Interesting thought about Private Servers

  • @excitedcaius said in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    @lem0n-curry said in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    @excitedcaius said in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    @blazedrake100 said in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    We dont want no progression because of it devaluing the cosmetics. We want there to be none so pveers still play adventure, so adventure stays unpredictable and doesn't become pvp town

    I don't understand this at all. If you enjoy PvP, wouldn't being on a server with only PvP-minded players be exactly what you want?

    Unless, PvP players don't want fair competition. They want to be able to roll up on completely unprepared, inexperienced, ill-equipped crews who are only wanting to enjoy an adventure with friends. Is that what you're suggesting you want?

    PvE players are not there to be your content. If you want PvP, then a PvP-only environment is exactly what including a PvE-only option would give you.

    This game has no PvE Players - it's a PvPvE game. It may have players who dislike PvP; but that's not the problem of the other players or the game.

    Of course there are PvE players. It's a choice a player makes to engage in PvE-content only, and to avoid PvP content. They are not content for PvP-focused players and murder hobos. Let PvP-centric players play with other PvP-centric players; let PvE players play with other PvE players.

    The only cogent argument I've seen raised against separating the playstyles is that the PvE game would lack challenge. That can certainly be alleviated with environmental hazards. Coincidentally, after sinking a skeleton fleet, my crew was hit by a kraken, more skeleton ships, and then a couple of players rolled up to sink us while we desperately tried to get away from the kraken.

    What did I get for the time and effort investment of sinking the initial skeleton ship? A very happy message in my xbox app saying "thanks so much guys" from the crew which sunk us and took our loot. So fun! /s

    Private servers can't get here soon enough. The players like those in my experience shared above deserve each other.

    Exactly!! Don't be a victim!

    When i first started i was like "Gee!! This is exciting,.oohhh i dug up a castaway! Omg keg-skellies are so scary, and run so fast!".

    THAT was the honeymoon phase. Then the game got me hooked, like a foam splashtail.

    That's when the game began to introduce a sporadic, but always threatening stream of bad sinks. "Baaahahahaaa! Did you just kill the captain on this skull fort after 2 hours of solo-sloop battle? What's that?
    You checked the horizon just a minute ago and there was nothing?? Haha, you can't run, here let me take that from you!!! Blunderbussssss ~ghostly bells toll~

    Fast forward to now.. and I'm in the hills of Colorado, wearing a tattered t-shirt that says 'Wolverines'.

    I wear a necklace.. a ghastly necklace of shrivelled ears... ears taken from careless pirates, perhaps weak ones. But..

    Survival of the fittest out there...they shouldnta left their anchor down, i had ta kill em dont you see? Dontcha see??! They just woulda died anyway see? It was the strawberry icecream, the men had no discipline, see??!! If not by my hand, then by the Holness, so i had to blow them up. Stop lecturing me, they were careless, i can still hear their pleas!! "Hey we're friendly, dont fire" buts i had ta teach em so's theyd learn, the seas no place for the weak or children, we vaccinated the children but there was a small pile of arms, i wear a necklace of shrivelled earsssss!!!!!! GARRRITTTTTTTYYYYYYY!!!!

  • @wroughthurdle83

    alt text

  • There ARE private servers.

    It's called "Maiden Voyage"


  • @archaell sagte in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    I am of the opinion that we are looking at the whole thing the wrong way.

    Instead of pondering about PvE servers, we should figure out how to improve the PvP part of Adventure for the PvE players who don't benefit from PvP at all. For them the PvP is basically losing loot and time with no benefits.

    Fully agree
    Nerf the shooter combat
    Remove bunnyhopping, dg'ing and give us invisible spawn to counter spawnkilling.
    Make combat more piratish and more melee focussed.

  • @bugaboo-bill said in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    @archaell sagte in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    I am of the opinion that we are looking at the whole thing the wrong way.

    Instead of pondering about PvE servers, we should figure out how to improve the PvP part of Adventure for the PvE players who don't benefit from PvP at all. For them the PvP is basically losing loot and time with no benefits.

