The New Barrel System is Great (Just needs Tweaking)

  • Ahoy Maties!
    First off: I'd like to say I really like the new Barrel System, but I acknowledge some of its flaws.
    You can check out my feedback post, if ya wanna hear my solutions for the new system's issues. If ya don't see my feedback post immediately just scroll down a bit.

    Alright so on to why this new system is awesome!
    (What I really mean is: it has the potential to be awesome, if it gets the necessary tweaks I mentioned in my feedback post, please check it out before reading further)

    • 1: It adds a new element of Discovery to Barrels. You never know what your gonna find in them!

    • 2: It'll let Rare add more resource items in the future. Meaning more stuff and that means people won't be able to complain about the game not having any content.

    • 3: You can now get more than one item from a barrel. That's cool right?

    • 4: This system has way more immersion than the previous one. You actually feel like your looking into a barrel now.

    Another thing I think needs to be addressed here is: people's reaction to this new system.
    The reasons why alot of people don't like the new system is:

    • It changed the old system. (People hate change)
    • It's more sluggish than the previous system. (Menus will always be slower than buttons, sad fact of life)
    • And it's incomplete. (Even I admit it needs tweaking)

    But to those people who want the system removed completely, I have this to say:
    "Not in your life time lad!"
    This system (With tweakimg) could be way better than the last system!
    I ❤ the new Barrel system


  • 11
  • @sgt-palooggoo i like that the cannon barrel can have hundreds of cannon balls if you wanted. not limited to 300 anymore

  • yes it's GREAT AT BEING CLUNKY!!

  • @sgt-palooggoo I am tending to agree with this assessment. I like the immersion. It is a bit clunky, but I’m already adapting to it. I can’t speak for Xbox users, but I am getting pretty zippy with it.

  • @bran-the-ent said in The New Barrel System is Great (Just needs Tweaking):

    @sgt-palooggoo I am tending to agree with this assessment. I like the immersion. It is a bit clunky, but I’m already adapting to it. I can’t speak for Xbox users, but I am getting pretty zippy with it.

    nice man! I wish i cud afford $2k PC so this game was so clunky!!

  • Dont care about " immersion " its not immersive to be stuck into a " Ui " screen while getting shooted at when trying to get a bannana and then the said banana is stuck in your hand without wanting it

  • @bran-the-ent

    I'm on XBox and think it's okay. I'll kinda miss the quick supply grabs, but I think the positives outweigh the negatives. Only things I might add would be a 'Take All' button and bring back the 'Empty' prompt for barrels that are... well, empty.

  • @v**a-hombre написал в The New Barrel System is Great (Just needs Tweaking):


    I'm on XBox and think it's okay. I'll kinda miss the quick supply grabs, but I think the positives outweigh the negatives. Only things I might add would be a 'Take All' button and bring back the 'Empty' prompt for barrels that are... well, empty.

    a lil tip:
    You can hold "take" button and it will grab supplies to full stackm but only one type per holding :)

  • It does need work but it's a good starting point. It's clearly in preperation for them to add in more items to game (cooking ingredients I reckon) so that can't be a bad thing.

    In a months time everyone will be used to it anyway!

  • Me and my crew are Xbox users. Admittedly we were skeptical of the new system. Yes it slowed our snatch and grab but we quickly got used to the new system. We discussed it in length on our mixer channel and all agree that it is far better than the old system in how it will expand our ever growing list of inventory without need to change current ship layouts.

    With a little time everyone will get used to it. Other than tweeking we feel it is a well thought out system and it’s clear that foresight is built into it for expansion. Keep up the good work rare, and we will keep the ships sailing, or sinking if need be.

  • @sgt-palooggoo That's brilliant feedback me matey! Could I ask you to repost it over on the [Mega Thread] Barrel 2.0 as Rare are trying to keep all the constructive feedback together rather than them have to read a gazillion smaller threads :D

    I'll be dropping anchor on this thread if it's ok with you.

5 out of 11