How can someone be a pioneer ?

  • Hello to everyone! :)
    How it can be done ? I was just curious.

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  • @xartemporas Pioneers are/were hand selected by Rare.

    They first came into existance in the alpha/beta fases of the game and will now be reïnstated as such when they launch the program again.

    It is unknown at this point if there will be new pioneers in the future and how they will be selected, only time will tell.

  • @xartemporas Ahoy matey!

    You can find out more about the pioneer programme and who the pioneers are at the link below.

  • It seems to be a fairly wonky selection process.

  • @bloodfrenzy187 In what way? How would you like to see it done?

  • @bloodfrenzy187 The selection process must have been hard but they have done a mixture of looking at engagement in the community, bugs reported and time spent in game. It was always going to be a tricky one to get right. I know that's easy for me to say on this side of the fence, but I hope some new selections will be made based on new data.

  • @katttruewalker How about folks who come here to participate in active conversations get a crack at it instead of using some completely random process that nobody seems to understand the criteria for? Or even better run a PTR and let everyone participate instead of setting up an exclusive group of people who get first stabs at everything.

    I'm just saying there are other solutions than rehashing a program that was fairly divisive during the Alpha because people didn't understand the selection process.

  • @bloodfrenzy187 The thing is, there are multiple platforms on which members of the community can be active and some prefer not to use the forums at all.

    We don't actually know any details of how the new pioneers will work yet, let's see what Rare have in mind this time around, both for the purpose of the group and the selection process? Hopefully we'll hear some more details soon.

  • @katttruewalker For sure. I have no problem with waiting to hear more. I just hope that it's not an issue that makes another rift in the player base. The only reason I bring up being more inclusive with the testing with a feature like a PTR is to keep the community active and happy.

    But I agree I suppose waiting and seeing where things head is best for now.

  • I agree that Pioneers have to be well selected otherwise it won't help much, i hope we will get some news about it soon, i wouldn't mind being part of the new pioneers, i love the game but it's far from being perfect and i'd be glad to help (even just a little) making it grow into the great game it deserve to be.

  • @a-trusty-mango Trust me there WERE a lot of criticisms throughtout testing. The pioneers worked hard to report as many things as we could and give lots of feedback. All the content doubts were brought up before launch. Also if it had not been for the pioneers there would have likely been plenty of if not game breaking, very annoying bugs. A lot of minor features however were added to the game due to feedback.

  • @mrtimboy said in How can someone be a pioneer ?:

    @a-trusty-mango Trust me there WERE a lot of criticisms throughtout testing. The pioneers worked hard to report as many things as we could and give lots of feedback. All the content doubts were brought up before launch. Also if it had not been for the pioneers there would have likely been plenty of if not game breaking, very annoying bugs. A lot of minor features however were added to the game due to feedback.

    Also there were plenty of debates. It wasn't like the selected group agreed on most things.

    -My personal victories: No more re-spawning at mermaids after your ship went down. Oooo boy! Do I miss THAT debate! Hahaha!

  • @ecljpse sagte in How can someone be a pioneer ?:

    -My personal victories: No more re-spawning at mermaids after your ship went down. Oooo boy! Do I miss THAT debate! Hahaha!

    From time to time i would still prefer to spawn at the mermaid and keep fighting back...

  • Sure bring them back but I want in! lol. We are all here on the forums because we love the game and want our voices heard. I for one would love to do it and do more testing and giving my feedback to help shape this game. @KattTruewalker hint hint lol.

  • @sirliborius said in How can someone be a pioneer ?:

    @ecljpse sagte in How can someone be a pioneer ?:

    -My personal victories: No more re-spawning at mermaids after your ship went down. Oooo boy! Do I miss THAT debate! Hahaha!

    From time to time i would still prefer to spawn at the mermaid and keep fighting back...

    My thoughts on your preference...

  • My Pioneer status fell out of a packet of Cornflakes one morning ;)

    I have a vague memory that one of the dev updates before release mentioned they would use Pioneers again (confirmed) and that players would be rotated in and out to keep a good mix.

    Can only think I was selected because I was very active during the alpha both in the game and here on the forums. If you contribute enough and show that dedication, there's a higher chance you'll be selected in future.

  • @a-trusty-mango said in How can someone be a pioneer ?:

    @bloodfrenzy187 Aye. Seconded. And more people who are hard. You need hard people who will spit the cold logic at you and not care if it hurts cause that is what the game needs to survive the criticisms. If I had noticed one thing in my time on the forums when I was playing the open beta's is that there were only a VERY small select few pioneers who were hard. The rest of them just seemed like happy go lucky people who were all like, oh yeah! This is great! This is amazing! Don't listen to those 5 people saying otherwise!

    Better to have your select group who care about the game tear into thousands of little pieces then say, game articles that publish and thousands of people read.

    I’d say to you don’t judge something you know and have seen little of. Plenty of us play hard.

  • @ecljpse sagte in How can someone be a pioneer ?:

    @sirliborius said in How can someone be a pioneer ?:

    @ecljpse sagte in How can someone be a pioneer ?:

    -My personal victories: No more re-spawning at mermaids after your ship went down. Oooo boy! Do I miss THAT debate! Hahaha!

    From time to time i would still prefer to spawn at the mermaid and keep fighting back...

    My thoughts on your preference...

    No pirate references in your response? I'm almost disapointed, but I'm sure we will have some interesting discussions in this forum. :-)

  • @sirliborius He did have an eye patch... Lol

  • @luciansanchez82 said in How can someone be a pioneer ?:

    Can only think I was selected because I was very active during the alpha both in the game and here on the forums. If you contribute enough and show that dedication, there's a higher chance you'll be selected in future.