    Fully agree
    Nerf the shooter combat
    Remove bunnyhopping, dg'ing and give us invisible spawn to counter spawnkilling.
    Make combat more piratish and more melee focussed.

    While these changes could certainly improve the skill disparity, it doesn't really solve the problem that PvE players have everything to lose by engaging in PvP while PvP players lose nothing by engaging in PvP or PvE.

  • @bugaboo-bill said in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    @archaell sagte in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    I am of the opinion that we are looking at the whole thing the wrong way.

    Instead of pondering about PvE servers, we should figure out how to improve the PvP part of Adventure for the PvE players who don't benefit from PvP at all. For them the PvP is basically losing loot and time with no benefits.

    Fully agree
    Nerf the shooter combat
    Remove bunnyhopping, dg'ing and give us invisible spawn to counter spawnkilling.
    Make combat more piratish and more melee focussed.

    i can't believe they haven't dealt with the spawn thing yet. i watch some pretty good twitch streamers, and its just so easy for them to keep their rifle aimed at the spawn point while the ship fills up. most of them would probably appreciate the challenge of actually facing an unknown spawn. invisible, a few seconds of invincibility, spawn in the crows nest or below decks? whichever you prefer, just please change what we have now.

  • on the subject of private servers let them collect their loot in pve only servers. nearly 2 years in it doesn't matter anymore who has is a legend or not. maybe keep some of the loadouts and clothes exclusive to those that risk pvp.

  • @squallycircle7 said in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    on the subject of private servers let them collect their loot in pve only servers. nearly 2 years in it doesn't matter anymore who has is a legend or not. maybe keep some of the loadouts and clothes exclusive to those that risk pvp.

    But then there wouldn't be variety in adventure, it would be mostly pvp. Also, you can always be on the lookout for other ships and sell or hide your loot for to reduce your risk of pvp

  • @excitedcaius

    While these changes could certainly improve the skill disparity, it doesn't really solve the problem that PvE players have everything to lose by engaging in PvP while PvP players lose nothing by engaging in PvP or PvE.

    This idea that PvP players have nothing to lose is such nonsense argument individuals like you like to spout. This is why this argument is dumb. Loot is everywhere, you can't even sneeze without running into something, ya'll act like you faced Dante's Nine circles of hell to get it. When in reality to pulled it out of the water, fended off this braindead AI, or read a map that a kindergartner could read. Ya'll acting like you went through the 12 Labors of Hercules. Ya'll flatter yourself too much if you think people wait in shadows to take your, "Hard Earned" foul bounty skull. What you do isn't hard, we do it too, except we do that while also robbing you. I would say we are just better Pirates in the Pirate game.

    This is one thing you guys don't realize, PvP players are smart about Risk vs. Reward. You might have found this out too had you not had such an aversion to going on the attack. What players will do is cash out before they attack, this is just playing smart. This is something found universally in open world loot PvP games like Rust. From your perspective all you see is an empty ship attacking you, when in reality that ship probably did 3 islands of voyages only to cash out then attack you.

    Ya'll have the same risks as every other player, we are just smart about minimizing it. You would know this had you actually went on the offensive every once in a while.

  • @squallycircle7

    If I get sent to the Ferry, I usually scuttle before respawning. I tend to give the other crew a couple minutes in case they want to grab my loot or supplies, then hit scuttle before exiting.

  • @vac-hombre said in Interesting thought about Private Servers:


    If I get sent to the Ferry, I usually scuttle before respawning. I tend to give the other crew a couple minutes in case they want to grab my loot or supplies, then hit scuttle before exiting.

    That's like being SoT Shmoo!

    Regarding other topics, i think most everyone enters this game with an appetite for PvP, because it sounds fun.

    It is only after players test their skills and find themselves in the lethal v. feckless category that the game will attrite the latter. Everyone who is effective at smashing is probably having a grand time, who doesn't love winning?!

    It is the demoralized, fearful pirates who will either quit or retract into their shell of PvE mindset.

    Thats why my approach to solving the attrition problem stems from matchmaking. If a pirate feels they have a fighting chance, that there is some "win some" to offset the "lose some", then life at least ain't too unfair.

