New game mode: own island

  • I know an "own island" has been suggested a few times already, not sure if my way of that idea has been brought up, so sorry if yes...

    I suggest a new "game mode", like the maiden voyage on a seperate tab...when starting it for the first time you get into a random generator like we have for our character, but this time we pick an island, about the size of an outpost
    We can use gold to build houses, one our home, another for shops we can buy everything like in adventure mode...also we can decorate everything the way we want to on the whole island and in the houses...
    There will be also a dock with our ship. We can't sail away with it, but we can put all cosmetics on we want to use in our upcoming session...
    This "mode" function as a "private lobby" to wait for your crewmates to arrive and start adventure or arena from you can invite up to 3 friends into it...

    The whole purpose of this would be
    -a gold sink
    -a lobby for your crew
    -a way to go shopping without beeing disturbed
    -a way to just jump in for a few minutes to look for cosmetics without blocking a place on servers

    Especially the last point would solve beeing server merged too often, as many people sometimes just jump in to look what's new and then leave again...

    What do you think of this? Got any ideas how to expand it?

    Edit: I was thinking about how it could work, when a whole 4 man crew is on that private island so the other 3 don't have to change to theyr island...

    Maybe this would work:
    Every Island has 2 docks in a 90 degrees angle to each other, and both about as long as the dock on Dagger Tooth Outpost
    There would be the shroud surrounding your island. When someone joins you, the shroud begins to disappear on one side where a dock is and the other guy's island appears there...his dock and yours merge into each other so it becomes if there are 4 people together the island are in sone kind of circle all attached to each other by that docks...
    This way everybody can be together and still have theyr island there, not forced to leave and get in alone to see theyr own island...hope it's understandable how I mean it...

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  • @schwammlgott

    Great idea.

    I would love it if it would be possible to actually visit your own island by leaving the map too.

    Perhaps past that uninhabited region at the south western part if the map, if you sail out of bounds you effectively leave the server and join your “home base” game mode.

    Then, to return to a session of adventure mode (likely not the one you left) simply pull up the anchor of your ship thats docked at the edge of your home and you respawn at an outpost in adventure mode.

    Naturally its treated as if you left the sessions etc but immersive in that you dont need to physically interact with the menu.

    If you are in a crew the game needs to know which base to go to, so everybody with an island has a blank voyage they lay down and vote on and the active home base is the one the ship spawns at.

    As a side benefit, your ship looks brand new, no holes etc if you go home and return, so for those who want a clean ship you’d also get that. But its essentially a server leave so you cant use it to flee and save your loot.

    Could use it to server hop but it would be quicker to use menus than sail to the edge of the mal over and over. I think that would work well with home base islands.

    Plus, who doesnt want their own pirate cove? :)

  • @daringclarky that sounds more like an option to get away from hostile pirates...not what I want...

    As I said...the ship won't be usable, it's only here to put the cosmetics on...
    And the whole thing is just a private lobby to start and a gold sink...

  • @schwammlgott hey what if you use the gold you got in adventure and arena

  • @schwammlgott and i love your idea

  • @schwammlgott said in New game mode: own island:

    @daringclarky that sounds more like an option to get away from hostile pirates...not what I want...

    As I said...the ship won't be usable, it's only here to put the cosmetics on...
    And the whole thing is just a private lobby to start and a gold sink...

    You dont understand, a method to escape is not what i suggested.
    Perhaps you misunderstand, you wouldnt open the menu and choose exit to escape pirates would you?

    Of course not, so you wouldnt use that to flee either as its the same.
    You sail through and then past that part of the map, you lose everything. Loot, resources, everything. Its basically a glorified immersive loading screen instead of leaving manually. Only benefit is your crew comes with you.

    The ship at your hideout does not move. You simply interact with the anchor to initiate the joining of a session. Its more intuitive than menu browsing is all.

    How is that a way to get away from pirates?
    That doesnt make any sense.

