Did you hear about the captaincy banners?

  • So if you were unaware. The banners ( not the titles) have sound effects tied to them. The feared banner has a gun shot when equipped and the title is displayed on screen. The ill fated has a storm sound to it and so on. Some have ask what's that gun shot sound came from and I have to explain. Hope this helps out. I think its a great addition for immersion in the game. Has anyone found out what the other's do?

  • 9
  • I love them.

    The sounds, the banners, the titles, glassing ships pretty much everything decorating related for captaincy, I look forward to all the issues being worked out so everything is consistent

    design/sound wise I don't think there is one that I don't much care for

    I think I like the Rogue sound the most when I glass someone

  • Has anyone noticed any differences between the four different versions of each banner, or are they the same?

  • Ill fated if I'm not mistaken does very similar sound to the one in the ferry of the damned when the door opens. Probably best of them all to be honest.
    I'm currently using the gold seeker one which makes a 'coin' sound, kind of like the ancient skelly's it probably attracts more pirates, I should change it.

  • Hunter banner plays the casting a fishing rod sound

  • @longshot402 is THAT what it is?! I kept wondering why it was a rattle noise 😆

    Voyager (I think that's what I'm using) is the dinging of the ship's bell

  • And where can i listen every banner sound?

  • @danonimus2043 said in Did you hear about the captaincy banners?:

    And where can i listen every banner sound?
    I wanna know The servant banner sound

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