    I know that since xboxers have been grouped together, my combat win ratio has improved significantly, and the battles are longer and more intense because people actually miss shots.

    Compared to the depressing era of PC players where its like, im thinking of this example where we were getting chased by a brig and 2 of us dove off the back about a dozen times to try to anchor our pursuer, but we never even touched the ladder once, cause every shot killed us in the water. Really brig?

    It got so tiring, like xbox vs. Pc, even with sensitivity settings at 100%, i'm lucky if i can even get the enemy pirate on screen before getting killed, let alone fighting back.

  • off the private server subject SoT should really try to get the opt out message spread. i've been away from the game for a while now, and had no idea about opt out until watching shumba's twitch stream yesterday. i think its finally time to get my peg leg and hook out of the chest under my bed and hit the waves again. Arrrrr!

  • @nabberwar said in Interesting thought about Private Servers:


    While these changes could certainly improve the skill disparity, it doesn't really solve the problem that PvE players have everything to lose by engaging in PvP while PvP players lose nothing by engaging in PvP or PvE.

    This idea that PvP players have nothing to lose is such nonsense argument individuals like you like to spout. This is why this argument is dumb. Loot is everywhere, you can't even sneeze without running into something, ya'll act like you faced Dante's Nine circles of hell to get it. When in reality to pulled it out of the water, fended off this braindead AI, or read a map that a kindergartner could read. Ya'll acting like you went through the 12 Labors of Hercules. Ya'll flatter yourself too much if you think people wait in shadows to take your, "Hard Earned" foul bounty skull. What you do isn't hard, we do it too, except we do that while also robbing you. I would say we are just better Pirates in the Pirate game.

    This is one thing you guys don't realize, PvP players are smart about Risk vs. Reward. You might have found this out too had you not had such an aversion to going on the attack. What players will do is cash out before they attack, this is just playing smart. This is something found universally in open world loot PvP games like Rust. From your perspective all you see is an empty ship attacking you, when in reality that ship probably did 3 islands of voyages only to cash out then attack you.

    Ya'll have the same risks as every other player, we are just smart about minimizing it. You would know this had you actually went on the offensive every once in a while.

    Wrong. In fact, you're so wrong it makes me wonder if you're intentionally being obtuse.

    Whether the AI is brain dead or not, whether the maps are childish or not, whether loot was fished from the water or not, it takes time. The biggest sink in this game is time, and if my friends and I set a goal for ourselves, invest the time to achieve it, and then have that investment taken from us, we're not going to be leaving the game feeling good about the experience. We're far less likely to return.

    You, the gallant and oh-so-brave PvPer, lose nothing in this proposition. Your enjoyment comes from the PvP itself. If you lose loot, oh well. That's not really why you're playing, is it? Of course not. You're here to pew pew and murder hobo while patting yourselves on the back for being such good pirates in a game where you're probably getting most of your "kills" by rolling up on anchored crews just trying to do their thing.

    So strong. So powerful. My hero! You're a superstar!

    But, once more, there's no reasonable argument offered why splitting PvE and PvP into separate modes is a bad idea. So--also once more--I'm left to conclude that you're really not interested in fair, fun PvP. You're interested in the cheap high that comes from unfair fights between crews of wildly different skill and background, trash-talking them as if you've achieved something wonderful.

    In reality, you're nothing special and I can't wait for the mode split. You'll be dumped in with all the other players like you and then you'll realize just how toxic that experience is.

  • @wroughthurdle83


    Don't mention the opt out! We're trying to stay civil here.

    alt text

  • @excitedcaius
    Pahleeeze, your argument is around the basis of PvP players not being sore losers? That is silly, just because the group of players is well adjusted mentally and doesn't cry over lost loot. I mean look at yourself, your solution to this non-problem is to pack up and hide away from players.You do realize the game your playing right? Ya'll act like your way of playing is sacred and shouldn't be disturbed, and that is quite foolish. Do you think cannons were placed onto our ships for display purposes only? Were kegs original intent to make ships get sick air, with the holes they place being some long standing bug? How about all the highest value items in the game come from contested objectives, was this just accidental development by Rare? You play half a game, and get upset over people playing it to the fullest extend. Plenty people in this game do voyages and then steal your loot, your just one stop in the session.

