Captaincy, not sure if bug…

  • So the captain role doesn’t switch to a new player if someone leaves? From the testing my friends and I have been doing the role doesn’t move to another player and the ship becomes useless for anything related to the captaincy update.

    This can’t be intended, right?

    If a friend and myself are on doing captain stuff for 4hrs and my friend, who is the captain, DCs because of poor internet or has an emergency. I can no longer do any captain stuff. Can’t sell to the Sovereigns, can’t put down captains quests, don’t get promoted, can’t promote someone else. You have to start an entirely new ship.

    Please tell me this is a bug…..

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  • @qwistae Ahoy matey!

    This is working as intended... If the captain leaves you will need to start a new session to retain Captained ship benefits. The ship you are on does not belong to you.

    If you sink or scuttle you will be given a shared ship as how the previous ship system worked.

  • @musicmee There is an issue here though. Being that captaincy milestones are related only to one member of the crew, what will be the incentive of other players to join that crew?
    Isn't easier to spread the experience among the crew and if the captain leaves a new one to be appointed? This way the rest of the crew doesn't have to abandon grinding when only a member leaves.

  • @qwistae Not a bug... The captain gets a warning message to confirm the vacancy before disconnecting from the session.

  • @qwistae said in Captaincy, not sure if bug…:

    So the captain role doesn’t switch to a new player if someone leaves? From the testing my friends and I have been doing the role doesn’t move to another player and the ship becomes useless for anything related to the captaincy update.

    This can’t be intended, right?

    If a friend and myself are on doing captain stuff for 4hrs and my friend, who is the captain, DCs because of poor internet or has an emergency. I can no longer do any captain stuff. Can’t sell to the Sovereigns, can’t put down captains quests, don’t get promoted, can’t promote someone else. You have to start an entirely new ship.

    Please tell me this is a bug…..

    If your friend gets a disconnect, he can join the crew again during starting the game and AFAIK he returns as the ship's captain. If he leaves and doesn't return, yeah the ship is no longer captained (as intended).

  • Got a DC as captain, rejoin does NOT make you captain again. As much as this game crashes especially around ocean crawlers, makes this content toilsome.

  • Or spending a hour of time with a captain that suddenly has to go. Youve wasted all time on that ship. You should be able to somehow trasfer captaincy

  • @j0hn-stamos-jr said in Captaincy, not sure if bug…:

    Got a DC as captain, rejoin does NOT make you captain again. As much as this game crashes especially around ocean crawlers, makes this content toilsome.

    Strange. When I alt-f4 being the captain I still have my Captained ship when I rejoin the session. Perhaps put in a support ticket.

  • @lem0n-curry

    To clarify this was on Xbox series X.

  • Let me break down what’s in my head.

    2 person sloop
    2-4hrs of play
    Captain DCs
    Can’t sell to Sovereigns, sell alone to individual factions without captaincy progression (30min-1hr)
    Log out
    Log in
    Gather supplies (30min-1hr)
    Start captaincy again

    It just seems kind of silly, doesn’t it?

    I’m not saying that I should get someone else’s ship. If captain is transferred, it would be the new captain’s ship. Why do we have to exit the game for that?

    We could go to the shipwright and transfer ownership or just do it from the menus with a voting system.

    The old ship could scuttle and the new ship spawns somewhere else like when you sink or something.

    I’m sure someone could come up with better ideas than what I have here, but the system we have now seems like more of a hassle than anything else.

  • Why can’t we vote or elect a new captain if the captain has to leave? Like we vote someone into the brig? Maybe voting can be done near the Shipwright so the ship resets to the new captain.

  • @musicmee I’m sorry, but this makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

    Players who have been grinding for hours have to lose their progression because said captain has decided to unexpectedly leave? This even goes for open crews…

    Not only do they lose their progression, but having to start an entirely new ship on a new server, leaving all the vast amount of supplies gathered is ridiculous.

    I’m very confused why rare didn’t think about this? There should be an option some where in crew management to elect one of the members as a new captain.

    AND OR! Being able to talk with the shipwrights to make an uncaptained ship became captained once again.

