Struggling with kracken in a solo brigantine

  • I know i can avoid it but lets be honest, i get up to a lot in my sessions so most of the time im either chasing or running...

    The kracken in the brigantine has been taking my solo brigantine out.

    I tried hitting the tentacle that tries to suck you up, hoping it wouldnt wrap me but it still did.

    In my efforts to fight it off (i done pretty well, got to the part it lays on the deck and almost unwrap), my ship just took too many holes where i couldnt save it alone.

    Now it will be a while until the next kracken attacks me but here is a strategy i have for next time...tell me, would this work?

    So lets say i stock up lots of planks
    As soon as the kracken spawns could i just like, stay below deck, patching and bailing, patching and bailing and patching some more until i drift out of the ink.

    Assuming it doesnt wrap the top of entrance door.
    Would i escape was if i had enough resources?

    Or do i really need to do a u-turn and just try and fight it off?

    Im just thinking if say i had lots of treasure onboard and the ship has to survive, would this potentially work of i wasnt being chased by an enemy ship?

    If not, whats the better strategy?

    I can kill these things easy in a sloop but the brigantine kracken is much stronger.

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  • @daringclarky yeah, please nerf the kraken even more, so I can fight 'em solo on a galleon...W T F!
    If you are playing solo on a brig you are dealing with the harder challenge...also on a brig can spawn skellie you want that just sloops spawn on them?

    Imo it's your own get the bigger ship, so deal with the threads

  • @schwammlgott What the heck.

    I didnt ask for it to be nerfed you fool.
    Im asking for advice.

    Ive seen people do it before so im asking how they did it and if my strategy would work.

    Im not asking for the kracken to change at all.

    This is posted in the gameplay guides section not the feedback so i dont know how you got to where you are now or how you thought this was a complaint thread.

    Im asking for guidance on escaping the kracken in a brigantine as ive seen people do it at before, solo.

    In future please read the actual post before you respond instead of assuming its context.


  • Well if it's running, then full billow in the sail is a must.
    if it start trying to suck you up, then go below.
    When it's about to hit your ship, go below an be ready to repair as soon the first hole is there.
    when it do wrap around the ship, take out the closes tentacles after the wrap to get free, it should pop up first on one side, then the other an then it let go of your ship( that tentacles only need 1 cannon shot on each side.)

    If fighting, the same thing, except you want you sails up, because when you are not moving, your ship take less water from holes.

    Much love

  • @daringclarky

    Brigs are more dangerous and meant to have multiple pirates. If alone you can sail out of it in a straight line, though a 180 turn might be quicker.

    Personally I wouldn't worry about the ones that suck you up, just break line of sight. You can bail from the bottom of the deck.

    If it wraps, hit the one head next to the cannons and I prioritize this personally. I love having a resource crate on top with enough cannonballs just in case I get wrapped and cannot go down.

    You can use firebombs to burn the ship to bail water on it to get rid of water, it is a bit counterintuitive though can help if you just want to sit below deck and wait it out.

    It is doable, but it is a challenge on a brig alone. I haven't soloed a brig in a while and usually it just is a side effect of open crewa, as I like my sloop more when alone. There might be some experts that can give more information and tips.

  • @daringclarky sorry, I was drunk 😵
    When Karen appears, turn 180 degrees and put the sail into the wind...if you want to flee

  • @schwammlgott said in Struggling with kracken in a solo brigantine:

    @daringclarky sorry, I was drunk 😵
    When Karen appears, turn 180 degrees and put the sail into the wind...if you want to flee

    Im sorry too matey.
    All is good.
    Thank you 😊

  • although being in a brig solo is ill advised I would say yes you could make it through if you had enough planks and no one was chasing you. though when you get to the end of the black water the kraken will hit you to change your course to keep you inside the waters. You would need to come out to steer back towards the exit. brigs sink way easier than sloops and spawn harder krakens so you are putting yourself at a huge dissadvantage

  • What other's have said. Kraken is fine on solo brig, it is just more of a challenge.

    Best recommendation is to just U-turn / go sideways with the wind and run, repair as needed, and prioritize making sure it releases you quickly once it starts wrapping. Shoot the small tentacle next to your boat that pops up, as other's have said.

    Solo brigantine is great for running voyages when nothing PVE attacks you, but you should try to be very conservative and turn in frequently in the event you do get the nightmare scenario which for me is when...

    you run over two powder kegs while an enemy brigantine is chasing you out of the devil's roar, your ship on fire from a recent eruption, when suddenly a shrouded ghost attacks you knocking you forward into the kraken ink, the skeleton fleet over head. Meanwhile, you helplessly lag off the boat into shark infested water, just barely not able to catch the ladder while your ship sails off into the wind at a marginally faster speed. Just as you are about to catch the ladder, you hear an an ancient skeleton spawn at a nearby island. As you swim vigorously toward it, you get sucked up by the kraken and dunked into the water, after which the pursuing players kill the ancient skeleton and tell you to get gud, while playing drunk playing the banjo.

  • Why are you solo on a brig? I noticed someone said they solo a gally? Large ships are meant for large crews. You're making the game harder than it needs to be. Play on a sloop or play with more people.

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