    Mate, my crew hoards loot, because we are at a point were we simple don't fear people. Good crews are so far between, that we can get away with sessions with hoarding 5 FOTD loot hauls. Not a single cash in either, meanwhile, defending all those that approach. Questing in this game isn't hard nor is it time consuming, people get legends in weeks now. Experience and Gold is so stupidly inflated, that making bank in this game is stupidly easy.

    You know what, lets assume that all PvP types care nothing about loot, but do you know what they do care about? Their ship, because believe it or not a well supplied ship is a big contributor in winning fights. Rather difficult facing good crews with fresh spawn supply, because that amount of supplies gets burned up quick. You might know this if you were good enough to not sink within minutes of an encounter.

    The biggest sink in this game is time, and if my friends and I set a goal for ourselves, invest the time to achieve it, and then have that investment taken from us, we're not going to be leaving the game feeling good about the experience. We're far less likely to return.

    The answer is easy here, you have a sore loser mentality. You only have fun when you win, you put way too much weight in what determines your fun on the success of turning in loot. I don't have this problem, because I grasp that losing loot in this game is a likely thing to happen. I don't get mad over people playing the game were I happen to be the loser. I still have fun trying to keep my boat affloat. Do you get mad over losing a game of chess? How about checkers? If you only have fun when you win, might be time to reassess some priorities and take this game way less serious.

  • @excitedcaius said in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    Wrong. In fact, you're so wrong it makes me wonder if you're intentionally being obtuse.

    Whether the AI is brain dead or not, whether the maps are childish or not, whether loot was fished from the water or not, it takes time.

    Wrong, the moment you choose to play the game you are "spending time". Your biggest issue is treasuring the loot (see what I did there).

    The biggest sink in this game is time,

    Same with any game, also I could argue now you can also sink extra money into the game too at the Emporium

    and if my friends and I set a goal for ourselves, invest the time to achieve it, and then have that investment taken from us,

    I would argue here you didn't achive your goal if it was "taken" from you

    we're not going to be leaving the game feeling good about the experience. We're far less likely to return.

    You, the gallant and oh-so-brave PvPer, lose nothing in this proposition. Your enjoyment comes from the PvP itself. If you lose loot, oh well. That's not really why you're playing, is it? Of course not. You're here to pew pew and murder hobo while patting yourselves on the back for being such good pirates in a game where you're probably getting most of your "kills" by rolling up on anchored crews just trying to do their thing.

    So strong. So powerful. My hero! You're a superstar!

    WOW that got a little crazy there, but let me say the magority of the play the PvEvP (as intended) which does mean that we are all doing the voyages and the tales, but then also robbing the ones we can (as intended)

    But, once more, there's no reasonable argument offered why splitting PvE and PvP into separate modes is a bad idea. So--also once more--I'm left to conclude that you're really not interested in fair, fun PvP. You're interested in the cheap high that comes from unfair fights between crews of wildly different skill and background, trash-talking them as if you've achieved something wonderful.

    No we are interested in playing the game as intended, doing PvEvP. Sometimes helping others, sometimes robbing them blind, it has nothing to do with being tribal about how we all play. Mainly because you can get it as wildly wrong as you are just trying to pigeon hole people

    In reality, you're nothing special and I can't wait for the mode split. You'll be dumped in with all the other players like you and then you'll realize just how toxic that experience is.

    Yes total PvP is toxic, but no it wont it get split, Joe Neate has talked about how the game is designed, and PvEvP shared world is the name of the game.

  • @excitedcaius sagte in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    @bugaboo-bill said in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    @archaell sagte in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    I am of the opinion that we are looking at the whole thing the wrong way.

    Instead of pondering about PvE servers, we should figure out how to improve the PvP part of Adventure for the PvE players who don't benefit from PvP at all. For them the PvP is basically losing loot and time with no benefits.

    Fully agree
    Nerf the shooter combat
    Remove bunnyhopping, dg'ing and give us invisible spawn to counter spawnkilling.
    Make combat more piratish and more melee focussed.

