This game is moving extremely slow

  • I haven't been on the forums in months, and I imagine alot of other casuals like myself dropped out of here, so I fully expect to be bombarded with just die hard fans. But I'll say it anyway.

    It feels like the game is just going nowhere. It's almost a year old. There's no new cosmetics, so tons of people including myself have too much gold. When cosmetics do drop, we'll just flick out some pocket change and not even have to work towards the new stuff. Not unless they jack the prices up and make it unfair for new people.

    I get there's plans in the near future, but for the game to feel this under developed after nearly a year just feels ridiculous.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm having fun still just stealing forts and loot off of people (not toxic, just all there is to do), but at the same time there's this lurking, frustrating feeling of a game that's been deserted and poorly taken care of.

    What are your thoughts? Keep it civil. No need to whip out unoriginal retorts because my opinion differs.

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  • @scraping-static

    I think we're feeling the absence of the Bilge Rat Adventures to be fair, the skeleton throne/exploding skellie/mermaid statue type of adventure which did drop regularly before Christmas.

    We've been asked to be patient and we do know there are some enormous content additions in the pipeline, I think it's all hands on deck at Rare at the moment to ensure everything is getting put into place for these - Arena, questing, pets etc etc

    20th March is the date we'll hear much more about these!

  • @scraping-static I'm waiting for arena. I haven't played hardly at all in a while because like you said nothing is really happening.

  • @scraping-static , as a new and casual player i can say that cosmetics are already pricey; i hope for new content instead of increasing gold ( and grind ) need. Can't wait for pets. You have a point tough: seasoned players are clearly bored of the same shores, PvP is always a must see at every run, few ones care to chill out..

  • i'm with @KattTruewalker on this one, the march 20th update should be pretty exciting. The lack of bilge rat is for a reason, dedicate those team members to whatever they are currently working on for this mega update.

  • Perhaps a different approach would help. Instead of constantly seeking a path laid out before you in the game, create your own. A good, lighthearted crew and a "whatever" attitude can lead to a journey full of laughs and crazy adventures. I'm not even sure what the last event was that I completed. I just go wherever the crew decides to go.

    Oh, and never hesitate to blow up a crew mate with a powder keg. unless the ship can be damaged, of course.

  • There’s usually a big update for the game that adds all kinds of new stuff every three months or so. Plus, there’s all sorts of challenges to be done in the bilge rats to keep us busy while we wait.

    A big thing I like to point out every chance I can get is that SoT is a one time purchase game that comes out with free DLC at a very consistent rate and the game does not include micro transactions. Not only is that really awesome, but it could also mean that they are constantly trying to come out with cool and interesting updates to make sure the game stays alive.

    We just have to be a little more patient. The devs are working hard to produce more content for us to enjoy. It’s hard to do on a budget and on an open world MMO.

  • @fakegnu-maycry said in This game is moving extremely slow:

    @scraping-static , as a new and casual player i can say that cosmetics are already pricey; i hope for new content instead of increasing gold ( and grind ) need. Can't wait for pets. You have a point tough: seasoned players are clearly bored of the same shores, PvP is always a must see at every run, few ones care to chill out..

    Ship customizations used to be 70k! Lol. Me and my crew don't bother new players, only experienced people. Preferably trash talking crews that are cocky. We're a brig and we only care to pursue other brigs and galleons. Not sloops.

    I'm with you though, I've been waiting for pets since launch.

  • @gatorwocky said in This game is moving extremely slow:

    Perhaps a different approach would help. Instead of constantly seeking a path laid out before you in the game, create your own. A good, lighthearted crew and a "whatever" attitude can lead to a journey full of laughs and crazy adventures. I'm not even sure what the last event was that I completed. I just go wherever the crew decides to go.

    Oh, and never hesitate to blow up a crew mate with a powder keg. unless the ship can be damaged, of course.

    When I play I actually 100% always create unpredictable scenarios with my crew. Swimming to forts that have ships at them, rowing, etc. I just feel like the game itself is bare bones and doesn't make for a good quality of life while playing.

