Surprise Shark Fishing Sabotage

  • Since SOT really likes their jump scares.... I think you need to have a random shark spawn, jump up out of the water & bite the line when someone is fishing. Make it so they can't see it coming - then the shark swims away after they steal your fish. This would be a fairly rare event which would then come with new commendations for The Hunters Call.

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  • It could be workable

    gotta be able to turn it off imo as that sort of thing isn't for everyone

    I wouldn't tie it to commendations I would make it some sort of new situation to handle for another reward. Could even have it drop a piece of plunder which could then be used for commendations

  • @wolfmanbush Yeah it's definitely not for everyone, same as getting bitten by a shark out of nowhere isn't hahaha - scares me EVERY time!! My thought is this would have that same kind of effect, but would be much less frequent of an event. Keeps fishing relevant as well for those who have achieved the commendations for Hunter's Call (not that that is a simple task by any means lol)

  • @jnjsmom47 said in Surprise Shark Fishing Sabotage:

    @wolfmanbush Yeah it's definitely not for everyone, same as getting bitten by a shark out of nowhere isn't hahaha - scares me EVERY time!! My thought is this would have that same kind of effect, but would be much less frequent of an event. Keeps fishing relevant as well for those who have achieved the commendations for Hunter's Call (not that that is a simple task by any means lol)

    I think the way to handle it without leaving people out that are scared of sharks or just don't like jump stuff would be 1 piece of guaranteed plunder and make it the same rarity as an ashen key

    could even just have it drop an ashen key too

    that way it gives incentive to keep it on but doesn't really leave anyone out as those with it off can still fish up plunder and keys

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