    While these changes could certainly improve the skill disparity, it doesn't really solve the problem that PvE players have everything to lose by engaging in PvP while PvP players lose nothing by engaging in PvP or PvE.

    If someone engage it to one side only, be it pve or PvP only they miss the games design and intention.
    Pure pvpers can play, but wont be that satisfied.
    Pure PvE players are completely wrong.
    You cannot join a PvP containing game and then ask for no pvp.
    The PvP in SoT is essential and not consensual.

  • @bugaboo-bill

    The PvP in SoT is essential and not consensual.

    I'd argue you its completely consensual. People consented the minute they started the session and hit set sail. Its no secret this game has people attacking each other. Its like going into the pool and get surprised when you get wet.

  • @nabberwar

    I can agree on that and said so in my post before that there is no choice in doing PvP or not when you join a PvP or PvEvP game.
    So to choose to play it and login is accepting to PvP, but many sour pirates dont get it.
    They log in and dont want to PvP at all.
    Maybe we should have a Warning like we have for new players etc... Or is this gone? I remember there were already some ideas to give players Information about what they can expect.
    Maybe there should be some sort of Information on startup thst says:
    When you login to the Sea of Thieves you agree with beeing attacked, killed, sunk and robbed by other pirates. But be an idol for good sportsmanship in winning and loosing.

  • @bugaboo-bill I'd say the issue is the marketing. The game is advertised as roleplaying pirate game where maybe the other pirates are not friendly, maybe they start 5 minute sword combat with piratey banter and steal some of your loot, but yet they still ensure all players involved have nice enjoyable social time and can log off feeling happy...

    Then these friendly players meet the "fps-survival-games-competitive" players who completely obliterate them with double guns in half second, steal all their loot, or waste it in water to avoid giving them the giver of gifts comendations, followed by silence in the better case or by mocking and insults in the worse case.

    The game is being sold to players who buy it in good faith that it's enjoyable social chill time and then the otherwise is the case and they complain on forums that they want pve servers to get the nice social pirate experience that was advertised to them.

  • @archaell sagte in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    @bugaboo-bill I'd say the issue is the marketing. The game is advertised as roleplaying pirate game where maybe the other pirates are not friendly, maybe they start 5 minute sword combat with piratey banter and steal some of your loot, but yet they still ensure all players involved have nice enjoyable social time and can log off feeling happy...

    This is a very, very, very good point mate.
    Let me tell you this. As a roleplayer, starting with the german system DSA, moving to AD&D 2nd Ed. and Rolemaster, as someone who did LARP's for some years and tried to establish cool RP guilds in many games my understanding of RP is not swollen speak in a tavern without using gamemechanics and environment. If you want to RP Mr. super Hero, be Mr. super Hero, if you cannot you failed.
    Tools not rules - except the pirate code and good sports as we still play a game are the only rules needed - is the perfect and only viable setup for good RP.
    It's not the games fault.
    It's the freakin players who are no players anymore but gamers gaming systems.
    I could write you a book now, but in short.
    The games tools and environment and gamemechanics are perfect for a roleplayish aproach. I disliked it by heart if games had cool settings, world, environmemt etc... to RP, but no PvP or rules for PvP that let you just facepalm and make serious RP impossible. It's about freedom.

    Why don't we have this and why is nobody roleplaying?
    The one side is grinding and working it off, achieving and want only this. More grind, more to achieve, more Bingo Rewards.
    You killed the 273747374774 skeleton Bingo!!! 🔔
    The others are only out to ripp of butterflys wings and laugh about it.
    They PvP only to spoil your game, because that is their fun.
    They don't want loot, they don't care for cosmetics all they care for is to own you, to teach you a lesson and make sure you don't miss they are so good and you are soo noob.

