There is a delay in Event progress message not going away…

  • I noticed after loading today there is a message at top right talking about the delay in event progress. However it doesn’t go away.

  • 16
  • I've noticed the same thing. It's very annoying.

  • Yep, I guess they really want you to know no matter how annoying the box is

  • We played for 6h yesterday.(My friend and me) Made around 800k gold each and we are still waiting to receive it!!!! The massage was there all night.... any idea when will we got the money?????? And the progress?? Thx

  • @helkon02 said in There is a delay in Event progress message not going away…:

    We played for 6h yesterday.(My friend and me) Made around 800k gold each and we are still waiting to receive it!!!! The massage was there all night.... any idea when will we got the money?????? And the progress?? Thx

    Were they talking about G&G? That ended like the 3rd..

    I think they are talking about Grogmannay.

  • I got a couple of doots for killing ocean crawlers last night.

  • This massage was in my top left corner all afternoon and evening. We played just normal, but then we realized after sellinng anything, we didnt get the gold. We thought it is cus of the delay and played "normal" as it was in the massage. We sold 1 Fort of Fortune(+all the loot we found around the islands and on quests) and 1 Flameheart on Emissary LVL 5...and we got nothing...We thought it would appear today, but nothing...we still have the same amount of money we had yesterday,before we started playing..

  • @helkon02 +we have the same situation

  • @faiz9119 I know its not a good situation but i feel better we are not alone :'D Maybe somebody who can help will notice us :D

  • @helkon02 I agree, I hope it will be fixed

  • Regarding the event, they are all individually counted rather than crew based aren't they?

  • @scoobywrx555 said in There is a delay in Event progress message not going away…:

    Regarding the event, they are all individually counted rather than crew based aren't they?


  • Same thing had it on screen for like 10 hts

  • @scoobywrx555 said in There is a delay in Event progress message not going away…:

    Regarding the event, they are all individually counted rather than crew based aren't they?

    The Grogmanay event ? Crewbased - if your mate kills a shark while drunk, you get the challenge completed as well.

  • @lem0n-curry Thanks couldn't remember whether these deed events were or not and have had mixed delayed results to be sure. That or I'm killing skellies too quick after 3 pints but before I vom.

  • It is obviously a server sticky.

12 out of 16