A Rough State

  • I think a lot of the people passionate about this game have really watched the game get into a state where pvp is rough and can genuinely lose it's fun. Fast. So far my biggest issue as of late is double gunning. On top of that, if you don't use the method, you watch people complain and be toxic. I think all methods of weapons have their own place but right now, the pc players have a major advantage. Hit registration did not get fixed. At all. I've been watching a ton of my shots go through players. I'm not a developer so I can't predict or understand fully what is going through their heads at Rare but this can't be a state of the game they are happy with right? I mean even Arena is a joke because one ship farms another and wins. That's it. Farm or lose. I love the game to death but I'm at a point where it just doesn't feel fun anymore to have a player use the double gun strat on pc melt you instantly and spawn camp. It's just sad to watch something I've been playing since launch have new players just dominate all because of a strategy/meta that there is nothing to do against other than run at them and hope they miss while you zig zag.

    It just feels like we've hit a point where some pve content gets added (which is most definitely just ashen stuff nowadays) and that's it. That's what we get. I hope to see some changes with how the flow of pvp is but until then it's get a bunch of toxic comments and flak for using anything but double guns they use and die almost instantly.

    One last thing; A easier report system is most definitely need for the game. Lots of trollers popping up as of late. I had about 5 join in and out in one session. Really rough.

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  • @zidotexe If you just look at the remaining problems you'll always be in rough state. Hit reg has gone forward a LOT in past 2 months. They fixed invisible walls near ladders and shooting into water is much more reliable now. Sometimes shots go through but it's same for everyone. Things are better now than few months ago though, so much better.

    Arena also now kicks out empty boats so you can't farm them. Sure you can farm ships that have crew and don't understand to scuttle when there's no hope to recover, but you can't fix ignorance in any game.

  • @zidotexe I agree with most of what you said, people who doublegun always clown on people who don't, and vise versa. Arena is in a bad place and they should change how the point system works for cannonballs. Hopefully I can shed some light as to WHY hitreg is so terrible.

    Someone did a test, they created a mod that tracked the tickrate of the server. The video was months ago, but it should still hold true. Anyways, when they were just walking around the tickrate was between 10-12, and when they were shooting their weapons it went down to an 8 tickrate. For reference, CSGO has a tickrate of 64 and Valorant has a tickrate of 128. 8 is an abysmal tickrate and opens up the door to a lot of hitreg.

    The reason for why the servers have an 8 tickrate is because of the Microsoft Azure servers, the servers Sea of Thieves runs on. Since the servers and Sea of Thieves are owned by Microsoft, it's probably in Rare's contract that they have to use the Azure servers for SOT. And I would assume that Microsoft isn't going to let a gaming company completely change how the Azure servers work, because there are many other people who also use those servers, so changing it for SOT would affect other people.

    That's why hitreg is so bad for Sea of Thieves, the servers themselves are the problem. And because Rare is partnered with Microsoft, they can't just change servers, so they are stuck fixing a broken machine instead of just replacing it.

    I agree with most of your points above, a report system would be very good. Sea of Thieves is not a toxic game though, if you play games like CSGO, Rust, Overwatch, those are the toxic games. Sea of Thieves is one of the least toxic games that has voice and text chat. Now while people definitely are toxic, someone saying, "Sword bot, use doublegun for once in your life," Isn't being toxic.

    I'd say that most people like Sea of Thieves, the PvP system isn't very good and that sucks, but most people have accepted it and like stealing loot. If you want to leave the game because you're not having fun, do it. If you're not having fun with a game you should move on to something else, because games are supposed to be fun.

  • @kaijoi There's a pretty straightforward fix for SoT's hitreg tbh.
    Instead of trying to do a similar hitreg system as CSGO (feels like its 100% serverside, but with clientside hitmarkers that don't really matter at all lol), they could make it completely client-sided until their current solution is "fixed". This means a hitmarker on your screen = the enemy gets hit and takes damage. No dumb backtracks (actually missed your shot but the enemy still takes damage somehow) and no more getting 12893471 hitmarkers on the same player without him eating even a damn worm and still standing there like nothing happened.
    In theory this should be pretty easy to do from the developers perspective as we already have "working" client-sided hitreg as you already get hitmarkers for hitting a players hitbox.

    Also, hitreg after last update was actually somewhat okay, but somehow its as bad or worse than ever again after ashen winds (1 step forward, 2 steps back smh). I don't think removing wallbangs was a good idea as pvp on arena outposts is literally unplayable if you use anything other than a sword.

  • @eversiince

    they could make it completely client-sided until their current solution is "fixed". This means a hitmarker on your screen = the enemy gets hit and takes damage. No dumb backtracks (actually missed your shot but the enemy still takes damage somehow) and no more getting 12893471 hitmarkers on the same player without him eating even a damn worm and still standing there like nothing happened.