    There are for sure also a lot in between these extremes, but to most people this more or less fits very well with what they want and do.
    Ever seen people roleplaying a game?
    And i dont mean to sit in the tavern and talk about stuff that never happened ingame, can never be done ingame, i dont speak of roleplay as a fiction you have as the character you play, but never been able to experience.
    I talk about you become your alter ego for 2-4 hours and act like that while you play the game like intended.
    See most MMORPG's are only in one aspect Rpg's. The aspect of having RP elements that for real roleplayers are only tools of orientation.
    Like my strength is 15 and my Dex is 12 and my Sword is tall and does x +rng amount of damage.
    That is not Roleplay, that is roleplay elements you need to have for orientation and to help you to describe your character, what he does, how it works or if it works or not.
    If some weakling could explain me how and why he can move this rock what Billy the Barbarian with twice his strength cannot move, he would be allowed to move it in my session, because he RP'd and he used his brain to do so and need not that much strength and didnt rely only on numbers on his sheet.
    Excel Warriors never won a fight in serious Reenactment or LARP fights. But i have 3 more life than you they screamed when my hammer hit them hard the 10th time.

    The game is perfectly setup for RP.
    No pvp or stupid rules for consensual PvP or whatever and there is no serious RP possible.

    So what we lack is not a proper game to RP.
    I have yet to find some Roleplayers who roleplay a game. And i'm searching for - no joke - 20 years since the early days of Ultima online. And it wasn't Origin who messed it up it was the players who did that. Gaming the system only.
    Some RP Freeshards did well, but honestly, they were all english speaking, and that's not my mother language and the really cool ones played at times i need to go to sleep as i'm in the EU timezone and they were US.

    Then these friendly players meet the "fps-survival-games-competitive" players who completely obliterate them with double guns in half second, steal all their loot, or waste it in water to avoid giving them the giver of gifts comendations, followed by silence in the better case or by mocking and insults in the worse case.

    Fully agree as i described above.

    The game is being sold to players who buy it in good faith that it's enjoyable social chill time and then the otherwise is the case and they complain on forums that they want pve servers to get the nice social pirate experience that was advertised to them.

    We need to fix some things and make combat that clunky so they loose interest.
    Unfortunately Rare did Arena and started catering to several toxic streamers with the attitude of the Unreal Tournamemt ragekid.
    A woman of my crew said this about Apex: I got screwed all day because i'm just notthata good, but i have fun playing it. The streamers i watch sometimes kill whole servers on their own, they brag and feel good when they kill a noob like me.
    When they patched and fixed the matchmaking and the Streamers got matched with equal strong players, they mock and insult all, even their own teammates for beeing killed, because they weren't playing the way they like.

    Streamers are a chore mostly.
    It's a lot of ADHS or narcistic people. If i see some of the girls, i cannot say what i think, but... well
    sex sells, hate sells...

    The community was ok as long as SoT wasn't that popular and as long as they didnt cater to streamers and Arena and people complained about lack of content.
    My personal version of the game would be a mix of the early alpha stages with the addition of the world encounters and Forts etc.
    No factions, no journeys, only message in a bottle, no levels, all cosmetics available for gold from scratch nothing gated, but behind gold. Make it all expensive like hell and just sail the seas, RP, collect loot, fight the environmemt and other players if you want or ally or parlay or whatever.
    All problems we have come by exageration about pixels and pride of it.
    Don't feed the trolls.
    But only that is is what they do to earn money and in the end it's not about idealism or a gift to the customers, it's only about money.
    And again sex and hate is what sells best.

  • @bugaboo-bill

    Ah man, you're bringing back fond memories of my time in 'City of Heroes'. I had some great roleplaying adventures in that game and on the forums.

  • @bugaboo-bill said in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    @archaell sagte in Interesting thought about Private Servers:

    @bugaboo-bill I'd say the issue is the marketing. The game is advertised as roleplaying pirate game where maybe the other pirates are not friendly, maybe they start 5 minute sword combat with piratey banter and steal some of your loot, but yet they still ensure all players involved have nice enjoyable social time and can log off feeling happy...

    This is a very, very, very good point mate. [snip] ...

    This is such a good post! I would love to see (and do) more roleplaying in Sea of Thieves. Rare have done such amazing world-building and the tools are just about there. It's really about finding the right environment to enjoy it.