    Personally i wouldnt really visit a seperate worldspace home base if it felt disconnected only accessible by the menu screen, tap tapping of menus. Even less so would want to sink gold into it if it felt dis-jointed.

    Its basically the same as your idea, only you dont need to go through a menu. You simply sail ‘out’ of the game and arrive at your game mode seperate server and vise-versa.

  • Good idea, but it isn’t practical. The servers are empty enough nowadays. Letting pirates spend time in their own mini servers would encourage less people to actually play the real game. Instead they’d just be doing interior design in the tavern.

  • @daringclarky I would just use it as a way to get into the game, some kind of lobby, like arena tavern...
    But going there needs to be done from the main screen...
    Like the maiden voyage, when you finish that it doesn't bring you into the main menu again, it takes you to an outpost where you start like in any other session...

  • @schwammlgott Hey you asked how to expand upon it. Just doing as you asked mate. It doesnt make a difference anyways but whatever, its your thread.

  • @yungkrusty sagte in New game mode: own island:

    Good idea, but it isn’t practical. The servers are empty enough nowadays. Letting pirates spend time in their own mini servers would encourage less people to actually play the real game. Instead they’d just be doing interior design in the tavern.

    Right now people already jump in just for a few minutes to check shops/cosmetics and leave again...this takes away 1 ship space, which could have been a ship that actually plays...instead that crew get's into another server...that's even worse and doesn't help filling servers...

  • @daringclarky sagte in New game mode: own island:

    @schwammlgott Hey you asked how to expand upon it. Just doing as you asked mate. It doesnt make a difference anyways but whatever, its your thread.

    Sorry, didn't want to be mean...just saying that if you're able to sail there, it would just be another "sailing into the red" feature

  • @schwammlgott I think its not too bad if they have nothing to gain.
    Their loot would just drop on the sea as they leave too for you to harpoon up but they wouldnt leave that way as its the same as sailing into red sea only they dont respawn, they just leave lol.

    I agree tho, it shouldnt be a means to escape.
    Its just a little more immersion than menu surfing.

    Eitherway tho a hideout no matter how its done would be nice though.

    My current hideout is the shores of gold.
    I have everything i need there, Except a bed :)

  • @daringclarky menu thing just to get into it...your idea with raising the anchor to get into adventure from there is good, like it...
    Maybe use the voyage table to vote for adventure/arena and ship type...

  • @seatedsign2548 sagte in New game mode: own island:

    @schwammlgott hey what if you use the gold you got in adventure and arena

    Yeah, sure use the gold from adventure/arena, as there won't be any way to earn gold in that mode, just spending it there...
    MAYBE a little "starter" money, like you got in the maiden voyage

  • @daringclarky just had to re-read your first post...yeah, was a bit of a misunderstanding from my side, sorry...I'm at work at the moment and didn't read that precisely...

  • @schwammlgott No worries mate. Same happens to me all the time.

    I work in retail and it is so boring i regularly skive and check here.

    I’ll get caught one day im sure lol!

  • @Schwammlgott The idea is not new, but is also 1 that I'm not against, as you have explained it.

    My only concern would be using it as a means of shopping outside of Adventure mode. Even when shopping, there should be some potential risk involved. There's a reason you can't do it from the main menu.

    As for the emporium, in case you were thinking of bringing it up, it's accessible from the main menu because that deals with real transactions. Wouldn't you hate it if you purchased the wrong thing due to being attacked and in a panic, lost $30?

    The only shops in your Humble Abode mode should specifically be for the island itself, like a furniture or gardening shop with Fred and Gary, respectively.

    Even as a means of showing off, practicing, or as a launching pad, I do think that @YungKrusty has a point - I worry that Adventure mode would suffer as some might prefer to just "hang out" at home and fish or drink the day away.

  • @galactic-geek was thinking about the "shopping-risk" too...the question here is, is it better to have someone hop in for 5 minutes to browse the shop and take away the space for someone who actually fills the server?

