Part Suggestion/Part Angry Rant

  • Ok, imagine this. We're only a few levels away from pirate legend, we have a ship full of good loot and we just reached emissary level 5. We turn our ship about to race for the outpost when the sea turns black and up pops the kraken along with 2 skeleton ships AND then the giant shark jumps in. And this is the second time that has happened to me. WHAT THE HE(heck)LL RARE?? There was nothing we could do. Our sloop was destroyed in under a minute, our loot and emissary status lost and my friend rage quit vowing never to play again. Balance this damn game, please.

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  • @morgtastic2001 sounds like you got really unlucky...but also sounds like you probably should have been turning your loot a little more frequently. If you lost enough loot to where you guys got so mad that you rage quit, then you had too much on your boat.

  • @morgtastic2001 All I can say to that is ouch! Bad luck! I can remember a time back in Cursed Sails when I had finished a Fort and then like 4 skeleton galleons spawned and blew my sloop to pieces! We all have bad luck sometimes, just don't let it get you down.

  • try again. It's just bad luck and you'll get many good future voyages in with little trouble. I've gotten all 3 PvE events twice already and only survived one of those. It happens, but rarely.

  • On a Sloop, and two skeleton ships spawn?
    Define, what type? because...if two sloop skeletons. you should be fine especially if they are in the kraken.

    Also, the Meg does not attack you unless you attack it first when sailing a Sloop. So all you really had to focus on is a Kraken which....anyone can defeat two-three tentacles rather quickly.

    Sorry, I smell fishy.

  • @morgtastic2001 Dont give up you are so close. When I was really close to PL along with my crewmate I swear its like the game knew and did everything it could to stop us lol. That is how our ship got the name of the ship of shattered dreams.

  • We survived it once.
    Be more pirate!

  • @burnbacon It was just 2 skeleton sloop ships but they were frozen in the black water just like us, both of them hammering us with their cannons from either side. We couldn't get near our cannons and I don't think the Kraken actually managed to damage us before the ship sank and the shark was just swimming around. But all 3 enemies spawning at the same time? It was just crazy.

  • @morgtastic2001

    You head to sea when no skull fort or fleet clouds were out, making you a target for the Kraken. It is a risk you took.

    You are out on the sea where the unpredictable can happen. Yet you had to have supplies at that point, keep sailing, keep repairing and bailing and you most likely could have escaped. If you were in for a challenge you could even defeat it, not easy but can be done.

    Skeleton ships don't really care about the krakens black waters they are fueled by magic. If they are sloops hit the top deck with a fire bomb and the cannon skellie dies fast, pump 10ish cannon shots into it and it sinks. They should be your main target anyway. The kraken and megalodon are not that threatening on a sloop, keep one person below deck and one on offense, you should have been able to survive.

    This is a game, sometimes you win, some times you lose. It is a PvEvP game and sometimes either element can be your demise. To me it sounds more like inexperience than the threats that took you out.

  • @cstrap sagte in Part Suggestion/Part Angry Rant:

    @morgtastic2001 sounds like you got really unlucky...but also sounds like you probably should have been turning your loot a little more frequently. If you lost enough loot to where you guys got so mad that you rage quit, then you had too much on your boat.

    Just that it makes not much sense as emissary if you turn your loot in before reaching grade 5 on your flag.
    Everytime I do exactly what he did (he said that they just reached grade 5) to get the maximum of the emissary flag boost out of the entire treasure I have collected to far.
    Sure, this can be risky, but most times it just works. Also this is a good way to trigger emergent skeleton sloops so I get even more loot.
    Only like 2 regular trade company voyages are often needed to accomplish grade 5 and once I sell that loot, I usually don't lower the flag unlike most people seem to do, so I can conveniently step by at the outposts more often (as you suggested) to sell at max boost without needing to hoard all treasure again first.
    So risk first, safe way later. Well, if you are ever truly safe on the Sea of Thieves...

    When I was attacked by the Kraken, I didn't even have much loot on my ship and just reached grade 3. So yeah, the Kraken stays the Kraken anyways, means you just have more stuff to collect for your rowboat in case there was more treasure on board.

  • @morgtastic2001 I find pve rather easy - but I can agree with you that this is an issue because this has happened to me and my enemies multiple times during pvp. Which makes fights extremely unfair to whichever party gets the aggro. If pve didn't decide the outcome of so many of my battles I wouldn't be so bothered by it, but it has - which is incredibly frustrating.

  • You are new to the game, and you got unlucky. That sort of bad luck is not an everyday occurence. In time, you will be experienced enough to win such battles sometimes. But you won't always.

    Please do not beg for the game to made easier because you had a bad experience on one of your first outings. We like the game the way it is.

    One day, you will defeat an enemy ship, a skeleton ship AND a megalodon; all of which attack you at once. Then: You will have a story to tell; and that is what is game is about. The stories.

  • It is possible but you have to be very carefull to stay full life. You got a hit, go inside and eat! Don't wait. Mostly damages in this game, can only hit you of 90% of your life.

    I already did several time (I mean 2 skeletons, 1 meg, 1 kraken) with solo sloop, stay inside, repare, check your map that you keep your direction, try to snipe the kraken. When kraken do a hug, fire on the head of this tentacle NOT THE BODY!

    Keep in mind : Inside / Stay full life / Sniper / Fire on the head / Keep your direction / Don't get sucked by the kraken.

  • Some people rather wanna call for nerfs instead of learning how to play the game.

  • @Morgtastic2001 You could have turned your boat around the moment you got inked and repaired as you did so, because the fastest way out of that muck is the way back. Once out, you no longer have to worry about the kraken and can start to deal with the 2 ships. If the meg joins in, just sail close to an island to lose it.

  • The sea give and the sea taketh

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