Best way to make money?

  • I'm just curious what you all believe is the most efficient way to make money in the game? Finding it really hard to purchase the massive amount of new cosmetics as I'm not efficient when it comes to making money. Cheers.

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  • @mustardpie14 Although ive had much success solo.
    I find i made tons of money doing forts with a crew or FOTD.

  • @mustardpie14 Just forts and shipwrecks on the way but just hammer those forts, one of the missions is to kill the skeleton lords anyway so why not :D

  • We got 50k of loot yesterday from 2 Brigs and a Galleone in under 1 hour.
    If you are lucky PvP is a good way to get gold :-)

  • Regular forts, shipwrecks and random loot.

  • it is widely believed that pvp is the best way to make money. this is not entirely accurate. Most of the time you sink a ship all you get is a skull or two because there are a lot of people in this game that seam to only want to explore. In my experience the best way to make money is to Steal a fort of the damned (this is why I said "Not entirely accurate"). If you are able to steal a fotd that's great but allot of people have grown wise to the fact that fotd aren't really worth doing....only worth stealing. So regular fort chaining (doing one after the other) once you get good at them I believe is the most lucrative. Hope this helps

  • Tonight after work we got about 1000 doubloons worth half a million in 3 or 4 hours but it was double doubloons..

    Our brig crew split up doing ancient isle gift voyages. One on each fort digging and one hopping for new voyages.

  • @mustardpie14 Forts are good ways to make gold. I still believe OoS voyages in the DR are the quickest way to make coin. Bit more risk, but the loot is worth double. If you can master the environment, you can make good money.

  • I feel if you have a good 4 man crew that knows how to do FOTD that's a good source of gold you'll make around 50-75k gold in about 45mins - 1hr

  • Most of the time I like to grind fotd and fof but if none is up and I don’t feel like doing I will raise reaper and go grind other world events

  • I found that Merchant shipwrecks give you about 100,000 gold for about 20-45 minutes of play.

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