  • @schwammlgott said in New game mode: own island:

    @galactic-geek was thinking about the "shopping-risk" too...the question here is, is it better to have someone hop in for 5 minutes to browse the shop and take away the space for someone who actually fills the server?

    I saw that response earlier and my answer to that is a great big, resounding...


  • @schwammlgott said in New game mode: own island:

    I know an "own island" has been suggested a few times already, not sure if my way of that idea has been brought up, so sorry if yes...

    I suggest a new "game mode", like the maiden voyage on a seperate tab...when starting it for the first time you get into a random generator like we have for our character, but this time we pick an island, about the size of an outpost
    We can use gold to build houses, one our home, another for shops we can buy everything like in adventure mode...also we can decorate everything the way we want to on the whole island and in the houses...
    There will be also a dock with our ship. We can't sail away with it, but we can put all cosmetics on we want to use in our upcoming session...
    This "mode" function as a "private lobby" to wait for your crewmates to arrive and start adventure or arena from you can invite up to 3 friends into it...

    The whole purpose of this would be
    -a gold sink
    -a lobby for your crew
    -a way to go shopping without beeing disturbed
    -a way to just jump in for a few minutes to look for cosmetics without blocking a place on servers

    Especially the last point would solve beeing server merged too often, as many people sometimes just jump in to look what's new and then leave again...

    What do you think of this? Got any ideas how to expand it?

    good idea then people would have to play adventure anyways if that was added i like yours better then the others

  • I was thinking about how it could work, when a whole 4 man crew is on that private island so the other 3 don't have to change to theyr island...

    Maybe this would work:
    Every Island has 2 docks in a 90 degrees angle to each other, and both about as long as the dock on Dagger Tooth Outpost
    There would be the shroud surrounding your island. When someone joins you, the shroud begins to disappear on one side where a dock is and the other guy's island appears there...his dock and yours merge into each other so it becomes if there are 4 people together the island are in sone kind of circle all attached to each other by that docks...
    This way everybody can be together and still have theyr island there, not forced to leave and get in alone to see theyr own island...hope it's understandable how I mean it...

    I will edit this to my OP...

  • When I play i just wanna get in, sail and do piratey stuff. Not enough time in the day anyway with sessions stretching as long as they do.. Just do irl DIY, something must need doing surely... Seems like a heck of a lot of work for what exactly?

  • @wagstr sagte in New game mode: own island:

    When I play i just wanna get in, sail and do piratey stuff. Not enough time in the day anyway with sessions stretching as long as they do.. Just do irl DIY, something must need doing surely... Seems like a heck of a lot of work for what exactly?

    For a gold the 1st place

  • @schwammlgott

    Sure they could come up with a gold sink without going to all that work but it's an option then, i'll still have the opportunity to spawn regularly at an outpost if I want so yeh, would be cool for when I do have time.

  • @wagstr sure, this would just be an optional start...
    I was even thinking about doing this for PL you surely have a bit of gold...

  • @schwammlgott I think that an outpost from the main menu like the arena lobby can be great, it wont be a physical place in adventure mode only a special place with other random crews, youll have fun minigames and activities with the addition of your own hideout.
    Can get with friends or by yourself and you can even add players there to a crew and set sail to adventure mode, it would take you to the loading screen.
    Gamgling duel and your own hideout, finally we can sink our gols into something and you can invite others to your place.
    Treasure room to see your progression the more things youve sold and special commendations will give you items to decorate your place like pieces of megs and krakens in your in your bedroom.
    New furniture shop and lots of cool things to do on that island, its the closest thing to an endgame because this world would always developed.

  • I feel like an easier way to accomplish this would be via a "second flood of the tavern" (though this would take some minimal work to the Arena Tavern so it looks like it has a second level inside). From a technical standpoint I think this would be easier and less strain, and less reason to just chill here.

