Cross play

  • Can you tell me when this option will be available I was on a sloop a gallon of op pc players were flying the alliance flag like me I asked them to join and they sank me for no reason I'm done with your game until this option is implemented meny Xbox players feel the same your game will die if you don't sort this out

  • 15
  • I am reminded of the famous Mark Twain line, "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated."

    As for cross-play opt-out, they are working on it. No set date yet.

  • @thievishnut said in Cross play:

    Can you tell me when this option will be available I was on a sloop a gallon of op pc players were flying the alliance flag like me I asked them to join and they sank me for no reason I'm done with your game until this option is implemented meny Xbox players feel the same your game will die if you don't sort this out

    how do you know they were PC players?
    usually, a 1v4 ends in the death of the 1 - 98% of the time.


  • @thievishnut Fragmenting the player base by removing crossplay is what will make the game die. Any game that's done this has increased wait times severely. Long wait times don't play well in our instant gratification society. Imagine a 15 minute wait time for Arena play. BTW people sink people for no reason all the time, it's a pirate game.

  • @praxmodeus said in Cross play:

    @thievishnut Fragmenting the player base by removing crossplay is what will make the game die. Any game that's done this has increased wait times severely. Long wait times don't play well in our instant gratification society. Imagine a 15 minute wait time for Arena play. BTW people sink people for no reason all the time, it's a pirate game.

    Stop spreading the myth that Optional Crossplay will affect the servers negatively, you've been told by Rare several times thats not the case.

  • @natiredgals exactly all rare would have to do is lower the amount of servers they have more boats to play with might be the same people but for a little while but get over it

  • @fast-bike94 They wouldn't have to, the servers are in the cloud and can spin up and down as needed, there's no situation where players will encounter actually empty servers, because of that. No server can have more than 24 players anyway, and you can divide 24 into the SOT player base, even split, many many many times.

    The empty server argument is dead AF but people cling to it because otherwise they have to admit its about being afraid of a level playing field or having to get thier own loot because none of em like to PVE at all.

  • @natiredgals I'm on xbox and I have had tons of dead servers but it does seem like some more people are in adventure now

  • @fast-bike94 I guarantee you that you have never once been alone on a server.

  • @natiredgals I have lol I usually sink everyone and the rage quit when we don't see a ship for a while we drop anchor and it merges us to a new server

  • @fast-bike94 said in Cross play:

    @natiredgals I have lol I usually sink everyone and the rage quit when we don't see a ship for a while we drop anchor and it merges us to a new server

    We will stop at any new ship and take all their supplies and leave as well

  • @fast-bike94 said in Cross play:

    @natiredgals I have lol I usually sink everyone and the rage quit when we don't see a ship for a while we drop anchor and it merges us to a new server

    Actually that doesn't really mean you're alone, not seeing a ship doesn't really mean that, nor does merging so you can't really know that.

  • @natiredgals it's either one ship or none lol its definitely not 2 or more

  • The day when Rare actually removes crossplay, and these things still happen on the seas, (as these types of "problems" exists on both platforms)... who will they blame when they cant use the "evil PC players" card anymore?

    Perhaps they start to demand another separation after that... perhaps demand PVE only servers... where do we draw the line?

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