• when the game was released it was possible to listen to the ingame chat parallel to the xbox party chat. Nowadays the feature is no longer available. I have now listened to various platforms from reddit to xbox sea of ​​thieves groups and everyone reports the same thing that they no longer hear the ingame chat in xbox party chat, again this is still possible as an PC player ... My attitude at MS and XBox Live do not contradict this, so I would still have to hear everyone ... Why is that xbox players no longer hear ingame chat as soon as they enter an xbox chat party. This is a huge disadvantage compared to any PC player and significantly interferes with the gaming experience. I play SOT since release and for me it is a massive impairment of the gaming experience compared to the release

  • 7
    xbox one
  • I don't really know. 🤷‍♂️

    Perhaps you should ask Microsoft.

  • As far as I know, it's always worked this way with Xbox. The party chat always prevents you from hearing in game chat.

  • @chadpot It’s true. Since day one, it’s been this way for Xbox players. It’s a Microsoft thing, as far as I’m aware.

  • I can be in a mixed party of Xbox and PC players, and those of us on Xbox are unable to hear or communicate with any other players outside of our chat, whilst those in our party chat on PC can hear and communicate with speech back.

    So cannon balls is the only way of communicating.. Morse code!

  • I Hope they will fix this issue! please report this issue and share the topic. That u cant hear both chats simultaneously on Xbox.

    The support team gaves me this anwser:

    "Ahoy there,

    We just wanted to assure you that our test team are continuing to look into your report. In the event we are able to diagnose the circumstances and uncover a problem we will look to address this in a future update.

    As you can appreciate, the time taken for these investigations can vary considerably. As such, we are unable to go into more depth at this time. For this reason, we will be marking this support ticket as solved but please rest assured that we take all reports from our players very seriously and this report remains active in our internal systems.

    Thank you for your on-going support for Sea of Thieves and taking the time for providing feedback to us!

    We may reach out to you again if we require any further information on this ticket

    Sea of Thieves - Player Support"

  • @d3adst1ck yep it's normal except 4 SoT I thought at first that it was an MS thing, that it was a mistake or something else that should never be planned to do so, but MS support tells me that they have nothing to do with it and only the developer of a game is responsible 4 something like that ... So I ask the Support team of SoT....down belov u can read their anwser... cheers

xbox one
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