    In this case, you'd have a generic floorplan that has 4 rooms with shut doors. When a player is in the Lobby, the door to one of the rooms opens up. Your room can be decorated, but minimally and preferably with things you unlock from playing Arena and Adventure and then purchase with some gold as a way to further show off among your own crew a little. I wouldn't put the shop here though (if we want something for that, just do like the Emporium and add an option to shop right in the main menu). You could have a Vote spot for Arena and Adventure like we do for Voyages in Adventure (toss your dagger down). Once a Vote is set the staircase that leads to the lower level becomes your "Set Sail" selection which will then drop you into the appropriate main Tavern as you load into your game after a quick load screen.

    This would basically serve as just a way to get your group together and going right in game, show off a handful of cosmetics among your crew, and decide what mode you want to play tonight. It wouldn't really encourage just hanging out on this Lobby area (where I could see the more complex island idea doing just that).

    Granted, Rare tested this gimmick a bit in their early Alpha and felt like it just slowed down getting to the action. As such, I wouldn't expect it to happen, even though I think it could be cool.

  • @yungkrusty said in New game mode: own island:

    Good idea, but it isn’t practical. The servers are empty enough nowadays. Letting pirates spend time in their own mini servers would encourage less people to actually play the real game. Instead they’d just be doing interior design in the tavern.

    Servers aren't empty, only limited. They're restricted to six ships total, so you could have everyone spread to the four corners of the seas, not able to see each other by pure happenstance.

  • Could maybe this idea be made to be part of the custom private servers? This would make renting them much more desirable in alot of ways, like if you could actually build on them islands on these servers.

    Downside would be only people who can afford to pay that extra fee would be able to do this.

    Also would this eventually cause a population drop in main adventure mode?

    One other question is would Rare even really want to do this? Right now we are pirates who live on the sea's and adding a way for us to be able to build would be a whole other chunk of time out of their schedule without really adding anything other than gold sink. Also would we be able to use mods? Building really is only good with mods. Well I guess that is more of my opinion but as someone who has done vanilla building, mods really is what brings building to life.

    Hope this makes sense, kinda sick at the moment.

  • @schwammlgott

    • Add the ability to pick a single ship there and set sail with the crew (similar to the Maiden voyage)
    • Add that others are not immune to your damage so you can duel

    Do that and I am all game...

  • @cotu42 sagte in New game mode: own island:


    • Add the ability to pick a single ship there and set sail with the crew (similar to the Maiden voyage)
    • Add that others are not immune to your damage so you can duel

    Do that and I am all game...

    I'd prefer @DaringClarky 's idea, to raise the anchor to get into adventure/arena...beeing able to sail in there doesn't really feel right to me...
    The duel idea is great, so yeah let's do this...

  • @redeyesith would be the small variant of that, yeah...but a whole island for yourself would be more interesting for me...

  • @schwammlgott said in New game mode: own island:

    @redeyesith would be the small variant of that, yeah...but a whole island for yourself would be more interesting for me...

    Of course it would, but if I don't think there is a good chance of my version making it to the game, I'm honestly hard pressed to think the personal island version will be a thing. The way it has been described, from a back end technical standpoint, it would be a major pain to try and setup. Thus I was posing a compromise to the idea that would require a little less technical wizardy while still presenting a similar gimmick. Again, I still think the complexity behind setting up my variant is still too complex and thus makes it wildly unlikely for it to ever happen.

  • @schwammlgott I liked the transition between the Maiden Voyage and the appearing at the outpost in the adventure mode (maybe a less long voyage), sail into the shroud and get loaded into the game.

  • @cotu42 sagte in New game mode: own island:

    @schwammlgott I liked the transition between the Maiden Voyage and the appearing at the outpost in the adventure mode (maybe a less long voyage), sail into the shroud and get loaded into the game.

    Maybe as an skipable option, but sailing a little while to get into main game every time you're in there seems a bit annoying after a while...

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