Private servers

  • @xxxelitekb disse em Private servers:

    @vorondil1 you wouldn’t mind leaving me alone because I’m fed up of people thinking I’m spamming because I’m not I’m just giving feedback. I’ve not got anything against the forums. Also if I’ve got 2 accounts it’s not harming anyone it’s just I’ve got 2 Xbox ones and 1 account for each.

    You have 2 Xbox and still don't know how Sea of Thieves works? Okay, I believe...

  • @XxXEliteKB With all due respect and not to criticize, judge, or bash at you, but this is not the game for all. This is a pirate game for an ample amount of reasons. What's wrong with getting attack by people? Are they Bullying you or trolling you? Did you have valuable loot on your ship? Just words of wisdom but, Pirates attack other pirates for reasons such as betrayal or getting loot, just to name a few. I doubt that RARE is going to add in private servers. This is a online base open-world game. And them adding Private servers, will take almost the entire game out of context and should be called Sea of Privacy. You just have to step out of your comfort zone and fight back. You are a pirate and that's what pirates do.

  • Like I said it’s not just me other people want private servers.

  • Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Actually elite has a point here, many other players are wanting the same thing. No need to call him a moron or troll for expressing his opinion. The game isn’t all about the pvp, and not everyone likes to play the game just for that. I find many who look out for pvp are sucking out the fun of the game. especially those who spawn kill, even if you have no loot, we get it, ya sunk us, ya killed us, leave us alone already. It will be interesting to see their big update in March, especially the areana as hopefully that may stop those who go out hunting for other players who may not want to have conflict. Having a private server doesn’t defeat the purpose of the game, some of us just can’t be bothered with the whole pvp and you’ll find others actually feel the same way. Reading your responses to him proves a point here, how many of you believe this game is just about the whole pvp? The name calling from some of you is uncalled for and proves just how immature you must be. Don’t like what he has asked on the forum? Then just leave him be, no need for this sort of hatred.

  • @xxxelitekb I doubt it is going to happen. Just avoid people and server hop. BOOM, private server...somewhat.

    And Besides, you will all (who wanted private servers) are going to be bored with the private servers and end up either not playing the game any more, or end up having a hard time to PVP when coming back to the real world, when all you do is just do quests and not engaging in battles...just saying.

  • @och4yetheno0 welcome to the forums, and good call for civility! The reason some of us jumped down his throat was that he has several accounts, and has been repeatedly posting the same suggestions several times on each account. However, thank you for reminding us all to be kind with our posts. I apologize for saying anything hurtful.

  • @xxxelitekb disse em Private servers:

    Like I said it’s not just me other people want private servers.

    I'd also like the Sea of Thieves to be a more adult game with punishments, killings and all sorts of stuff we found in pirate books, but unfortunately things do not work "the way people want it." We have to accept the proposal of the game, not try to change the game because your lack of ability.

  • @prorapidkiller said in Private servers:

    @xxxelitekb I doubt it is going to happen. Just avoid people and server hop. BOOM, private server...somewhat.

    And Besides, you will all (who wanted private servers) are going to be bored with the private servers and end up either not playing the game any more, or end up having a hard time to PVP when coming back to the real world, when all you do is just do quests and not engaging in battles...just saying.

    rare already said private servers are going to happen. The question is, how will those servers operate. Joe Neat did say it was mainly for friends to play with one another, to set up combat off the main world. If this is the case cool, no rep, no gold and its for simple fun. What this elite dude wants is full on pve only servers it sounds like which im totally against and dont see it happening.

  • You're missing the point completely!!!!!

  • Why is everyone going against me I’ve dont nothing wrong

  • @enticed-malice Oh ok, thanks for the clarification. I can support that with private servers, no one cannot get any rep or gold.

  • @vorondil1 thank you for your reply, I can see from both sides of the party here. Just no need for the name calling when person is asking a genuine question. I haven’t seen any other posts so can’t comment much on that. I aswell as other players do feel the same, doesn’t make us noobs, or that it’s the wrong game for us? Don’t get me wrong I do like to occasional pvp where we have a laugh, and don’t go hunting or spawn killing over and over again if that makes sense? Be nice to have an option for private server where you can have bunch of your friends join on different ships, and we can do some Athena’s :D. Would be awesome in my opinion.

