Guess for Gold Competition - How many Tankards of Grog Consumed?

  • Greetings, Pirates and Lubbers alike!

    The latest Guess for Gold competition, where we asked you to guess how much Grog was consumed between December 11th - December 12th, has now concluded.
    The pirate who guessed the closest this week was found amongst an ocean of great guesses.

    The actual number was:

    And the Forum member who got closest to the correct answer winning our Grand Prize this week is:

    @Tim-Static - 404,666

    Congratulations me matey, you'll be receiving your prizes soon!
    Remember to keep an eye out for a direct message on the forums :D

    Thanks to everyone who took part, there were some very good guesses!
    That be the last Guess for Gold for 2019, but I’m sure we’ll be back in the New Year with more stats and more loot!
    Thank you to everyone to entered and Merry Christmas to you all!

    Lootin' Lizalaroo

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  • @lizalaroo said in Guess for Gold Competition - How many Tankards of Grog Consumed?:

    Greetings, Pirates and Lubbers alike!

    The latest Guess for Gold competition, where we asked you to guess how much Grog was consumed between December 11th - December 12th, has now concluded.
    The pirate who guessed the closest this week was found amongst an ocean of great guesses.

    The actual number was:

    And the Forum member who got closest to the correct answer winning our Grand Prize this week is:


    Congratulations me matey, you'll be receiving your prizes soon!
    Remember to keep an eye out for a direct message on the forums :D

    Thanks to everyone who took part, there were some very good guesses!
    That be the last Guess for Gold for 2019, but I’m sure we’ll be back in the New Year with more stats and more loot!
    Thank you to everyone to entered and Merry Christmas to you all!

    Lootin' Lizalaroo

    thanks that's a lot of grog

  • Congratulations to the winner.

    A statistic question i'd like to see is:
    How may players have logged on set sail from port only to get instant Kraken followed by Skelli Ship and or Meg/Don which results in them quitting and never loading up the game again?

    Surely that's a statistic Rare can see right. No malicious intent here just a curious question that's bugged me for a year or so now.

  • @ixxolos that probably is a statistic and has happened to us all at some point. I can certainly speak from experience! Lol some voyages seem to throw everything at you in a very short time, but the good thing is it shouldn’t happen every time the instance you set sail. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back in there is what I say. :D

  • @lizalaroo @ixxolos

    That actually happened to me once and I have a funny story behind it. My brother, friend and I set out on a fresh spawned brigantine after we looted the outpost. We got krakened and tried to kill it. A sloop pulls in and attacked us. They believed we stole their treasure and wanted revenge. Once they realized we weren’t the ones responsible for their loss, they stopped attacking us and said they wanted to help us kill the kraken. We killed them and sunk them because they attacked us and then we turned our attention to the kraken. Unfortunately for us, the kraken fled before we could kill it.

    My crew are peaceful unless provoked. Unfortunately for us, we lost the kraken defending ourselves. lol

  • @coffeelight5545 I get a tandem of what i've come to call "instant PvE encounters" at least twice a week and have done for the last year of play.
    I'm hardly ever salty about it mind you as sometimes it's jut how the dice fall (Warhammer 30/40k player here
    who knows all too well the fate of bad dice).

    True enough though the story's that can be told and remembered from such encounters always provide a good giggle either at myself or at those other poor souls who find themselves prey to the scatter dice.

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