  • sloop at 2 I was captain 6 hours of farm disconnection
    impossible to become a captain again when I join my old boat how seriously you can't think of that? a voting system like the flags would have been very good to believe that you do not even try the updates that you put in place very disappointed with this update which apart from being able to name our ship after 4 years all the same

  • this is a little bit unrelated but for some reason every time i try to set sail as a captain halfway through the loading screen a error that says...![alt text](file:///C:/Users/spenc_/Pictures/Screenshot%202022-08-04%20163405.png)

  • It’s not a bug it seems but instead a poor decision on Rare’s end. I am not truly sure what they were expecting when they decided that captaincy could not be transferred. It is insane that in an instant I could lose hours of progress because my friend needs to leave and now the ship is uncaptained. I would not even mind going to the Shipwright and having to pay gold to obtain captaincy if you’re already in a server!! It is crazy that we are expected to just change servers each time the captain decides to leave the game. I really hope they fix it and add an option even if it means having to pay gold or sail your ship to a specific destination. I was very excited about captaincy, but if this is what it will be like, I would rather just sail a regular ship instead.

  • @daenerion said in Captaincy, not sure if bug…:

    @musicmee I’m sorry, but this makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

    Players who have been grinding for hours have to lose their progression because said captain has decided to unexpectedly leave? This even goes for open crews…

    Not only do they lose their progression, but having to start an entirely new ship on a new server, leaving all the vast amount of supplies gathered is ridiculous.

    I’m very confused why rare didn’t think about this? There should be an option some where in crew management to elect one of the members as a new captain.

    AND OR! Being able to talk with the shipwrights to make an uncaptained ship became captained once again.

    Totally agree with this. I don’t know how it’s fair to the people who put in hours of work to have to lose that if another player leaves. At that point, it’s out of our hands.

  • The fact that captaincy doesnt transfer at all, makes my friends wanna stop playing.. atleast let captaincy transfer through voting. pls FIX IT RARE

  • I'm very disappointed with this Season 7 update... So many things have gone overlooked and the amount of new bugs being encountered everyday make me want to stop playing all together. This is a Captaincy update that was already delayed 2months. I cant even save my ship cosmetics because every session they restart with diaper sails.. I just waste my money trying at this point. This is ridiculous in my opinion.

  • My friend decided to purchase his own ship tonight after grinding on my ship since the release of the update. Well, tonight while doing reapers his game crashed (being on a lower end pc) and lost his captaincy status, even when returning to the session.

    FIX THIS RARE, at least make it where if the captain returns he gets the ship back, or refund the god awful amount of coins he had to spend on a useless ship.

  • Well im so happy this is working as intended. Ive logged in joind a crew done almost the whole voyage and captain leaves so whole hour of time wasted. No point to sale the loot with out a captain. No point in finishing the quest. So many players ive played with for 3 years just quiting because who has time to waste when the captain leaves and this game is very time consuming anyway. What you do on your friends boats doesnt count for your captaincy so people are opting out to only play solo and work on their own boats. Way to take a great team based game and kill the whole reason to have a crew.

  • @ech0sbeck said in Captaincy, not sure if bug…:

    Well im so happy this is working as intended. Ive logged in joind a crew done almost the whole voyage and captain leaves so whole hour of time wasted. No point to sale the loot with out a captain. [...]

    No point ? You might not get credit for milestones, but you still get gold and perhaps emissary value.

  • I am sympathetic to everyone's plight...


    You won't lose hours of progress if you turn in every half hour.

    Just sayin'.

  • @galactic-geek said in Captaincy, not sure if bug…:

    I am sympathetic to everyone's plight...


    You won't lose hours of progress if you turn in every half hour.

    Just sayin'.

    I guess you could do that if you don’t want to participate in in-game events like Golden Hour.

  • Played close to 200 days, almost got all commendations. And now i need to do it all again for captaincy ? And it only counts when you are captain ? Hell no. Im done playing this game. Those milestones are just ridiculous, not even fun. I am done wasting my life because some nerd at rare headquarters thinks it is necessary to put unobtainable milestones in the game.

  • I am a day 1 player. Been on SOT off and on. If the captinency is gone there is no point for me to play. Sure I can still turn in for gold but I already have over 100 mil in gold after buying everything I can in game. I play for the complete of comms and achievements and this update makes that difficult. Forcing me to play solo to be able to complete my own ship comms and if I have a friend join me they lose their progress when I leave. The ship won't transfer over or anything. Rare had to know this would leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth. Playing with friends is almost useless now unless you aren't planning to get any of these comms done.

  • Captaincy not transferring makes sense to me: it's my ship, not my crewmates', so one of them shouldn't become captain.

    But if my internet goes out and I rejoin, I should be reinstated as captain. It sucks that that doesn't happen.

  • @karmicxkoala1 said in Captaincy, not sure if bug…:

    Captaincy not transferring makes sense to me: it's my ship, not my crewmates', so one of them shouldn't become captain.

