LIGHTNING KRAKEN, Community Boss, & Megalodon Crystals! Read It ALL!


    • Before I go further with this idea I want to back up a few steps and get there… So please bear with me. I would like to suggest something regarding the current relevance with the “Hungering Deep anniversary” and the notorious “Shrouded Ghost” topics.

    Many, (including myself) have yet to see the ghost meg. As much as I love the rarity of it, I do think it is possible to increase the chances of seeing it.


    • First off, we can introduce tiny colored crystals (Like we’ve seen in “The Revenge of the Morning Star”, that little red beauty.) Instead of red, we can introduce new colors affiliated with the Megalodons. Buying one of these from Duke or the Mysterious Stranger in the taverns or possibly the arena island before you set foot on your adventures would greatly increase, but not guarantee, the chances of running into that Meg. We can discuss the prices regarding this in the thread but 15,000 for a color, 20,000 a color, and so on. Perhaps 55k gold coins for the Shrouded ghost (White crystal).

    • Here’s where it gets interesting. Now that we have special crystals that increase the chances of megs, once killed, Megalodons that appear while using the crystals will drop a special item. (Something glowing of course!) It can be something to awaken the “Old Mother” chained by the ancients!* Once you obtain THREE of these items you can go purchase a quest that will have you kill a skeleton boss. This will be a normal Order of Souls type voyage. That boss will drop an item along with 2 maps showing 2 different islands with an X marks the spot location. Once you’ve obtained the 3 meg items and the 3 skeleton items you can put them together. This will form a special totem of sorts that will initiate the spawning of the Lightning Kraken.

    • This boss isn’t your typical kraken. This would (Like previously mentioned) be a community event within your server. (We don’t want to run into these things by chance now do we?) There needs to be some level of difficulty so there’s not huge lightning krakens in every server. The benefit of having an alliance of four ships is that making an alliance takes time, additionally finding everything to spawn the meg takes time. But if you find some like-minded people in your server you can do this very quickly and reap the rewards.

    Let’s discuss the kraken! Well, first off its black with colored glowing spots (of course). The lightning kraken will spawn inside of a storm. Lightning and storm clouds above, AND a whirlpool below. The head of the kraken will be visible and poking out of the center of the whirlpool. (We can finally see a head with eyes!) The only way to be dragged into combat is having your four alliance ships with the totem items on each! Once you’ve gotten your alliance of 3-4 ships you can sail near the whirlpool. It will automatically drag you into it so you’re now sailing at a slanted angle. All ships will automatically drive in circles around the kraken. Tentacles on the left and right of the ship inside and out of the whirlpool. In order to take it out you must shoot a series of cursed cannonballs. The tentacles will change colors so you know which cursed cannonball to hit it with.

    • Some sort of lightning chest / Chest of Sorrow hybrid. The chest will leak water but will also send out a shocking lightning bolt that effects the players around it or the health of the one carrying it.
    • The chest will be of extremely high value.
    • 4 chests will spawn. One for each ship participating in the alliance.
    Additional loot will spawn for a nice payout.

    • We can possibly add some sort of oils you can get to cover the cannonballs into each corresponding tentacle color. There can be lore behind that, but you can store them in a storage crate and coat normal cannonballs in them to hurt the kraken. For example, if you have four ships you can have the 3 totems on 3 of the ships and colored oils on the fourth ship. Once someone shoots the tentacle with the colored cannonball, all the other ships can shoot it with normal cannon balls to damage it. It would be fun to create the reasoning behind that in lore! So start commenting below!

    • Creative Ideas:
    -Ghosts0ap –Shaaswat Sharma

  • 14
    communitystory & loreevents
  • I didn't read it all.

  • Very creative! I really enjoy the idea of having the creature inside the storm, that alone could make for a fun battle. Reminded me of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea!

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  • @geekster-t Thank you, thank you! I appreciate the response.(-: EPIC. AND we would have yet another reason to venture into the storm instead of just for a light!

  • @ghosts0ap I like the idea of needing special colored cannonballs. Perhaps another option could be something like the cursed cannonballs (visually) but you'd use different colored flames to change their color. So part of the planning for the event would require players to gather different flames and put them on their ship lanterns. Players would hold out cannonballs to a specific colored flame in front of the lanterns (turning them into flaming cannonballs) to match the color needed for each tentacle.

    Lore could explain that this type of Kraken goes into these storms to gather energy from the lightning. Fun!

  • The idea certainly is creative, but I think you may have gone a bit overboard on the number of steps. It should be much easier, IMO. For example, having a regular kraken that attacks you in a storm, but turns into an even scarier kraken if it gets struck by lightning. It would become tougher, have an incandescent glow on its tentacles, and instead of trying to suck you up, it would shoot lightning out of its mouths at your ship.


  • @galactic-geek I like your idea as well! The only reason there are so many steps is because we had pictured this as a really difficult boss event rather than a regular occurrence. I think we have so many similar encounters in the sea of thieves right now. It would be more the length of a tall tale rather than a random spawn or a simple task of getting lantern colors and completing waves (Up the notch). Another reason being is if you find another ship it can be split up as well and wouldn't take nearly as long as it seems. The idea is meant to be a new type of experience and would maybe introduce larger scale community bosses and server wide events.

    But I see where you are coming from. I do like the idea of adding another kraken with different mechanics though. The lightning increasing the difficulty is SUPERB! Maybe this will spawn the idea of multiple new creatures! Dad lightning Kraken and baby lightning kraken. XD lol

  • @galactic-geek the entire idea is to be able to make this hard. Way harder than starting FOTD. We plan to resurrect the old mother from the lore, who was said to terrorize the Merfolk. Similarly, Ghost mentioned, that the rarity of the ghost meg is what it makes people want to get it. We want to be able to trigger it or increase our ways to get it rather than just randomly sailing the seas for endless hours, not getting a site of it.![alt text](image url)

  • @shaaswat-sharma Resurrecting is right, as the Old Mother is long dead... Of course, with skeletons and ghosts galore, seeing her come back in some shape or form would not be altogether surprising.

  • one problem with this, ghosts do not exist.

  • @dangcafe Hahaha agreed. Thank you.

  • @dangcafe said in LIGHTNING KRAKEN, Community Boss, & Megalodon Crystals! Read It ALL!:

    one problem with this, ghosts do not exist.

    Tell that to Pendragon, or really, anyone inside the Pirate Legend Hideout.

  • @ghosts0ap this is brilliant! I hope the Sea of Thieves community is listening because there is so much potential here.

  • Absolutely love this idea! That would be an insane battle!

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