60fps locked in fullscreen

  • Had this problem over 18 months ago when I first bought SOT, it bugged me for months before I uninstalled the game, installed it again only to find it's still an issue and many people have been complaining about it on the forums for 2 years now.

    For some reason (only in SOT) my game is locked to 60fps in fullscreen mode, If i change the resolution to 900p (I have a 1080p moniter) it caps the fps at around 140-150, and if I change the mode to windowed it also uncaps the fps. The second I put it back on fullscreen it caps back to 60fps.

    All my settings in Nvidia are uncapped, vsync is off, monitor refresh rate set to 144hz , it's literally the only game with this issue.

    Any suggestions on how to sort this out? I have suspicions that SOT is taking information from my 2nd monitor which is 1080p 60hz, even though the game literally opens and runs on my 144hz monitor, I'm not going to unclone my monitor everytime I want to play SOT since I use my 2nd monitor whilst playing the game.

    Anyone else resolved this issue? 2 years on and it's still a problem for people.

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  • Check vsync again in display settings/ nvidia and be sure that it is enabled for both windowed and fullscreen. Only other thing I can think of is to use msi afterburner or something equivalent to ensure your GPU core speed isnt becoming locked in fullscreen for whatever reason. I think you are probably right though that it is your second monitor messing with the refresh rate

  • Try turning off g-sync? It doesnt seem to work well on sot, at least not for me anyway.

  • If you have a 60hz monitor then it sounds like some sort of v-sync or g-sync. It could be in Nvidia Control Panel as default.

  • @calicorsaircat said in 60fps locked in fullscreen:

    Check vsync again in display settings/ nvidia and be sure that it is enabled for both windowed and fullscreen. Only other thing I can think of is to use msi afterburner or something equivalent to ensure your GPU core speed isnt becoming locked in fullscreen for whatever reason. I think you are probably right though that it is your second monitor messing with the refresh rate

    Vsync is disabled, I don't run it on anything, checked again and it's 100% off.

    @mongoose-g93 said in 60fps locked in fullscreen:

    Try turning off g-sync? It doesnt seem to work well on sot, at least not for me anyway.

    G-sync isn't on.

    @eddythecaptain said in 60fps locked in fullscreen:

    If you have a 60hz monitor then it sounds like some sort of v-sync or g-sync. It could be in Nvidia Control Panel as default.

    Unfortunately not. G-sync and V-sync both completely disabled, my 144hz monitor is set as my primary which the game actually opens on, and i've even setup a seperate dedicated 3d profile to sea of thieves where i've also turned off V-sync and selected my 144hz moniter under "preferred refresh rate"

    really can't understand why 2 years down the line this is still even a thing. I know it's 1st world problems but when you go from 144hz to 60hz it's horrible, especially on such a stunning game.

  • UPDATE - So through testing it seems as though the game is playing on my 144hz screen but it think it's playing on my 60hz screen, no idea how it manages to do this but the only solution i've found is to disable my 2nd monitor and then it uncaps again on my main monitor, this of course is not a solution as I want to stream SOT content.

    Have absolutely no idea how to bypass this. Windowed fullscreen would easily fix this and should be a setting in a modern title.

  • @saltmajor My monitor started doing it today and thank you for the solution good sir. Happy sailing!

  • @saltmajor i had the same problem, maxed out all my graphics setting and the cap went away, dont know how tf it fixed it but it did

  • @saltmajor Might be a dumb question but isnt uncapped in the ingame settings? I think there is a setting for it but i might be wrong

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