    In theory this should be pretty easy to do from the developers perspective as we already have "working" client-sided hitreg as you already get hitmarkers for hitting a players hitbox.

    I actually thought that this would be a good idea for fixing hitreg, just make any hitmarker you get actually hit for damage. But then I started doing TDMs a lot, and I saw that your hitbox doesn't matter for hitmarkers, your player model and the visuals do. If you are a fat character you will get WAY more hitmarkers on you that don't actually do damage because your visual is not your hitbox. If they added an all hitmarkers do damage strategy, it would mean if you are a fat character you no longer have the same hitbox as a skinny guy, and you will die way quicker because your visual is now your hitbox.

    That's just one reason why doing client side hitmarkers aren't a good idea. Another one is if you have high ping, the game will just give you hitmarkers for all backtracks, you don't even have to hit someone in order for there to be a hitmarker. And vise versa, when you have high ping, you could actually hit someone but you don't get a hitmarker.

    Also, hitreg after last update was actually somewhat okay, but somehow its as bad or worse than ever again after ashen winds (1 step forward, 2 steps back smh). I don't think removing wallbangs was a good idea as pvp on arena outposts is literally unplayable if you use anything other than a sword.

    Hitreg definitely got worse after this update, but removing wallbangs whether you like it or not is what the developers want their game to have. Objectively speaking, we COULD add crafting into the game, it wouldn't be bad for the game, and if anything it would improve the PvE aspect, but it's up to the developers if they want their game to have crafting. Same with wallbangs, the devs don't want their game to have wallbanging, they don't want it to be one of those games with wallbanging.

    As for PvP on arena outposts, I have around 70 clips of me stealing chests from people solo on the outpost using doublegun. Some of the time both of them came at me with a sword, and other times they came at me with doublegun. To say, pvp on arena outposts is literally unplayable if you use anything other than a sword. Is not true.

    Just one video of me fighting people on the outpost (I have 5 other videos if you want more)

  • @KaiJoi

    If you are a fat character you will get WAY more hitmarkers on you that don't actually do damage because your visual is not your hitbox.

    Your visual is indeed not your hitbox, but from the testing i've done personally it seems that the hitbox is the same for all players, which it should be. If you shoot a really fat character in the side of the stomach your bullet will literally fly right through, meanwhile a skinny players hitbox seems absolutely massive compared. Fat characters being "easier" to hit is simply just placebo.

    As for PvP on arena outposts, I have around 70 clips of me stealing chests from people solo on the outpost using doublegun. Some of the time both of them came at me with a sword, and other times they came at me with doublegun. To say, pvp on arena outposts is literally unplayable if you use anything other than a sword. Is not true.

    The amount of chests i've stolen at outposts has probably exceeded 300 by now. I'm well aware that it used to be fine, but I'm talking about after the ashen winds update, sorry if I didn't make myself clear on that. Go into arena now and try doublegunning on an outpost a few times, you'll probably see just how broken it is.

  • Have u try using the sword and just spam the attack button? U don't even need aim and u can stunlock two enemies in the tight cabin of a ship. Another tip is to jump off the ship whenever u r low and take a bite of that chicken, climb back up with full HP. U can also utilize the blunderbomb, two of those in the face just kills about anybody.

  • Client side hit registration is extremely easy to exploit, if not outright cheat. That's a terrible suggestion.

  • @eversiince

    Your visual is indeed not your hitbox, but from the testing i've done personally it seems that the hitbox is the same for all players, which it should be. If you shoot a really fat character in the side of the stomach your bullet will literally fly right through, meanwhile a skinny players hitbox seems absolutely massive compared. Fat characters being "easier" to hit is simply just placebo.

    You're right, every player has the same hitbox (the green skeleton) and fat characters being easier to hit is a placebo. I wasn't arguing that, I was saying you get hitmarkers for hitting the sides of a fat pirate. Even though you didn't hit their hitbox, because you hit the visual (the fat rolls on the side) it will give you a hitmarker, even though you didn't hit their hitbox. That's why I said adding a, "All hitmarkers do damage," strategy wouldn't be good, as if you were a big pirate you would die faster because your visual is now your hitbox.

    The amount of chests i've stolen at outposts has probably exceeded 300 by now. I'm well aware that it used to be fine, but I'm talking about after the ashen winds update, sorry if I didn't make myself clear on that. Go into arena now and try doublegunning on an outpost a few times, you'll probably see just how broken it is.

    Okay. I thought you were just complaining that outposts are impossible to PvP at because of sword. If you just mean it's bad because of Ashen Winds, I can agree.

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