Thieves Bank

  • Typically thieves dont associate themselevs with banks BUT i thought to myself, what if we could pull out some of the coins from our stash and be able to carry it around, have the possibility to lose it or even steal from others.

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  • @sirtreethachief isn't that a mechanic from gta online? Like I think I get what you're saying but wouldnt this just frustrate more players losing their gold now, as opposed to just being able to keep it and not have to worry about it being lost in general?

  • @sirtreethachief im fine with loosing loot i dont want to lose my hard earned gold aswell so no keep yer hands of me millions

  • @xix-zeno-xix if they didnt want to lose it they wouldn't take it out the bank. The bank is to take a risk, also you dont take out the whole lump of cash. You can take a couple thousand.

  • @jollyolsteamed loot is practically gold, its just if you turn it in or not lol the bank wont have you take allll of your millions. Just a couple thousand ;) lol

  • Also the way you take out your money would be in a "Bag". so depending on how much coin you take out, will determine the number of bags you take. Example: 10,000 coins = a bag. And you can take that bag with you on your boat on missions OR have a quick photo op and return it to the bank. The choice is yours pirate.

  • @sirtreethachief there is nothing about this that is a good idea i'd rather have things to spend my gold on rather than have things that takes my gold away gold that i've earned and if i haven't turned in my loot i haven't earned my gold yet so no this is a very bad idea keep in mind people also save gold for future cosmetics its an interesting idea sure but its not a good one in other words im just not too keen on losing gold i've spent a long time saving incase of expensive cosmetics and ship hulls and such ghost ship etc 500k a piece

  • I don't know...I like the idea, but then I don't because what if I withdraw 900,000 to buy the pirate legend ship cosmetics and get killed at the outpost? I'm going to cry if I lose that much gold lol

  • You have yet to even give us a reason for wanting to pull the gold out of this proposed pirate bank. Without that, the gold will stay put, because there's literally no good reason to carry it with us.

  • So thee idea of the bank & taking out the gold is FOR the risk of losing it, its completely OPTIONAL, you do not need to take any bags out if you do not choose to. So for anyone scared to lose their gold, you wont.. aslong as you dont take it out of the bank.. Its not to make purchases. Its for the pirates that want to physically see the gold, instead of just chests. Its an idea for more cool pictures and stories to tell, maybe some pirates would feel generous and give gold, it will most definitely be fun to steal a bag of coins and see pirates do the same. The bank could be a new island or the tavern stairs can be fixed and it could be up their.

  • @t-degennaro3106 you wont need to take the gold out to purchase anything. Think of it more like loot cosmetics lol

  • @jollyolsteamed its not going to replace the way we purchase things in the shops mate

  • @devariss to sail with loot. Nobody said they were working on it, its an idea buddy calm down lol

  • @devariss not sure if you read what i said earlier but it can be a loot cosmetic, its a different way for engagements in adventure, its a physical bag of coins we can carry

  • @devariss you can say things differently bud, instead of "this idea is flawed and doesnt need to be worked on" you could say i see what your saying maybe think about this more.

  • @devariss a cosmetic bag of gold sounds good to any thief ;)

  • I'm sorry but that's a terrible idea.
    Eveyrone has already stated why. Not to mention it also opens the doors for gold selling and I don't think anyone here, especially Rare, wants that.

  • @devariss it is a pretty one sided idea, but thats what these forums are for. Spitballing suggestions. I like the idea of doubloon bags aswell, like you said they could be found around the map. They could be Reaper Bags lol. This idea might be need work but forsure we need a trophy display on our ship wall, every new session we have to catch a new trophy to display in our ship

  • @fractal-pitch no need to be sorry, we are all here to give feedback and suggestions

  • @sirtreethachief optional risk of losing money? i can just sail around with stronghold looy instead of turning it

  • @sirtreethachief you know, I've always felt like maybe something was missin from the game, cuz I've always thought that pirates would need some sort of place to keep their stash of gold. What if there was a stowaway place on the ship you could walk up to and deposit/withdraw gold from.

    Maybe even on the outposts too?

  • @galactic-geek I think this idea would be better if they DID add buyable resources for the ship as you go places that have NPC's that'll sell em. Like maybe sea posts could sell them? They barely have s*** to sell anyways.

  • You'd see eBay listings for gold bags within minutes of something like this appearing in the game. Outside of this questionable legality, there really isn't a reason to take your own gold out of your account and sail around with it.

  • @d3adst1ck I honestly couldn't care less about whether or not we buy them with RL money but if they added buyable resources within the game this idea would make much more sense IMO.

19 out of 24