Discussion about the social aspect of the game.

  • One thing that's coming up a lot is whether or not there should be safe havens in the game. The discussion has been heated, and I believe no one found a "good" way to make everyone happy. Well I had an idea, and wanted to have some feedback.

    What if there was no conventional matchmaking like what we saw in the alpha? Instead of spawning your character directly in a crew with about 3 other people, you would be spawned on an outpost with multiple other pirates that don't yet have a crew. There, you could drink with them, socialize with them (Playing games in the inn, if these ever become a reality), even fence with them. Once the other crew is happy with the kind of player you are, they can "hire" you. You're now part of the crew!

    Pros :

    • This puts more emphasis on the social aspect of the game, which appears to be an important point for the devs
    • This changes the outposts from their current dead state, that place you go to drop your chests and leave asap, to a lively location with potential allies.
    • This also reinforces the idea of pirate legends. Imagine wandering on an outpost and seeing another player with legendary titles/clothes. Wouldn't you want to hire them before the others?
    • People can still fight and kill each others while in outposts. You can still be the guy who starts a huge fight, where everyone fights but no one is sure why... However, since people are also there to socialize and hire crewmembers, I believe that the majority of players will enforce peace. This can create highly interesting social interactions!
    • The outposts could become much more : You're looking for pigs and chickens, but stumbled upon a rare treasure chest? Why not try to trade it at an outpost? Be prepared, because the deal might not go the way you think, when you trade with thieves...

    Cons :

    • Shy players, or those who don't speak the common language of the game, might have more trouble finding a group
    • Players who just want to hop in for a quick treasure hunt will probably have to do so alone

    These two issues could be fixed by having an in-game billboard to browse other pirates more easily, but would still require people to be on the outpost and make it a living place.

    • Another Con : Stacking more players on outposts will make it harder to go and drop treasures. However, the matchmaking system could dynamically change which outpost is used as time goes by. This would ensure the possibility for other pirates to still easily find "empty" outposts to drop their loot.

    Unknowns :

    • We don't know how many concurrent players Rare intends to have on a server. Fewer players might be a problem for this system.

    In conclusion, I believe this would be much more fitting to the Sea of Thieves game : A social game, in which almost nothing is done via menus, should not form its teams with a cold matchmaking system. Give me your thoughts!

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  • @courteous-crook Maybe your outpost could be on an exclusive server? So when a crew finds itself, they are thrown to a real one? Would solve your unknowns problem.

  • @courteous-crook I also agree with alot of your points. I think a Neutral zone would be a key point especially considering that part of the progression in this game is based around becoming a pirate legend. It would create a great place where you could interact and talk to other players, passing on stories of interactions with other players/crews.

    Wouldn't it feel great to have had sunk multiple crews during a session and hear stories of your doings from other players :) To get a message from someone you sailed with weeks ago, who happened to over hear a number of crews planning to team up and seek revenge!

  • @jcmdeadpool The point is to have as little friction between that hub and the rest of the world, so an exclusive server would be the opposite of that... but at least we'd have somewhere to socialize!

  • @nathan-2610 Exactly! But I think that "neutral zone" doesn't quite describe it. In an ideal world, that zone would not prevent players for attacking themselves. They just wouldn't have much incentive to, and would quickly be cut down by other pirates enjoying a pint.

  • @courteous-crook great ideas Everyone......
    only way to make everyone happy would be having invite only private servers....
    Those that only PVE can be on their own Server and invite people they are friends with and wish to socialize with.

    It's the way of the future, most games are starting to do rental private server now. The owner if the server has GM control of it.... Example; ARK, Conan,....

    Rare has repeatedly stated that there will be no safe haven, the world is open world PvP period..

    Rare also said there is one social zone in game that is safe to find new friends and crew.... The Ferry of the Damned.

    So most likely nothing is going to change in SoT....

    Hopefully Rare will make bigger maps with multiple biomes, and a lot more Outpost for Players to go to and help people who do not wish to PvP to have the option to "mostly" avoid it by playing smarter.... Playing tactical,.... If you See a ship, the world will be so big you can go a different direction and avoid trouble.

    Here is a video about safe zones...

  • I think for now its fine as is. To add such features would just lengthen the time period we have to wait on the game. For a future expansion or update, yes, i think it would be a fantastic idea to have a bigger area for people all over to socialize in.

    Basically, RARE obviously has a plan for this game. Its obvious im the way they are presenting it and updates such as the progression one recently. Lets see what they have in store for us first.

  • @techno-warwitch I don't want outposts to become safe zones. I want outposts to become community hubs...

    As for the ferry of the damned... it'S naive to think that players, sitll full of adrenaline, are going to socialize there. I hope they change their minds!

  • @courteous-crook

    I'm sorry, I read this and a vision of picking teams for football or netball in the school playground flashed into my mind......I think it would be incredibly off-putting for those who are less confident about multiplayer games or more introverted in nature in the first place.

    I do, however, like the idea of being able to set sail from within game, perhaps meeting friends at a neutral-ish location, or being able to join a ship of friends already sailing, or guildmates, or just random crews from an outpost, either with a billboard system or friends list etc.

  • @katttruewalker I feel pretty much the same way.
    It would also make getting onto the sea (which is what we are going for, right) come a lot slower.
    Joining in game would be super nice though.

  • A social HUB would fit perfectly. At the start menu, you would choose between classic matchmaking or go into this social HUB (an instanced server allowing at least 20-30 players).

  • Regarding social hubs, two words: shouting match
    Two more? Cluster ____
    Go watch 5 minutes of VR Chat on Twitch and you'll understand (and that's without PvP combat enabled).

  • @courteous-crook Well Outpost are meant to be social hubs, and also a good place to meet up with new players as well.

    It would be fun to have mini games in pubs like liers dice, and card games. We see target boards so maybe Rare is thinking about having a target practice mini game where players can play for points of who gets the closet to a bullseye?
    Darts, and drinking games would be fun.

    and a dueling enclosed area arena like place to settle disputes in an honorable contests...

    Even pistols at ten paces like contest.

  • @techno-warwitch I know they're meant to be social, but right now there's no incentive for me to talk to others, since I can't recruit them easily.

    I too would REALLY love it for these mini-games to be available!

  • @nos37 Maybe, maybe not. If you create mechanics that rewards good behaviours, you can build something positive, I'm quite sure of it. There will be griefers, trolls, etc, but the friendly SoT community can deal with that ;)

  • @nos37 to add to JetOrchidee97's point, VRChat is a free game, so there can be lots of people behaving badly at no risk (They can just create a new account if they banned for bad behavior)

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