Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL Community Competition) - Best 'Sunrise or Sunset' Screenshot!

  • Nothing like watching the sun set over the seas

  • @lizalaroo WE WILL

  • @lizalaroo

    I couldn’t help but notice that you have upvoted almost every other post except mine. Clearly I didn’t stand a chance of winning before. I updated my original post and posted a new picture. I’m hoping now I have a chance at winning

  • Imgur

    I never win these events but I wanted to highlight this beautiful sunset on the day I passed the reigns of captan to my former deckhand friend now pirate legend brother! Now I can kick back let him sail and have sum good old grog!

  • The skellies are early birbs

  • @lizalaroo

    Just a nice view near Plunder Valley

  • Enjoying the sunset at sea dog's tavern.


  • Just giving me flashbacks to failing to earn the Golden Hour sails :(

  • @lizalaroo

  • Painted like a French girl.

  • sun risen at valley of chiefs

  • Arena Sunset!

  • @lizalaroo

    Sunset entry - Saying Goodnight

    alt text

  • alt text

    Remember when galleons had four lamps at the bow? :-)

  • @lizalaroo
    Entry for Sunset- Thieves Haven Sunset
    Long day of looting, time to sit back, relax, and watch the sunset.

  • alt text

  • @thejoker571 I’d give you all a code for your screenshots if I was able to! Lol You all produce amaaazing screenies! Don’t go on what I like or not, sometimes it’s just to remind me where I’ve got to in the sea of pics I have to swim through every week :D and I look through them multiple times when they aren’t previewing.

  • Sunset "The End"

  • @lizalaroo said in Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL Community Competition) - Best 'Sunrise or Sunset' Screenshot!:

    I look through them multiple times when they aren’t previewing.

    For people who are having issues posting and getting it to preview, I noticed recently posting just the Imgur link no longer embeds so I had a play with it. Weirdly, it seems to work if you post the BBCode link (in the "Get share links" options) and remove the img tag at the start but leave the close tag at the end (it needs to have the .png in the link as well). I also embed a direct link anyway just to be sure.

  • If you have to take a great picture of the burning sun, why not taking one that fully represents the burning character of our little friend ?

    So here it is, warm and spicy as we like it ^^

  • Since I remembered to get my entry in this time.

    I call it peaceful above the shroud...

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