Anyone else think the game would just be more fun without blunder?

  • What I mean is, we have a sword for melee, it has multiple mechanics that make it interesting and fun, yet there's a weapon that can one shot or nearly one shot you + knockback.

    When I think of pirates and boarding I think of sword fights and pistol draws, not a bunch of people popping blunders and then jumping off the ship if they miss. I'm not saying it's overpowered but it's just... getting stale

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  • Nope. Each weapon is best in different situations and can be countered. Perhaps you just haven't found the ideal way to counter this "stale" behavior yet.

  • Personally I am fine with the blunderbus as it exists, mechanically speaking. It is acctually pretty hard to one shot sombody unless they're stuck using a cannon or wheel and not trying to fight back, its rarely a one shot for me. However I do feel that the amount of damage the blunderbus and sniper can do before grabbing more ammo is a bit absurd, its a tough decision to grab a pistol over a blunderbus in most ship engagements, but i feel if the blunderbus could only carry 3 or 4 shots max, while the pistol was boosted to 6 and the sniper remained at 5 would be good for balance, in theory a blunderbus should never be too far from an ammo box anyway so it shouldnt be too big of an issue. But a pistol cannot kill a player who eats all their food if its a pomegranite or higher while a sniper and blunderbus can. It just seems odd to me.

  • Well, playing without it is sure more fun than playing with it... I don't think it should be removed though, it just needs adjusting IMO.
    It's not a matter of being able to counter it or not, it's just that it's not as fun as the other weapons.

  • @zulgaines the eor and blunder are both kind of stale in my opinion. I agree that perhaps the increased damage should be counterbalanced with decreased ammo capacity

  • @omniadmin said in Anyone else think the game would just be more fun without blunder?:

    Nope. Each weapon is best in different situations and can be countered. Perhaps you just haven't found the ideal way to counter this "stale" behavior yet.

    I think you missed the end of my post, or are a bit defensive of this particular weapon. Sword fights are just so rare because of it. Wouldn't you enjoy them more? During boarding/defending many people don't even carry a sword anymore, just a blunder and a second weapon.

    @lord-zephyr42 said in Anyone else think the game would just be more fun without blunder?:

    Personally I am fine with the blunderbus as it exists, mechanically speaking. It is acctually pretty hard to one shot sombody unless they're stuck using a cannon or wheel and not trying to fight back, its rarely a one shot for me. However I do feel that the amount of damage the blunderbus and sniper can do before grabbing more ammo is a bit absurd, its a tough decision to grab a pistol over a blunderbus in most ship engagements, but i feel if the blunderbus could only carry 3 or 4 shots max, while the pistol was boosted to 6 and the sniper remained at 5 would be good for balance, in theory a blunderbus should never be too far from an ammo box anyway so it shouldnt be too big of an issue. But a pistol cannot kill a player who eats all their food if its a pomegranite or higher while a sniper and blunderbus can. It just seems odd to me.

    I kind of like this idea, I guess my main point is I never get to PvP with swords as often as I'd like due to blunder being such a go-to for most close quarters combat.

  • The Game IS Fun. period.

  • Grenades were widely used by pirates and featured in the very beginning of the most successful pirate series. Pirates of the Caribbean.

    It would be untrue to history to remove them. 😈

  • Would be fun without sword trading, time to trash the stun or fix it so the first person to hit actually finishes a combo instead of trading hits until he is dead

  • The EoR is the silliest weapon in the game, imagine pirates of old bouncing about through the air, hip shooting others with one 🤯

  • @needsmokes Imagine pirates of old shooting themselves out of cannons.

  • @supersnipper60

    Some of the earliest forms of biological warfare right there.
    Shooting body parts riddled with desease into a seige environment.

  • @zulgaines I didn't miss the end of your post at all. This stale tactic is just the current meta for a lot of people. Creating effective counters is part of what makes someone good at PVP. I like that challenge.

  • @zulgaines said in [Anyone else think the game would just be more fun without

    I think you missed the end of my post, or are a bit defensive of this particular weapon. Sword fights are just so rare because of it. Wouldn't you enjoy them more? During boarding/defending many people don't even carry a sword anymore, just a blunder and a second weapon.

    Its not sword fights are rare its that sword fights are garbage. Combat in itself is garbage in this game.

    Sword fights were better when the game first game out because it would FORCE a sword fight if you got hit. You either pull out your sword and fight or die.

    Launch mechanics -

    When you swung with the sword you were slowed to a crawl. Huge movement speed debuff. However, if you hit your target they were stunned in place. They could spin but they couldn't eat, shoot, or reload. The counter to this is that you can still swap weapons and if you swapped to sword or had your sword equipped, you could pull up your block.

    Now when you use block you also got a movement speed debuff. So basically the fights were dependent on mind games on blocking or hitting, using the side step (holding block and jumping to any direction)

    You were forced INTO a sword battle because you got caught or because you got cornered.

    The stun worked REALLY well.

    The reason why it changed was because of the Double Gun exploit. They have changed combat so that players can have a double gun loadout but they keep failing to make combat "fun".

    Blunder needs to be where its at. Its very easily avoidable but if you want to change blunder then you need to change the rest of the weapons because if you nerf blunder then the other weapons just become too strong in comparison.

    I say overhaul combat completely though.

    I kind of like this idea, I guess my main point is I never get to PvP with swords as often as I'd like due to blunder being such a go-to for most close quarters combat.

    ?? Really?? I usually never run into blunder, almost always sniper. I don't want to call shenanigans but I don't run into blunder a lot. Most blunder users are usually relatively new players. Until they start to get a feel for where that center of the screen is then they slowly start to transition to sniper for quick scoping.

    Blunder is however the go to for ladder guarding though, which is understandable since characters climbing ladders is glitchy as hell. You could get a hit marker most times but they don't take damage, or they do the drop and grab to avoid damage while climbing. Blunder is the best tool for ladder guarding.

    If your boat is stationary and the player is in the water then get a pistol or sniper (sniper if you are good enough at quick scoping) and shot them in the water.

    I've killed ladder guards from the water because I had a sniper and could shoot them and they had a blunder and could only WAIT for me to try and climb the ladder. One shot is usually good enough to get them to either run and hide and eat food or eat food right then and there.

    Lots to learn broski.

  • No.

    Stop running up to kiss everyone.

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