SoT discriminates fatty pirates! Again... - Ep. 2

  • Cheers to you belly comrades!

    I bring you good new ones!

    I finally managed to touch my hands again! I can finally express all my enthusiasm for a nice meal or a cheerful ballad in the tavern!

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    (I could no longer bear the humiliating previous condition)

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    However, comrades, today I return again to these waters also to continue undaunted my fight against the discrimination of bulging pirates by the Developers!

    Developers who apparently BELIVE that my arms and shoulders are too "muscular" to clap over my head or do a quiet warm-up exercise! Again, I'm not touching my hands!
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    This mocking attitude towards us belly pirates is humiliating, outrageous and unacceptable!

    And as if that weren't enough, the Developers believe that I'm so fat that I can't put my hands on my knees because of my belly!
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    We can no longer accept this disrespectful and discriminatory behaviour towards us!

    We must demand justice and that the merchant's shops fill up with clothes sizes XXXL!

  • 11
  • the animations should be different for the various body types, similar to the sleep emote

  • @macr0ne Man i was laughing loudly XD
    Beautiful post

  • Perhaps if you had large hooks on each hand, to extend the reach and sufficient to close the gap... Not so much a clap, but a clank... But great for backscratching!

  • This seems like less of a Rare problem and more of a banana problem. Rare has introduced too many aids for lazy pirates though... rowboats to reduce swimming, chests to haul 3 skulls at once, mermaid taxis...

  • @macr0ne they should lol

  • @Macr0ne I hear you my portly pal, all I want to do is proudly point in any given direction without my arm shrinking back in to my body like the head and neck of a tortoise! .......also where are our vests!

  • I think we should fall faster. As well as use our jackets as parachutes.

  • Great post. Hilarious!
    But i hope you submitted a support ticket!

  • Seriously I like being a big pirate. It's hard to stick out when everyone is a skinny land lubber. One time I was shooting a brig from a Skelly tower and the guy guarding the ship was trying to tell his buddies there was a pirate shooting it and not a Skelly. His friends didn't believe him. Then he proclaimed, " a big *** pirate with a red afro is shooting us!", Right before a cannon shot took him out. I laughed so hard I didn't hear his buddy coming. It's good to have a variety in life and games. It comes with different things to handle. I think it's hilarious my guys feet disappear when I sit down. If everyone was the same it would be boring. I'm glad rare took the time to add this variety to the game. And afros... Red afros lol.

  • Your posts never fail to make me laugh. Keep fighting the good fight

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