Give everyone a default of each pet, and make pets a utility

  • Monkeys- Patch up holes if you give them wooden planks and cook food when you give them food
    Cats- Slowly auto regenerate health when nearby them
    Parrots- Bring things back to the ship, and call out events if placed in the crows nest, or nearby ships

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  • Rare needs to make money in order to support continued growth of the Sea. If everyone has a pet, nobody would need to buy one. Furthermore, they may be stuck with a pet appearance that they don't even like.

    As for pet abilities, this would separate the community into being different from other pirates when the entire premise is that we're all supposed to be the same mechanics-wise. Besides, since it's pirate-dependent, there would be nothing stopping a 3- or 4-pirate crew from having all of their abilities, and therefore making them even better than smaller crews moreso than they already are, because smaller crews will simply be stuck with fewer pets.

    There are a LOT of problems with this.

    Please think about the ramifications of your ideas before you post.

  • @galactic-geek Bigger ships already have an advantage over smaller ships due to their numbers. Having little goblins do things for you, if done right, shouldnt change much but make me actually want to use the pets.

    They would still make money because appearances. Thats like saying because there are already ship skins, no one is gonna buy the shop ones.

    It would actually help solo because they could be warned if a galleon is nearby, or have help to repair.

    Please think about the ramifications? okay you didnt think much beyond gallion is OP!!!

  • @reekyu Make no mistake - the ships are actually balanced to their strengths really well. It's the coordination of the crew that sets them apart.

  • @galactic-geek they are balanced out, that doesnt mean the pets wouldnt be

  • @Galactic-Geek

    Please think about the ramifications of your ideas before you post.

    Seems a bit harsh. He's only sharing his thoughts. Nobody here has ever said they are an expert have they?

  • @daringclarky said in Give everyone a default of each pet, and make pets a utility:


    Please think about the ramifications of your ideas before you post.

    Seems a bit harsh. He's only sharing his thoughts. Nobody here has ever said they are an expert have they?

    Having the animals help you is Pay To Win, so @Galactic-Geek is right.

  • @reekyu No. That would be Pay 2 Win. A full galleon could have 4 monkeys repairing their ship, while three are firing, and one is steering. The pets are purely cosmetic and they will always be.


  • @reekyu said in Give everyone a default of each pet, and make pets a utility:


    You literally just said all monkeys would be able to repair if given planks. So what if a crew equips two monkeys, effectively letting them repair while the two players manage the rest of the ship? It'd be like having a crew of four on a sloop, which would be extremely overpowered.

    Or, what if a team of four all equips cats? You said all cats would have the power to regenerate your crew when they're nearby, so would that mean having four cats makes your crew functionally invincible?

  • @reekyu said in Give everyone a default of each pet, and make pets a utility:


    Salty, much? The galleon would be invincible with cats. Unsinkable with monkeys. All seeing with the parrots. No.

  • @supersnipper60 said in Give everyone a default of each pet, and make pets a utility:

    @daringclarky said in Give everyone a default of each pet, and make pets a utility:


    Please think about the ramifications of your ideas before you post.

    Seems a bit harsh. He's only sharing his thoughts. Nobody here has ever said they are an expert have they?

    Having the animals help you is Pay To Win, so @Galactic-Geek is right.

    It's not pay to win if everybody has a default pet. However... Galactic has made good points too being that pets doing stuff takes it away from other crew mates.

    But it would eliminate the pay 2 win aspect.

    But I agree, it would cause more harm than good.

  • Playing devils advocate here, not saying this would work with your idea because i think it takes away from the game, but a balance side of fixing your initial post and make it not game breaking is

    Have only one pet be able to do one of the described things you are talking about
    (so not 4-3 or 2 people have a pet and break the game) Think of it as going to the shipwright and choosing a crew mate pet but only one.

    But than poses a problem of if it's a crew member of sorts it would need a health pool to make it stop doing whatever buff it is giving, or eliminate i.e the captain of the vessel

    although a nifty idea pets should just stay as cosmetics, you should be doing the work it's not that hard.

    Pets should have things like, new animations, their own style emotes, with or without owner, things of that sort.

  • The only thing i can imagine is, if you hand a small item to them like a skull, gem or other stuff that fits into a collectors chest they can run and sell it.
    For a gem, they would sell it randomly, chests, kegs are too big for them.

    But i agree, Rare needs the money, if you give everyone a pet for free, less people will buy one.

    And i also have to say the pets are mostly a disturbance while PvP, you pick them up accidently if you want to grab the sails or a chest or you conisder a player where is a pet only etc. , i barley use them, also because they often dont sit where you placed them, but follow you when they shouldn't

    Sometimes Sir Henry sits in front of the wheel to fight the lonliness.

  • @reekyu as people are pointing out, the proposed abilities might be too strong, however there could be other abilities or requirements such as:

    The monkey only repairs if you give him a plank to repair and he has been fed

    The cat only heals 1 full heal after being fed fish

    The parrot only calls out one thing per food.

    Now you have to balance food supplies with the abilities.

    Or make the abilities nonsensical and fun such as:
    the parrot repeats anything the owner says in the wheel of pirate phrases. (Custom text will not be read)
    The monkey picks up small pieces of treasure* and walks around with it, or wears skulls as hats (if it isnt in a collector chest) (*the treasure being picked up is limited to the pieces on your ship and will be dropped if the monkey teleports or follows you off the ship)
    The cat sometimes will catch chickens or snakes on land or fish at sea but will only give you a falf eaten piece of it. (Fish limited to splash tails)

  • I'm going to say nay, I find pets in this game obnoxious so I would rather avoid having them as commonplace.

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