  • I say the game is simply stuck in it's "between update" lull phase. Just look what shrouded spoils did for the game. Things will be fine when the updates come out.

  • @scraping-static ha detto in This game is moving extremely slow:

    @fakegnu-maycry said in This game is moving extremely slow:

    @scraping-static , as a new and casual player i can say that cosmetics are already pricey; i hope for new content instead of increasing gold ( and grind ) need. Can't wait for pets. You have a point tough: seasoned players are clearly bored of the same shores, PvP is always a must see at every run, few ones care to chill out..

    Ship customizations used to be 70k! Lol. Me and my crew don't bother new players, only experienced people. Preferably trash talking crews that are cocky. We're a brig and we only care to pursue other brigs and galleons. Not sloops.

    I'm with you though, I've been waiting for pets since launch.

    70k?!?! Seriously? Would have fainted instantly like Scrooge getting bills in the mail. Maybe 'cus i dig treasure chests only to bring them back to those poor skellys: they're mere bare bones, can't afford even clothes, running to me at sight to trade gunpowder barrels for fresh flesh. Got pity on them.

    Really wish talking parrots would be there for a resonable effort.. already stacking bananas for Polly..

  • Yes, i certainly agree with the OP on this one. Items have become too cheap considering when the game launched, gold was much more difficult to get hold of due to lack of expensive items to sell and the occasional skull fort that would be heavily contested for an hour and would do well to reward you with 15-20k if you were lucky, then the ship cosmetics were twice if not more the price they currently are. Now, you can have 1 good session on the seas and buy a ship skin, the sails and the figurehead all from a days sailing.
    It all became a little simple, and now there are many players who have pretty much collected all the items the game has to offer and are still left with a huge pile of gold burning a hole in their pockets. I think the game does need many more highly expensive items. There are no shortage of cheap ones after all, not to mention all of that stuff can also now be found for sale at every seapost you pass.

  • I feel that a lack of a market between players and items that spike the interest of pirates to generate a supply/demand flow to the gold is what will ultimately make gold worthless in the long run.

    I have spewed out some ideas, some good others really bad and embarrasing, about how players could find random drops from monsters or chest deliveries that would give them some cool cosmetic changes and would inspire them to seek out the world to get them or look for pirates willing to trade for coin; effectively generating an economy.

    Taking this seriously means turning the game into a very typical mmorpg marketplace; so personally I think Rare should figure out what works for their game, since I am not a game designer myself.

  • Rare knows what they're doing - trust me on that... You'll see for yourself come March 20th.

  • @galactic-geek We saw for ourselves last march 20th...

  • @betsill I like you.

    alt text

  • For me the best thing is to meet other players an interact with them.
    I never really cared about treasure, So for me, the alliance system is the only useful update that have been put in the game.
    More or less every other update, I have just been shacking my head, with the same feeling that nothing have really been added.

  • its an early access game that isnt an early access game

  • @Scraping-Static
    My days on the seas have definitely calmed down. Used to play daily, but lost interest in gold and don't care for skins.

    I am easily swayed by my family to play Minecraft over Sea of Thieves. With village and pillage update releasing this year, minecraft is definitely pulling me away. March 20th may pull me back to the seas, but for now, it is just fun to watch the fleets play their minigames.

  • They should drop some alternate colours of cosmetics that already exist in game bout every week to keep it fresh. Make them limoted edition even at higher prices or whatever fancy. Ill admit game does feel a bit dry. On the 20th if March they'll only tell you the flavour of the steak they gonna serve you late April early May. Im starving already.

  • @urihamrayne Lol you're probably the only one on the forums XD

  • @betsill Oh ye of little faith...

  • @d4m0r3d said in This game is moving extremely slow:

    its an early access game that isnt an early access game

    I think this statement rings with a bit of truth - I still firmly believe that MS secretly forced Rare to release the game too early.

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