Please stop begging for Athena Voyages.

  • guys, alt text

  • @a-trusty-mango said in Please stop begging for Athena Voyages.:

    @rumham636 And nor are you, sir. You really definitely aren't seeing as you are defending the people who just want to mooch. Yeah I am not, but I am in my 40s. I have good voyages. You don't think I haven't experienced a inkling of what they have felt?

    And completely ignored the part about how I was good friends with a few legends and know about the treatment.

    And son, you aint a troll. You are just pathetic.

    Listen friend, I can abide your views on legends even though I do not agree with them, But you are NOT the troll king and you have no place to grant/revoke my troll status.

  • Man, the amount of vitriol in this thread is staggering. Especially since it's nothing more than someone venting about a bad experience.

    I mean, take out the context of Pirate Legends and the OP just had some unfortunate experiences that frustrated him, so he put up a little rant thread.

    Doesn't seem like a big deal to me. He ran into some rude people. It happens.

    But WOW!!!

    The feeding frenzy of spite and ire has really been something to behold. It's a little baffling too. Any other time selflessness and generosity has been brought up on these forums, the general consensus is "It's a pirate game, snowflake lol".

    NOW we're suddenly worried about being kind and thoughtful?

    "But that's other pirates. This is his own crew!"

    Well it's not like he's trolling them or anything. He says he'll help with whatever they want to do, he just doesn't want to do Athena voyages.

    I think the most you can accuse him of is being grumpy. And it's hard for me to even blame him for that, since it wasn't the asking that angered him, but the tantrums afterward.

    I mean, geez! What is up with everyone today?

  • @a-trusty-mango said in Please stop begging for Athena Voyages.:

    @rumham636 Yeh, but I can call someone out who isn't a troll.

    But a white knight who was defending people that didn't need defending then backtracked fast by admitting they were a troll.

    Since when can a troll not defend someone?

  • @rumham636 said in Please stop begging for Athena Voyages.:

    But you are NOT the troll king and you have no place to grant/revoke my troll status.

    Did someone say... Troll King?

  • At the end of the day it does come down to personal preference and what the person playing wants to do, It's their decision. I mean I can disagree with it and I do, If you are a legend, Just pay it forward it costs you nothing and you just made 1-3 people happy. If you need to leave before the end go ahead they can continue on. It's not like you are not getting loot you still are doing voyages to make up the large PL voyage. BUT they can still say no and choose not to because you can't make anyone do anything in the game. It's both sides getting bent out of shape here
    Pirate legends : "humph, Why should I give them something for free I'm a Legend they arent"
    others: "Humph, Why won't he drop the quest what a rude person"

    TL:DR play nice with others and be polite that goes a long way on both sides.

    End rant

  • @a-trusty-mango lol WHAT? Now we're clearly just making stuff up. Hes reading to me out of the troll instruction manual.

    Chapter 3.

    Should you find yourself trolling against an immovable force there is only one solution, claim to be the good guy!

    Edit: Seriously though, how did you get our book?

  • @a-trusty-mango said in Please stop begging for Athena Voyages.:

    @rumham636 We are? Or I am?

    Keep twisting the dagger in your chest deeper, friend. I really don't mind. Been a while since it drank this much this deeply.

    LOL! You are truly the sickest person I have ever spoke to on here....and that's saying something. Tell me more about your dagger? Does it wear a purple jacket too?

  • @Deckhands
    I think this is going to end badly!!!

  • Are you guys kidding me?

    OFC if you, the holder of Athena missions, don't want to do Athena voyages, then don't!
    if people want to do them so badly.. well... start doing voyages yourselves! xD

    People in this thread commenting like this: "well this game is about helping each other"
    well.. sure... but if he doesn't have time or simply just don't WANT to do these voyages.. who are you guys to say otherwise? - He doesn't owe any of you, anything!

    and this comes from a guy who are only rank 30 and doesn't have clue about pirate legends and what happens after you hit that rank.

  • @a-trusty-mango said in Please stop begging for Athena Voyages.:

    @rumham636 You were the one who wanted to jump in the ocean without knowing to swim like a big boy. Can't back peddle now that the sharks are in the water.

    So we're role playing now....ok lemme try...

    Blows up floaties I kept in my back pocket. Swims to boat. Avoids sharks. Leaves you behind.

  • @a-trusty-mango said in Please stop begging for Athena Voyages.:

    @rumham636 Right. This kid thinks analogies are role playing lol.

    I'm gonna miss you when they lock this thread. Truly.

  • @a-trusty-mango said in Please stop begging for Athena Voyages.:

    @rumham636 Me as well, friend. This has been the most refreshing posting I have had in a while.

    People here just can't take and serve and get the humor and the insults.

    100% agree. One day they'll come around.

  • @a-trusty-mango Same brother.

    p.s. Legend jackets look ridiculous.

  • @ro0or

    Ahoy mates, it looks as if this is heading south, I'll close this one down now.

  • @A-Trusty-Mango Please refrain from name calling, baiting, and trolling other users, as it is a violation of our Forum rules.

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