Kaldaran Empire. All Platforms. 18+ Community.

  • Kaldaran Empire[All Platforms][18+]

    Ever wished you didn't have to find a new group of friends/clan mates every time you take interest in another game? Sick of little kids and immature people ruining your experience? Are you an adult tired of getting kicked out of clans because you have a sense of responsibility outside of games? The Kaldaran Empire is a long-standing community dating back to 2010. We employ a military-inspired rank structure that rewards based on meritocracy.

    What We Offer

    ✪ Life Comes First: Our first and one of our biggest rules in Kaldara.
    ✪ Structure: A Basic Military inspired Ranking system. Designed with the mind of organization and a sense of accomplishment.
    ✪ Camaraderie: It is our goal, to make this the last gaming community you will ever need. With a sense of Family and Brotherhood, we encourage social activity, friendly ribbing and locker room humor.
    ✪ Events: Kaldara hosts events for all skill levels. Such as a race to 100.
    ✪ International Player Base: We have players from all over the globe. This way, no matter the time zones you hail from, there is always somebody online.
    ✪ Casual Environment: We cater to the casual gamer.
    ✪ Accept all players: We accept all players, regardless if a Hardened Veteran or a New player, and regardless of platform.


    ✪ 18+: This is non-negotiable. We are an Adult Community for a reason.
    ✪ Discord: This is a must to be in Kaldara. Even one post a month is enough though we do encourage more. We do monthly purges and that one post keeps you safe. Zero discord activity for 1 month may result in a kick for inactivity.
    ✪ English Language: A basic understanding is a requirement, just enough to communicate in voice and text channels.
    ✪ Socializing: We are a very social community. Kaldara is not for players who want to do solo player things. Summary If a mix of good people, good games, available training, and hosted events interest you, then come join us. -[mod removed]

    If a mix of good people, good games, available training, and hosted events interest you, then come join us! We would also like to give a warm welcome to all our Playstation brothers and sisters, who will be exploring the Sea of Thieves for the first time.

  • 20
    xbox onewindows 10just for funcommunity
  • @brotherjulius Please don't keep creating new Threads for the same topic, you can simply add any additional updates/information with a post on this Thread.
    This Thread will be left open but any future Threads will be locked/deleted.

    Also, if you wish to invite others to outside spaces (Discord etc) you would need to do so in private massages.

    Thank you.

  • Interested!

  • what guild level?

  • Sounds like my kinda of thing! Coming back after a few years out.

    Discord: Mimic_Miniatures
    GT: Cpt DeWhitt

  • Hi there! Xbox name: HetIsDeBers looking for a mature group of people to play with. used to play in the beginning stages of the game. Friends i played with moved on, i came back a while ago :)

  • I'd love to join! @Limpen5043

  • I might be interested to sail for the Kaldaran Empire.

    GT: Duke of Bruno
    Discord: dukeofbruno

  • Hey im interested and joining the Empire my Discord is #pickle2108 username:Feudal Lord.
    Pirate Legend 100+ Hours

  • @dstqmonster ill need to double check but we are definitely in the 50's

  • @dstqmonster 52

  • If you are looking for an invite to the discord, my discord is GrandMasterFrodo

  • you got room for one more? im new and danish :)

  • Still have openings?

  • @fadedpizza40075 indeed. Just add me on Discord. GrandMasterFrodo

  • @sailingsnail846 Yup. If you are still interested, then just add me on Discord. GrandMasterFrodo

  • giving this post a bump. We are still open and still recruiting, for all skill levels.

  • Since it is 30 APR 2024, I wanna give this post another bump, by welcoming PS5 players to game I have loved for some years now. The Kaldaran Empire is recruiting and is willing to take on all players, new and old, especially our PS5 brethren.

    My discord is Grand Master Frodo.

  • Hi !

    Just starting the game. Done a few exploration in Safer Sea mode, but fighting solo is not that fun.
    I'm french, and 39.

    Discord: mrfootman
    GT: FootmanMr

xbox onewindows 10just for funcommunity
14 out of 20