  • @xxxelitekb said in Private servers:

    Why is everyone going against me I’ve dont nothing wrong

    probably because you flood the forums with the same pve only server posts from multiple forum accounts and that's a subject that a majority are against, judging from past threads.

  • @soopavillain420 Some of your posts have been edited as they go against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code.

    Derogatory Language

    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please read and abide by the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in future.

    Thank you.

    As a reminder to all there comes a time where 'Agreeing to Disagree' is the best option. Remember to keep things civil when interacting with other community members

    Please make sure you read the Pirate Code and Forum Rules before posting on the Forums!

    Article 4 - All Crewmates Are Equal
    Let each crewmate be respected as equal and free to follow their own bearing, speak openly and vote in affairs of the voyage.

  • yep @xxxelitekb, if you're legit just trying to get your voice heard, know that making multiple posts doesn't help, and in fact actually hurts your case because it looks like you're one of only a few people that want something, so your posts can't gain traction unless you recreate them. So both from a "don't look like a troll" standpoint and a practical "help my position" standpoint, it'd probably be best if you avoided double-posting, especially from different accounts.

  • Not that I should add anything personal on here, I’d like to add Elite has autism so please be a little more understanding.

  • @och4yetheno0 said in Private servers:

    Not that I should add anything personal on here, I’d like to add Elite has autism so please be a little more understanding.

    why would you go and post some personal medical issues about someone, thats kinda rude man.

  • @enticed-malice I’ve been given permission from him to post it, I’ve done training with autism and Asperger. So little understanding wouldn’t do any harm, it’s horrible to see a lot of hatred thrown at him. No need for it.

  • @och4yetheno0 said in Private servers:

    @enticed-malice I’ve been given permission from him to post it, I’ve done training with autism and Asperger. So little understanding wouldn’t do any harm, it’s horrible to see a lot of hatred thrown at him. No need for it.

    you had permission ok, lets post some public information from some brand new account on the internet and claim someone has a medical condition. that is all kinds of wrong dude.

  • @enticed-malice said in Private servers:

    @prorapidkiller said in Private servers:

    @xxxelitekb I doubt it is going to happen. Just avoid people and server hop. BOOM, private server...somewhat.

    And Besides, you will all (who wanted private servers) are going to be bored with the private servers and end up either not playing the game any more, or end up having a hard time to PVP when coming back to the real world, when all you do is just do quests and not engaging in battles...just saying.

    rare already said private servers are going to happen. The question is, how will those servers operate. Joe Neat did say it was mainly for friends to play with one another, to set up combat off the main world. If this is the case cool, no rep, no gold and its for simple fun. What this elite dude wants is full on pve only servers it sounds like which im totally against and dont see it happening.

    This. If I recall Joe Neat mentioned using this mod for community events and such, for groups that want to organise friendly competitions basically, dual tournaments and such.
    That context is fine as you said, as long as you can't gain rep or gold, since you could easily grind your little heart out without any risks, and frankly, no risk should mean no reward.

    @och4yetheno0 said in Private servers:

    The game isn’t all about the pvp, and not everyone likes to play the game just for that.

    Indeed, it's not only about the pvp. But it is still there, and should remain there since it's part of the spirit of the game. Hopefully The Arena will quench the blood thirst of people that go solely after ships to slaughter everyone on their path, but pvp should still remain always a part of Adventure mode, in my opinion.

    Lets be real, PVE is not really a threat in this game. It can be a bit of a challenge if you play solo, but it's mostly an annoyance at best for multiplayer crews. PVP is what bring the spice and excitement to this game. If that is not your cup of tea, you might want to look into sailing simulators...

    @vorondil1 said in Private servers:

    @och4yetheno0 welcome to the forums, and good call for civility! The reason some of us jumped down his throat was that he has several accounts, and has been repeatedly posting the same suggestions several times on each account.

