"Quality and Performance" season

  • Let's be honest: the performance in Sea of ​​Thieves is not the best. And it is precisely for this reason that I propose the "Quality and Performance" season. This season should only deal with improving the performance in Sea of ​​Thieves, fixing bugs or something similar. And quality means things/features that could not be edited properly or were removed because there was too much time pressure (as an example of what that means: the Seafort milestone was only recently activated. Should such things generally still be in Sea of ​​Thieves exist, these features should be included in the season).

    If you are unsure whether there should be such a season, do a vote for the community to see who else wants such an update.

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  • The issue is that they won't fix everything, there will always be issues

    So when the focus is on that at the sacrifice of content and there is still issues they will just get even more flak for it.

    People that regularly give feedback on the different platforms will set expectations and those expectations are largely not going to be met.

    Also at this stage of the game's life my guess would be is that there is no patience to hit the numbers like there is in the beginning of something .

    I think how it would go down is a lot different than it looks on paper with this fairly common suggestion.

  • Of course you can't fix everything, but you can fix a lot. Whether it's small things (such as: the Skeleton Lords animation skip, the double gun glitch, the current bug with the harpoon or other small bugs) or big things (such as: the general performance of the game, not saving captain ships, the not counting milestones correctly). I think if Rare is given enough time they can fix quite a few things.

  • It seems like every patch notes I read claims server improvements. I wonder if this just like a signature line for the patch notes to give the illusion of them actually working on it but its something they aren't able to figure out? I feel like whatever the issue is, is part of the foundation of the games design and would require some major overhauling and considering fixing lag and stability wouldn't be adding new content to keep people engaged they can't justify spending so much time working on fixing tha. Like the number of people they are losing due to lag is smaller than the number they would lose over no content updates so they are calling it an acceptable loss?

  • Your comments are valid. But in the end, as I said, people stop playing because of the bad performance, lose interest for a day or more. But if such a season is planned, then a Plunder Pass should be added with the release AND there should be more events, which means that significantly more players will stay and old players will come back due to the better performance. Which I think makes the best turnover of the active player count. As I said, I think the community should get an official vote, so the developers can see who is interested in this update, so that they can decide whether there will be such a season.

  • @akaikage000 said in "Quality and Performance" season:

    Your comments are valid. But in the end, as I said, people stop playing because of the bad performance, lose interest for a day or more. But if such a season is planned, then a Plunder Pass should be added with the release AND there should be more events, which means that significantly more players will stay and old players will come back due to the better performance. Which I think makes the best turnover of the active player count. As I said, I think the community should get an official vote, so the developers can see who is interested in this update, so that they can decide whether there will be such a season.

    In my experience

    #1 reason people quit is not being able to find and maintain a crew. The devs can do very little about this in reality. Harsh and time consuming environment, schedules/interests don't match up, people get stressed and conflict arises. Crews fall apart and people leave.

    #2 is lack of motivation
    This is where they went counter productive on captaincy and why it hasn't seen the boom many thought it would. Completely taking for granted proven investment by assuming that people would be fine starting at 0. Could have easily implemented legacy stats that gave no advantage and not ran long time contributors off.
    Imbalanced risk reward has also increasingly become a huge part of this.

    #3 Lack of significance
    The game has propped up alliance play and hopping pvp through features. Significance is brought way down and people simply don't care as much, without the strong emotional investment we lose more participants. The organic experience has long suffered because of it.

    Alliance numbers are being used to pad activity stats and hopping pvp is being enabled to push out action content for clicks and views at the expense of balance and the organic experience.

    Risk/reward works when balanced.
    No risk reward while others are expected to produce in a poor organic environment does not.

    This game hasn't run consistently in years, it has been shown that people will put up with a LOT when it comes to issues with performance.

    When it's combined with #2 and #3 is when it becomes a real issue. It's a frustration amplifier

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