    But if my internet goes out and I rejoin, I should be reinstated as captain. It sucks that that doesn't happen.

    This should happen - rejoining after an error (within a certain timeframe) should not change the ship into uncaptained and you should stay Captain when you do rejoin.

    You should submit a support ticket, make Rare aware that it isn't working as intended.

  • @galactic-geek said in Captaincy, not sure if bug…:

    You won't lose hours of progress if you turn in every half hour.

    You do, once you factor in the increased travel time back and forth to an outpost every time.

  • Regardless IRL ships get new capitans all the time, there should be no reason the captaincy should stay with the player that has left ore dc (within time limit) best way to fix this is through voting system like the placing of a crew mate in the brig.. or at the new shipwrite location.

  • I’ve yet to hear anything positive from the community regarding this update. The role of a captain is a dynamic one and the game simply fails to account for that at this point.

    I echo the sentiment that this does very little to enhance the experience. It had the potential to be cool and fun and it’s disappointing to see it boggled like this.

    If we cannot nominate a replacement captain then what is the point of working together? As we may as well just go solo.

  • @qwistae said in Captaincy, not sure if bug…:

    @galactic-geek said in Captaincy, not sure if bug…:

    I am sympathetic to everyone's plight...


    You won't lose hours of progress if you turn in every half hour.

    Just sayin'.

    I guess you could do that if you don’t want to participate in in-game events like Golden Hour.

    I turn in during Gold Rush Hours all of the time! 🙂

  • @galactic-geek Not if you sell every half hour lol. Only 2 gold hours every day. Why should we sell every 30 min anyways ? Because rare is unable to stabilize the game without people crashing all the time ? Maybe they should fix major issues before coming up with even more broken content to load.

  • @spoonin-robot said in Captaincy, not sure if bug…:

    @galactic-geek Not if you sell every half hour lol. Only 2 gold hours every day. Why should we sell every 30 min anyways ? Because rare is unable to stabilize the game without people crashing all the time ? Maybe they should fix major issues before coming up with even more broken content to load.

    You don't HAVE to sell every 30 minutes; it's just a suggestion, and typically given so you're less likely to lose your progress if you get attacked and sunk. Random disconnects can happen sure, but in my experience, they're pretty rare - and most of the time you can reconnect quickly without issue. Also, its's probably more accurate to say that I typically turn in about I'd say, oh I dunno - every 45 minutes or so...

  • @galactic-geek well i played in alliance servers a lot. I know how people feel about that, but thats is the way i like to play the game. And thousands more play in alliance like me. Playing with my friends in 1 party, grinding and stacking together. Selling only 2 times a day, during both gold hours. Boats with over 20 fotd stacked. For the last month people are not getting rejoins after ships have been up for like 36 hours. And now this update.. This is speculation on my part, but i feel like they keep adding new content to the game, so they cant have people stacking in server alliances for days anymore or the game crashes. So their solution seems to be to stop giving rejoins after a certain time, getting boats of the server and clearing up memory by doing so. This update is another blow to server alliances, cause everyone wants to be captain now. Getting a server with 5 captained ships is almost impossible. And when the captain leaves, the ship is useless. So its a lot harder and time consuming for server alliances to obtain and hold servers, and most players wont even get comms. Grinding commendations in open servers is no fun lol. Im ready for all the anti alliance comments that will follow and i dont care. You play your way, i played my way.

  • @spoonin-robot said in Captaincy, not sure if bug…:

    @galactic-geek well i played in alliance servers a lot. I know how people feel about that, but thats is the way i like to play the game. And thousands more play in alliance like me. Playing with my friends in 1 party, grinding and stacking together. Selling only 2 times a day, during both gold hours. Boats with over 20 fotd stacked. For the last month people are not getting rejoins after ships have been up for like 36 hours. And now this update.. This is speculation on my part, but i feel like they keep adding new content to the game, so they cant have people stacking in server alliances for days anymore or the game crashes. So their solution seems to be to stop giving rejoins after a certain time, getting boats of the server and clearing up memory by doing so. This update is another blow to server alliances, cause everyone wants to be captain now. Getting a server with 5 captained ships is almost impossible. And when the captain leaves, the ship is useless. So its a lot harder and time consuming for server alliances to obtain and hold servers, and most players wont even get comms. Grinding commendations in open servers is no fun lol. Im ready for all the anti alliance comments that will follow and i dont care. You play your way, i played my way.

    The problem stems from server limitations - when every ship stacks loot in a server alliance it will eventually bog the server down. Don't cheapen the experience by grinding via server alliances; live it, loot it, fight it out, and get paid!

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