    Don't flatter yourself, you just got in because of your beard :)

  • @fishst1ck It is essentially a backstage pass to everything.

    I could probably kill a man and get away with it.

  • How I imagine @luciansanchez82 right now...

  • @musicmee said in How can someone be a pioneer ?:

    How I imagine @luciansanchez82 right now...

    This is me after every successful battle, chest handed in, chest dug up, voyage completed, banana eaten, hole boarded up, powder keg exploded, riddle step solved, cursed skull retrieved, chicken captured, anchor drop, sail adjustment, item bought..... I could go on.

  • Back then the pioneers were selected from the oldest, more active and the one who gave more feedback information inside of the insider program.

    It was rotative, if pioneers didn't keep active they were excluded and new insiders were called on duty.

    My thoughts is the they'll bringing back the old pioneers to action, then if they need new ones it will be choose by the oldest/active again. From the founder/insider.

    It's the most logical and fair option. We're here since the beginning, we're used to this program and that's our "reward"

    Every one had the opportunity to apply to the program back then. The ones who did it and committed to it should keep the good way.

    Oh and yes that was an hell of a good community back then. I miss those days.

  • Part of the selection was in game time, and during the early sessions, was often during the day US time, so yeah, those with day jobs, were out.

    I hope they get the participants that will test things thoroughly.

  • @a-trusty-mango said in How can someone be a pioneer ?:

    Just noticed this gem as I was just rereading everything to make sure I had covered every point. From one of the pioneers themselves, that not a single one of you had concerns or questions or doubts about how much content in the game until right BEFORE LAUNCH?!

    That is not really true. While a lot of folks did not express their doubts about content, there will still those who did in the forum or like me, expressed their feelings about things in the official surveys and up voting feedback from other pioneers.

    Having said that, I do sometimes feel like the TA and Pioneer testing was a failure. I also question whether I would want to participate in any Pioneer testing IF I was invited. As of now, I am inclined to reject an invitation unless there were substantial changes in how they respond to feedback and communicate with this group.

  • @a-trusty-mango It was also hard not to assume things were going to be included in the launch game. I had always hoped that most of the things "teased" in the shops and throughout the world would be included and it just proves what happens when you ASSuME. This is one of the reasons I no longer get excited about the SeaOfTease stuff.

  • @ve111a said in How can someone be a pioneer ?:

    Sure bring them back but I want in! lol. We are all here on the forums because we love the game and want our voices heard. I for one would love to do it and do more testing and giving my feedback to help shape this game. @KattTruewalker hint hint lol.

    Not up to me, mate, I'm only a Deckhand.... :)

  • @katttruewalker said in How can someone be a pioneer ?:

    @ve111a said in How can someone be a pioneer ?:

    Sure bring them back but I want in! lol. We are all here on the forums because we love the game and want our voices heard. I for one would love to do it and do more testing and giving my feedback to help shape this game. @KattTruewalker hint hint lol.

    Not up to me, mate, I'm only a Deckhand.... :)

    lol "only" she says.

  • @a-trusty-mango
    You're just missing out everything the pioneer program was.

    We had a closed part of The forum . We were NDA even under the insider NDA regime.

    There were where we discussed everything, we gave a lot of ideas to be implemented.
    A lot of them were taken and used. You sure would love the game in the early Alpha tests... for sure....

    But most importantly we tested everything before it was inserted in the alpha sessions. So it could run smoothly and Insiders only needed to give feedback about the feature itself.
    And that's what this game needs.
    The Pioneers to test it first so it could run smoothly in the launch environment, so anyone will not complain about features not working and.bugs occurring, and "fix your game" posts!

  • really the only way I honestly see it working is if the revamp it and greatly open it up to others. Sure a lot of pioneers were great and helpful on the forums, However, there has been a lot of them that aren't active and are making nonconstructive posts and complaining on the boards and that negativity isn't needed especially with NDA alpha testing.

  • @ve111a said in How can someone be a pioneer ?:

    really the only way I honestly see it working is if the revamp it and greatly open it up to others. Sure a lot of pioneers were great and helpful on the forums, However, there has been a lot of them that aren't active and are making nonconstructive posts and complaining on the boards and that negativity isn't needed especially with NDA alpha testing.

    But that was the way pioneers worked back then.. non active players were excluded from the program to give opportunity to other Insiders...
    And that's how it surely will continue to work.

  • @nunoazuldimeter said in How can someone be a pioneer ?:

    @ve111a said in How can someone be a pioneer ?:

    really the only way I honestly see it working is if the revamp it and greatly open it up to others. Sure a lot of pioneers were great and helpful on the forums, However, there has been a lot of them that aren't active and are making nonconstructive posts and complaining on the boards and that negativity isn't needed especially with NDA alpha testing.

    But that was the way pioneers worked back then.. non active players were excluded from the program to give opportunity to other Insiders...
    And that's how it surely will continue to work.

    here's hoping lol.

  • @ve111a yap, they obviously will make that selection first..
    Most of because some Pioneers have abandoned the program by themselves too. Others haven't buy the game... So they'll need more people to resurrect the program.

    But the obvious choice is to go from Pioneers - Founders - Insiders

  • Or look at the community and give it to active members regardless of titles lol. I don't wanna lose an opportunity because I don't have a founders tag and have probably played more then some legends out there lol.

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