POLL! What is your Favorite Shanty? And... please participate! (C'mon, It's fun!)

  • With the introduction of the 8 new shanties, we have... like... 14? So, let me know, which is your favorite, and which is your least favorite!

    Here's the Shanty List:

    -Grogg Mayles
    -Bosun Bill
    -Ride of the Valykyries
    -Summon the Megalodon
    -We Shall Sail Together (Short)
    -We Shall Sail Together (Long)
    -Who Shall not be Returning
    -Stitcher's Sorrow
    -Happy Birthday
    -Jolly Good Fellow
    -Seek the Dead
    -Maiden Voyage

    Please answer in this format, just to keep things neat:

    (Favorite Song)
    (Why it is your favorite)

    (Least Favorite Song)
    (Why it is your least favorite)

    I'm excited to see the results! As for me, it follows like so:

    Maiden Voyage
    It is such a staple of the game, it always comes to mind when I think of SoT. Very glad to be able to play it myself!

    Seek the Dead
    This is a great song, I love it, however, It's just not for me. I think It's too slow and calm for my taste.

    Enough from me, let's hear from everyone else!

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  • @klutchxking518 said in POLL! What is your Favorite Shanty? And... please participate!:

    With the introduction of the 8 new shanties, we have... like... 14? So, let me know, which is your favorite, and which is your least favorite!

    Here's the Shanty List:

    -Grogg Mayles
    -Bosun Bill
    -Ride of the Valykyries
    -Summon the Megalodon
    -We Shall Sail Together (Short)
    -We Shall Sail Together (Long)
    -Who Shall not be Returning
    -Stitcher's Sorrow
    -Happy Birthday
    -Jolly Good Fellow
    -Seek the Dead
    -Maiden Voyage

    Please answer in this format, just to keep things neat:

    (Favorite Song)
    (Why it is your favorite)

    (Least Favorite Song)
    (Why it is your least favorite)

    I'm excited to see the results! As for me, it follows like so:

    Maiden Voyage
    It is such a staple of the game, it always comes to mind when I think of SoT. Very glad to be able to play it myself!

    Seek the Dead
    This is a great song, I love it, however, It's just not for me. I think It's too slow and calm for my taste.

    Enough from me, let's hear from everyone else!

    mine top fav is 1812 needs more cowbell and cannons least is seek the dead I don't really like it very much

  • @closinghare208 I see! Yeah, 1812 is pretty spicy! Not feeling seek the dead either, eh?

  • 1812 is sick its my favorite, on second is stitcher jims the other rare ost are also pretty good but heard them to often

  • Favourite: Stitcher's Sorrow
    I really love listening to the vocal version on Spotify and sing the lyrics when playing the shanty now. A mournful tune but I love the emotion in it. (Honourable mentions: Becalmed and We Shall Sail Together, again I like to sing the lyrics)

    Least Favourite: Happy Birthday
    I don't hate it but it's a bit gimmicky.

  • @klutchxking518 said in POLL! What is your Favorite Shanty? And... please participate! (C'mon, It's fun!):

    @closinghare208 I see! Yeah, 1812 is pretty spicy! Not feeling seek the dead either, eh?


  • Absolutely love Maiden Voyage, especially with a Hurdy Gurdy as the lead. Feels like its own miniature adventure, with musical elements we heard in both the actual Maiden Voyage as well as the captivating intro before the main menu. It feels like a recap of everything that brought the game to the point it is now.

    As for least favorite (though I really do appreciate it), I'd say Happy Birthday. It's about the opposite of Maiden Voyage, it's a tune you've heard a hundred times before, and would only become an annoyance if your crew played it for more than a couple minutes at a time. Don't get me wrong, it celebrates something truly priceless, but it can't hold up to other shanties in terms of musical quality.

  • It's a tie between "Hunt the Megalodon" and "Becalmed" for me.

  • @klutchxking518 Mine is either maiden voyage or who shall not be returning.
    Least favorite is "Seek the Dead." Just not very good tbh.

  • @klutchxking518

    I really like all the shanties and like to use certain ones at certain times.

    But if I had to pick a favorite, it'd probably be Grogg Mayles. It's a good tune and still sounds good when played solo on a banjo. (My preferred instrument)

    Least favorite, probably either Happy Birthday or Ride of the Valkyries. Nothing against them really, I've just heard them too much in other contexts. It takes me out of the game a bit.

  • @v-hombre Respectable. Grogg Mayles was my favorite before the new ones were introduced.q

  • We shall sail together. - Waited long enough to play it on my boat. nuff' said. the rendition we got is BEAUTIFUL.

    Seek the Dead - Its ok, but its just not on par with any of the others :(

  • Am i the only one who loves ,, happy birthday “ shanty the most ? I love it sice i first heard it in tavern

  • @fgfoot

    I'm glad it's there, (I'm already planning to send my nieces and nephews clips of me playing it for their birthdays) but as far as playing a shanty to get me in a pirating mood, that one ain't gonna get much use.

  • 1812 is my favorite sounds great even solo on the banjo
    im still waiting for some player crew to make a V for vendetta type YT vid of them kegging ships in time to the music while their crew plays the song... plz let this be made soon

  • @klutchxking518

    Favorite: Grogg Mayles

    It was the first shanty I ever played when I picked up an instrument in this game over at old Ancient aspire outpost in May of 2018... it reminds me of my early days when every thing was new and struck awe and curiosity into me around every turn!

    Least Favorite: Seek the Dead

    It just doesn’t sound like a Sea Shanty to me :/

  • @klutchxking518

    Favorite: 1812 on Banjo
    Why(?): Sounds awesome on it. (although the other shanties are also pretty good)

    Least Favorite: Seek the Dead
    Why(?): Don't really get it.

  • I guess the only good use for the Happy Birthday would be having a crew member keg someone to it.

    Happy birthday to you! Boom Happy birthday to you! death noise Happy birthday, here's a keg, happy birthday to you! Sinking noises

  • Seek The Dead sounds like a bit slower version of an old C64 classic - Forbidden Forest's title music. I love its eerie vibe, especially sailing through dense fog. If it is a nod to that from the composer(s), big hug to them.

  • Favourite Who shall not be returning.
    I like this one as i sink quite often and its a great song to play will your ship is claimed by the waves.
    I do like We shall Sail Together as well cos it just makes me think of SoT...

    Least Favourite Ride of the Valykyries.
    If i have to hear this one more time im gonna scream LOL... it has just been played to death IMO.

  • Summon the megalodon and 1812 for best shanties

  • Who Shall Not Be Returning, easy

  • 'Summon the Megalodon' is my favorite, especially after hearing someones own lyrics for it, playing it on the banjo while singing the lyrics is nice. 2nd favorite it 'Becalmed' and third is 'Stitcher's Sorrow'.

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