[Ended] Pirates Legend Rewards Coming on the 20th of March

  • Ahoy Mates!
    As you've probably heard, players who achieved Pirates Legend Status in the first year of SoT's life span will be receiving special Rewards on the 20th of March.

    So what does this mean, what will the rewards be?
    Well, we don't know yet.

    But we do know that the rewards will be EXCLUSIVE to Pirate Legends who achieved the status in the first year of SoT's life span.
    You don't wanna be left out when ya find out what the Rewards are.
    So make sure ya got Level 50 in all 3 factions before March 20th!

    Anyways mates, what do ya think these Rewards will be?
    And do you still need to achieve pirate legend status?
    Let me know, until then see ya on the seas!

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  • I wouldn't mind seeing extra Pirate Legend style clothing sets. I'm not a huge fan of the PL or Ghost jackets, but love the color scheme. Would be cool to be able to choose between a few different styles.

  • That's awesome!

  • Ghost sword.

    Maybe that ghost hurdy?

    Ghost banjo?

    I can't think of anything it could be non-ghost related lol

  • Probably a sail.

  • @lonegoatknifer said in Pirates Legend Rewards Coming on the 20th of March:

    Probably a sail.

    Eh... there already two PL sails. I'm hoping for something non ship related.

    Blind Bobs blindfold?

    Glowy PL ghost tattoos?

  • @tre-oni Sails have been the go to for this kind of reward(founder and overachiever). I hope it's not, but I'm going to expect sails until they say otherwise.

  • Also think it will be a Sail, kinda hope, since it's the first thing most people see.
    But my first guess will be a Title for sure, since that seem like something they are working on all the time.

  • I'm never gonna make it!

    BUT I LOVE that Rare does this... as much as it will pain me not to have it, I love that they're willing to set certain players apart in a unique way. I mean, this goes for the other in-game bespoke nods they've created even for individual players! (Loot & Lore sails, the names carved around the world, etc).

    I can't wait to see what it is, even though it won't be mine... ! And a big congrats to those who get it!

  • since it's a the 20 march, where they introduce pet's.
    It would be really cool if they gave us a special pet, I dont think it will happen, since the pet is meant to be extra money for development.
    they dont need to give a free "taste" sample out, people will buy the pet's
    But again it will be cool if they gave us a pet, since we have waited 3 + 9 extra months for them.

  • @lethality1 said in Pirates Legend Rewards Coming on the 20th of March:

    I'm never gonna make it!

    BUT I LOVE that Rare does this... as much as it will pain me not to have it, I love that they're willing to set certain players apart in a unique way. I mean, this goes for the other in-game bespoke nods they've created even for individual players! (Loot & Lore sails, the names carved around the world, etc).

    I can't wait to see what it is, even though it won't be mine... ! And a big congrats to those who get it!

    Sorry to hear that mate, how far do you have to go?

  • Pirate legend 10 here!! Woot woot lol

  • New clothes would be very nice. Ghost set looks like a clown outfit and the purple set looks like a tacky bellhop outfit.

    Hope it is something totally brand new. No recolor or reskin of anything we have seen thus far. A banjo like in pic would be awesome. It did sound like it was more than just one thing.

    Weeks away to anticipate and then the big wait begins for all the great stuff they will hopefully review coming in the mega update and beyond.

  • PL10 here.

    I’d like a ghost version spinal figurehead. That would be really cool!

  • should we feel bad if Apex is getting all the attention lately? I mean SoT has a game that could make you feel great every time you play, but instead for realism they opted to make you feel like carp every so often just for the realism factor. interesting move.

  • All I want is a PL shirt/vest.

  • If only they did stuff for Athena 10

  • Well I've a busy remaining 19 days to get there.
    I like a challenge, closing in!!!!

  • @mr-dragon-raaar

    I might just take you up on that offer!
    I'll add you later & see if we can get something together.
    Cheers Matey!!

  • @mr-dragon-raaar

    Yip I've a lot of animals to shift, that's the faction actually I need the most in too, but I wouldn't put anyone through that. :)
    Second to that Souls...
    Movement in the right direction in any faction, certainly would be cool.
    Gold Hoarders I've basically got covered, 2lvl's on that left which I can just collect on the general grind. So yeah a challenge but should be possible.

  • Maybe all our gamer tags will get chiseled around the seas ; )

    Maybe get a legend pet like a skellie monkey or parrot.

    I would love a ghost sword or gun ..... so many options

  • @mr-dragon-raaar

    Yip animals definitely part of the solo life. Added you... if you're about later should be on from 6pm GMT.
    If you're up for it.. see ya later on the Seas!!!

  • I have been a pirate legend since mid April last year and I know most of you say that the rewards are sails like deckhand, overachiever, founder but I would like a weapon skin, either cutlass or pistol.

    @PirateCraggy I hope you'll get there! If you need more help let me know.

  • @major-bones PL10 as well. Would love a spinal ghost figurehead or allow us to have glowing eyes like the mysterious stranger. I hope we get more ghostly options though in general. Also why doesn't our ghost ship hull glow yet.

  • @biostructr

    Thanks extremely kind of you sir, I'll add you on the xbox app.
    See if we can get to together over the next while... Yarr... might fine of you!

  • @piratecraggy Im also down to help do anything from grabbing chickens to running OOS ect. Hit me up if got more room in crew ..

  • @barnacle-blake

    Wow... I'm blown away... certainly sir!
    That's a Gally crew sorted possibly... we'll play it by ear sure.
    If you're about from 6pm GMT, jump abroad.
    Cool, I'll be on pretty much for next while (evenings) ... to get this done :)

  • @piratecraggy Sounds great see ya on the seas. with time conversion I will be on about 2 hours after you start.

  • @piratecraggy kinda close myself. Think i actually did play an hr with you few nights ago ?

    Will add you too sir since play around same time

  • @d4rk5tar71uk

    Great... will be great to see you... think we might need a bigger boat :)

  • I was planning to hit PL on the anniversary so will have to do it a day earlier.
    Gold Hoarders 45
    Order of Souls 49
    Merchant 50

    Looks like the shovel is gonna be busy in the next fortnight ☠️

  • @terok-n0r I'm with you -- currently 43/49/50, and trying to decide if its worth the final push...

  • Haha the panic caused by this date!!

    Think i’m 41 41 41. Play around 8 hrs a night but don’t think i’d get there without help.

    Guess there’s a good few
    like myself. Good job Mr Neate on pushing us lone wolfs outta our comfort zone! 🤣

  • @ajm123 Athena 10 should definitely have its own rewards!!!!!!!!!! I agree with you completely! To reach the pinnacle of what this game offers deserves notice. I think PL's should get the weapons (Blunderbuss,eye of reach, sword) while the PL10's get that plus some bad maamma mamma sails.

  • @vorondil1

    You'll make it!!! Myself .... 48 | 43 | 41 ... I believe!!!

    @D4rk5tar71UK ... ah!!! Merchant Brothers, Aye Joe "the talent" has a great sense of humour alright :)

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