.

  • @wolfmanbush Thats right mate! I even noticed storage crates with supplies from skelly galleons and ships now. So its even quicker easier now to get right back into an activity after finishing one :)

  • @weedstar-deluxe said in Solo sloopers:

    people say the game was never intendent to play solo ,ok than will rare lose a lot players.rare created a nice world but they have no clue how to balance pvp and pve,yesterday i played solo did my first ashenlord ,at all supereasy but all i did is shooting with eye of reach on him and sword lunge the skellies and idk how long i did it i guess 40minutes? just to get interrupted by an incoming ship that sunk me ,.had nice loot on board from brig i sunk before but the point is 40 minutes against a stupid boring ai is way to long....i checked recent players the brig logged off after i sunk them me logged off after i got sunk,dosent speak for the game design....

    Thats honestly part of the game and the game has been out for almost 3 years. This isn't something that just came out like 2 months ago.

    Its been out for 3 years and players that can solo do, the ones who can't complain about how PvP and PvE are imbalanced.

    You might think 40mins by yourself takes too long but what happens when they lower it so that solo's can beat it in 10mins, that means a galleon can finish it instantly.

    I've done ashen lords solo and like you I hated doing it, I only did it to wait for someone to show up so I can find a ship, unfortunately no ship showed up. You had a ship show up, I didn't. Sometimes you win some sometimes you lose some.

    If you can't do something solo thats not the games fault. Find a crew or get better at being solo..

  • this would be in a different topic but this goes back to the artificial difficulty the game adds, which is to spam the skeletons or add tons of HP to make things hard, which just makes the game boring and annoying.

    Otherwise i only solo sloop and dont think its impossible, if you dont like playing solo and want to group up, join the discord and make some new buds, you can download the app to your phone and just find some cool like minded people and dont play unless they are online to group with.

    I dont do open crew either, the day i do, it will be to troll them or hope for the best lol.

  • Thank you for your replies.

  • @solideagle8858 sorry man... we’ve all been there. Being alone isn’t optimal for sure. But there is a sense in pride at mastering it. I watch a lot of BoxyFresh and Beardageddon who are both legendary solo sloopers. I felt like I’ve really improved since watching some of the stuff they can do. A lot of it comes down to knowing where to put your attention in a crisis- and in a sloop there are a lot of ways to simply outrun a lot of the danger that comes your way. Rare doesn’t really teach you these things but there are fantastic content creators who can. That’s the only advice I can offer. Respect my bro.

  • I managed to escape a kraken as a solo slooper. But it took 10 minute of nonstop fighting and reparing. I lost all my resources fixing the sloop. I barely made it out alive with my patchwork sloop.

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