is pirat legend worthless?

  • i playing sot since the open beta. the first months were awesome, each pirate would reach the legend status. i remember all people made different quests (gh,oos or merchant) or raid (only one all 2h was available). after the first became legend, the most only made legend quests becaue this quests give better loot than the normal one and in my case, this was one of the biggest mistake the devs done athena xp for non legends. which meant that you could become athena 10 without even being a legend. so at this time athena commendations weren't available and all people only want athena 10 for the clothes.
    short time before the first birthday was celebrated you made a double xp/gold event. i haven't offical data, but on the discord where i'm, the number of legends has almost doubled, but the most of this people but a large part of it stopped shortly thereafter. they were legend...

    and today, over the last months you implemented a lot new stuff, more random loot, event quests etc. and now the fort of the damned. if you made all the last events, you don't need to do any athena quests to reach athena 10.... and with the double xp/gold event this week faster as fast.
    an other problem is, we haven't enough skins for hard commendations, for example, why should someone play a specific fraction? would be awesome you would implement a specific set ( a special "shiny" version of the existing fraction sets would be enough) for complete the fractions 100%. would give people more long time motivation i think.

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  • Progression is seconded and this is good.
    Legend means nothing, Athena 10 means nothing, Hunter of the Shrouded Ghost means nothing.
    The only thing that counts is:
    Have you fun playing and to #bemorepirate or are you here to work off treadmill stuff, pixels to show off and bragg with?
    Gamemechanically nothing changes. Legend has no meaning, yes the Athena Skeletons are harder, and?
    Yes you can wear a fancy glowing hat, and?

    People who game to work off stuff arent playing they work off stuff.
    People playing dont care when, what, why ever they level up, they play because of playings sake and fun, i would play without any levels and progression, not for Pixels, not for commendations, not to compensate and brag around and for sure not about the "effort and reward" formula.
    These things have all nothing to do with playing a game and having fun, these are meritocracy mechanics to keep people hooked, to keep them in a treadmill because they cannot let go, because they compare themself all the time with others and their pixels and to own others and teach them a lesson what a real gamer is etc...
    All these things have meaning to many gamers gaming the system working stuff off, but they have barely anything to do with playing a game. Ask your childs or little sisters and brothers what playing a game means, at least if they are not yet infested by higher, faster, further and such.

    tl;dr no meaning! Not gamemechanically and also not in any other way except you give it a meaning.
    And then it means only something to you and nothing to me and it's not comparable.
    If i give my handkerchief a meaning, what does it to you.
    If you give PL a meaning, what does it to me?
    Right, Nothing!

  • @bugaboo-bill Before alliances we're introduced, they atleast ment that a person has spend a significant amount in this game that at the same times comes with a certain knowledge.
    Now there are so many Fleet Legends running around that have basically no clue how to play this game besides sitting for hours at a fort with 4 galleons. That is embarassing...

  • @mikehit00 sagte in is pirat legend worthless?:

    @bugaboo-bill Before alliances we're introduced, they atleast ment that a person has spend a significant amount in this game that at the same times comes with a certain knowledge.
    Now there are so many Fleet Legends running around that have basically no clue how to play this game besides sitting for hours at a fort with 4 galleons. That is embarassing...

    That is true for the very first Legend io all who did what?
    Gamed the system and crew hopped.
    I cannot imagine he had gotten a lot of experience or knowledge about the game by doing this.
    With this "speedrunner" gaming the system it was very clear that Legends means nothing.

    I can btw spent more time in the game and have more experience and practice but are not Legend, because i dont do voyages and only hand in booty. Pure PvP Legends had much more time to spent and were maybe only level 30 or 40 in the three companies, but already sailed much more than a Legend.
    People who became Legend solo played for sure more than Legends who played Galleone only.
    I remember when i for the first time did a journey on a Galleone, i have played the very first month with my friend on a sloop only and then when he quit i searched for a new crew and small community.
    I made as much gold on one evening what we could earn in 3 days as a duo. Pre Hungering one, no kegs and as a duo we had no big chance at Forts in these days so we refused. With the new crew i did forts, sunk others and progressed like nothing before.

    PL means you played the game for a decent amount of time.
    I didnt rush, i never worked anything of and i was Legend 11 month after release. That was late for a year one PL.
    But as oit meant nothing to me, i didnt care for it.

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