spawn camping tavern

  • I just joined a random crew and was greeted with a blunder to the face before I even got out of the wake up animation. Turns out a galleon rolled up and two TSD's were sat in the tavern spawn camping. Just made the post to ask if this is bannable at all? There's no reason for spawn camping a fresh crew in the tavern unless you're trying to ruin the game, it isn't even similar to spawn killing to take supplies which I know people are against.

    Just asking this incase I come across it again, sadly forgot to clip it which I'm devastated about, once I spawned back the second time I two tapped both of the guys.

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  • It wouldn't look great for them in a report, that's always on the discretion of those with the power to enforce

    in general if they aren't trying to steal treasure or supplies, or sink a boat they could face consequences with a report

    Personally I just suggest a move on to another server approach because of how random the environment is and how rare that stuff is

    but you certainly have the freedom to report anything that you feel is an intentional attempt to stop you from doing something in the game, like start your session.

  • Yup, report that nonsense and get them off the seas.

    Spawncamping is only really "permitted" in the case of ensuring a ship will sink or stealing supplies from a ship. In the case of spawncamping players in a tavern who have no supplies, no treasure, and they aren't trying to ensure a sink; that's worthy of punishment.

  • Meh. You killed them both. I think the point was made. Personally I wouldn't unless there was something actually toxic like slurs etc...

  • Unless they are overly toxic or say slurs I don't think so, plus it's the spawn tavern just changing servers completely destroys their strats

  • @barto9991 said in spawn camping tavern:

    Unless they are overly toxic or say slurs I don't think so, plus it's the spawn tavern just changing servers completely destroys their strats

    It doesn't take verbal/text stuff if it's clearly against the spirit of the rules.

    Ultimately they aim to give players a lenient amount of freedom to pirate how they want, including killing and sinking pirates, but if people are clearly trying to ruin the experience of others that is something they may enforce on and have before.

    If they are just camping just to camp that can be seen as a problem depending on the evidence

    If someone was camping because of a random situation where people were trying to sell loot on a rowboat at the outpost then they were be defending loot, and if they stopped after that was done that would be (imo) more within the spirit of the rules.

    It just depends on all the details and behavior, but it's a fair thing to report if the op feels it was a violation.

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