    Also, that. It's alright now, the message has been sent, the beacon is lit. Your suggestion has been heard, lets move on.

  • @xxxelitekb disse em Private servers:

    Why is everyone going against me I’ve dont nothing wrong

    We are not against YOU, we are against YOUR IDEA

  • @enticed-malice the reason as to why I posted it, is because I’m disgusted with how many hurled abuse unaware with what he has which explains why he may posted multiple times? I mean I could be pedantic and throw in I have depression and fibromyalgia.

  • @enticed-malice we don't know the situation; I would assume that they know each other IRL, though that's none of our business. Unless Elite comes back and cries foul, neither of us have the information to do so for him.

    @Och4yetheNo0 thanks for the info. I have personally spent some time with people with both Asberghers (sp?) and autism, so that makes sense to me that sometimes unwritten social rules (like avoiding double-posting) can seem a bit obscure. Thanks for reminding us to be polite, and giving us the background info to see why we weren't getting the whole picture. If you are connected to him irl, please pass on my apologies, and I assume the apologies of many other posters on this thread.

  • @och4yetheno0 said in Private servers:

    @enticed-malice the reason as to why I posted it, is because I’m disgusted with how many hurled abuse unaware with what he has which explains why he may posted multiple times? I mean I could be pedantic and throw in I have depression and fibromyalgia.

    post whatever you want about yourself, but posting someone else's medical condition is just poor judgement. Hey if he said it then cool, but someone else? gimme a break.

  • @enticed-malice he give me permission, not rude. Those attacking him are rude. I disagree with your opinion, but respect our differences on this so leave it at that. :)

  • @och4yetheno0 cool, hopefully you wont post someone else's medical condition somewhere else and have some legal issue arise over it later, seems you have no issue with it. good luck

  • @och4yetheno0 My posts are just to be frank and honest, not to bash or disrespect him. I seen numerous post from @XxXEliteKB (and since someone address that he has numerous accounts on here and I may have responded to them (in a respectable way), about certain topics he wants to address in the forums and most of the time, I just be quite honest with those that I post. So with all due respect to you, not all are mean or abusive, but giving out honest, respectable feedback and constructive criticism.

  • Just leave me be I’ve got nothing else to say now

  • Before it gets any more heated, think we should all agree to disagree and carry on our mighty voyages.
    Peace out fellow pirates

  • @xxxelitekb

    Would you be okay with private servers that don't allow gold/rep to carry on beyond that particular play session?

  • Just wanna sell gunpowder barrels

  • @jet-fire-diego said in Private servers:

    The game is losing the player base, what will Rare do about it? How will she encourage who's Athena 10 to return to the game?

    This is laughable. I've been here a year and it never gets old how many times I hear this game is losing players.
    SoT is more popular now than ever. Both PC and Xbox playerbase are quite robust, and at twenty players on a server, who can tell?
    This is a game that evolves over time. It's a service. Arena, Adventure, pets, updates, time limited swag. These are the things that keep players coming back.

    As for private servers, just play off peak hours, midnight or wee hours of the morning. Piddle around all night and not see another soul.

  • Look, I wasn't trying to be overly insulting or anything like that. Just tired of people asking for the game to be changed at its core simply because it wasn't easy enough for them.

    You just want to sell GP barrels? The game is currently set up that you can do that to your heart's content.

    Will you run into pirates? Perhaps, perhaps not. THAT is the risk you take for sailing the seas in this game. It was built around the multiplayer experience. Will you be sunk? Sure, and other times, you will be able to sink the other crew first. This is the game. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. When you lose, instead of asking for the game to be changed, perhaps look back at the decisions you made, and how you could have done some things differently to change the outcome. Adapt and overcome next time. Every voyage is a learning experience, treat it as such. So you lost a couple barrels when you were sunk. Perhaps you lost 20 chests you were hoarding. This doesn't mean the game needs to be changed.

    The only thing that needs to change is the thought process that lead you to be sunk in the first place.

  • @soopavillain420 you were name calling and I hate it. All I was wanting was just a private server.

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