  • @dreamingnomad
    Here's the issue with "It being an easier way to earn gold and rep..." The gold and rep that PvP players turn in is earned by people doing the voyages. It wouldn't be easier on a private server, it would be exactly as hard as it was designed to be.
    As it stands it is CURRENTLY an easier game for people with a crew that sink others and take their treasure.
    98% of the time I'm a solo player, I'm alone on a sloop. EVERYONE (except for other solo sloopers) are bigger and more capable than I am. The game is 10 times harder for me because none of my friends want to play in a griefers paradise.
    The game being easier shouldn't be the issue here. It's really not. It's about balance. Private servers for solo sloop players makes the most sense. Maybe remove Fortresses from that server.
    As it stands the game is easiest when you have a crew and you sink other people and take their loot and turn it in. If you think that is the way the game is meant to be played then you believe in a predator prey mindset. Because someone has to be doing voyages and finding treasure for you to take it from them, read that again.
    It would be easier on private servers but only because you no longer have to worry about your progress and time and experience being Hijacked by someone who is focused on hijacking players who are actively playing the game using the systems intended to move player progress forward. That is the games base difficulty. There is added difficulty when basically every other ship is like a skeleton ship and will chase you and try to sink you accept they also take your loot. They are basically NPCS who get credit. If everyone playing the game played the game to experience the story, and do voyages and tall tales and fight skeletons and perhaps other players then it would be being played as intended. As it stands this "Shoot on sight" mindset is a result of toxic playstyles running rampant. Being chased down across the entire map (literally) when I have no treasure on board is an insane waste of time for both parties involved. What should I do then? Engage? Sure, tried that. Maybe won, maybe lost. Regardless you respawn and run into that same ship (who just realized you had no loot) and the chase (or combat) begins again. It is bullying and it is toxic and it is a problem.
    PvP players do not for the most part log on and Pick up voyages I don't care what you try to tell me. They sail around looking for an easy target. That adds a huge layer of difficulty especially if you are solo. Then you have to defend and sail your ship by yourself. Hows that for difficult?
    The way the game is supposed to be played incorporates PvP and PvE in a happy balance. Everyone playing and doing voyages and maybe having to fight if they run into each other. Very quickly people realized it was a lot easier to ignore the voyages, cut out the middle man and take the loot from someone else.
    Whether Rare admits it or PvP defenders admit it, the current state of the game is imbalanced due to what has become the games nature and is significantly harder for some and significantly easier for others.
    To play SOT properly, it takes time. A LOT of time, the progression from 1 to 50, three times, takes forever when you are looking at treasure maps and hunting skeleton captains. You can't honestly tell me that the PvP pirate hasn't realized this and doesn't behave the way they do in this game because of it.
    SOT is a greifers paradise. Throwing PvE players a bone shouldn't be a bad thing in any facet. But there are SOOO many players that love to do it the easy way they rise up and shout about how that's unfair all the while being an in game source of unfairness and the reason behind a player base that is much smaller than it could have been.
    Then they say "If you can't keep it then you don't deserve it." and "It's not easier to fight people for loot than it is to play PvE, it's takes work and skill." OK Cpt Tryhard, try doing that and the voyages while defending it alone. You see, us out here on the SOT who don't take kindly to unprovoked aggression, do as much work defending ourselves as you do attacking us. But we also, do the work of finding that precious loot you want so badly. You know, the loot, that comes from doing the work you don't want to do?
    Meaning, the guys on the Ferry of Souls having their treasure whisked away, do in fact work a lot harder than you. It would be easier without you in our server only because you made it harder than it needed to be in the first place.
    I want to clarify I'm not trying to insult anyone or start a fight (for the moderators consideration) I'm just trying to break this down the way it needs to be. Also, I'm not saying sinking other people just to take their loot isn't a legitimate part of the game. It is. But a lot more players than anyone would like to admit, do indeed just log in to cause problems and ruin days. Because all of the factors need to be considered and changes need to be made. Even in a game about pirates and piracy called "Sea of THIEVES" there can and are some behaviors that shouldn't go unchecked.
    Just give us solo guys options. Most of us have either made it to Legend or are close to it. Giving us an option should have been a no brainer from the start.

37 out of 59