PC vs Xbox - My Experience

  • @khol-thndrwlkr the struggle is real my friend. Keep sailing.

  • Perspective from a pc player mainly with a few hours on xbox

    • Movement is the main issue. Combat at a distance is fairly equal, close combat is where movement advantage tips the balance.
    • Loading times is a lesser but also important difference to a battle.

    Respawn time should be the same for all players.

    IMO, the opening of the door should be instant, but then there be some sort of loading animation that balances everyone. The time you enter the door until the time you spawn is always 15 seconds. For SSD like me, that loads fast, it holds up for the xbox players on platter.
    All players would respawn after 15 seconds. (or whatever speed can be guaranteed on xbox)

    Then, the black screen of loading death where the game is ????????????? about where to spawn you needs to leave. It should not be up for question. You always spawn where you died. Even if ship is sinking, you go there and get a mermaid. No more of this maybe on the ship, maybe on a new island while you wait 10+ seconds for the black screen. It creates a variable that is frustrating to hear your team say we are bailing it's almost sinking and... nothing.. happens on your screen except the black loading screen while your ship sinks.

    Loading into game at first doesn't matter much.

    Movement needs to be penalized

    Turn speed was noted in the list, but limiting that makes a game sluggish.
    Strafing? Could impose some accuracy nerf.
    Jumping? Needs to be nerfed. Coupled with turn speed and strafing it is making combat trivial for PC.
    ADS? Not that important, but can be modified, most of it dealing with strafing or other movement and aiming quickly.

  • @daddy-sanctus Interesting, I'll have to have another look then. Got a little sick of the game after some obvious pc players wiped my whole crew with just four direct hit canon balls.. one for each of us.

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  • I am sad to have created a great expectation in the game and to find these crossplay problems so clear. Not to mention the cheating this brings to Xbox gamers. One day I played with a guy who was inactive for 4 hours and just did not fall out of the game. Moreover when we went to sell the products we collected simply the values ​​were multiplied by 5x. I do not know what happened but clearly it was a used cheat to gain advantages. A feather.

  • @cpt-toothpick said in PC vs Xbox - My Experience:

    Have you heard anyone saying I choose to play on this sub par version IF they have the chance to use the superior version?.. There are a few things why people play on a console.
    They don't know how PC hardware works and they don't care enough to learn so they stick with just buying a bundle that they can press start on and go. You can do that on PC but it does cost a wee bit more and you pay that price to not be restricted.
    And that leads in to the price. People can say that they prefer to play on a console because they like to sit in their sofa or some special chair, relaxing infront of their big screen TV. Thats [mod edited] and just a sign of how lazy they are and don't want to take their gaming abit more seriously, and pay that extra bit to get it. There is countless of videos showing prices and how they can get PC's that have the same or above performance for the same price as a current gen console, atleast on release dates and not counting in sales.

    On the PC you can hook up your TV and sit on your favorit sofa and play with a controller in your hand aswell. BUT it needs a few other cables and some knowhow of basic windows functions, hell most off that stuff can be done with config programs nowdays with a click of a button.

    So conclution of the matter is, Xboxers just don't take their gaming that seriously and that leaves them at a disadvatage.
    No one in their right mind would choose a subpar version IF they can pick one, and it would only be the picking part that they would have to do.

    I have to disagree with you. I stopped playing games on PC due to the constant problem with people using cheat mods, bots, intentionally gimping their graphical performance to remove ground clutter (only applicable in shooters where prone is an option)

    All of those things gave for a significant advantage (down to people being down right invincible). After repeatedly running into them, it seemed nice to go on to console and PvP against people who are forced to the same graphics settings with the same performance "rig", where skill truly depicts who is better. I would actually counter that those serious in competitive play seem to prefer the level ground as well.

  • @hitash-levat I see your point, and I can somewhat agree, But if we come to Esports people can't really use thoes "tricks" or it will show up, often in esports they force specific settings so everyone play on the same, if the game itself can be used in tricks like you mentioned.
    But anyway finaly a normal person that could give me a solid well thought reason to why they don't want to play on the PC.

    I still think if the industry focused on the computer market to fix thoes issues and make it better it would be to all our benefit.
    Some people do get my hate for consoles the wrong way tho, I have consoles myself and I have played on diffrent consoles for ages, but I just want us to move forward with our fine industry and have more complex games come out, And lets face it console generations last forever, and they don't take advantage over new tech. Vulcan and DX12 is still hardly used, but if we only had thoes nowdays even on consoles that tech could make our games even better in performance and other ways but right now we settle with dx11 most of the time, because there is no "rush" to get it to work when dx11 is the standard still.

    edit: I know DX 12 don't nessisary perform better for some atm in games that support it, but if we had to use DX12 we would force companies to invest more money in to getting it the love it needs to be better ^^

  • @logansdadtoo said in PC vs Xbox - My Experience:

    Get ready for all the pc players to come in & tell you you're wrong m8!
    There is no difference at all, pc players have 0 advantage.
    I 100% agree & can confirm all of your points, as i have both xbox & pc & i have tested & came to the same conclusions!

    I don't disagree with any of the points.

    But for me, and others I commonly party with each of the most obvious benefits, are actually disadvantages. For example the quick 360... hell even 180 no scope? Yea, I'll fail every time...

    Hotkey's? Hell yea, I couldn't tolerate a controller in the menu's screw that.

    The party and in game VC swap? That's something that can be corrected in the Xbox software itself I am sure. An oversight that does impact the game IMO.

    Free look? I don't understand why Xbox doesn't support this?

    Gaming cross hairs? You can add the same thing to a television with slippery tape, alot of PC's even use that. I don't --- I don't take it that damn seriously, but I guess I could.

    Overall, I feel you get what you pay for.
    People fail to realize that Microsoft themselves are the ones attempting to capture the PC audience by providing play anywhere.

    There is an obvious effort to expand Xboxlive membership to include the PC market.

    Xbox players in any game are going to have to start realizing that as this trend continues. Game pass and Play anywhere are still youthful, I don't predict they are going to go anywhere anytime soon.

    It really is becoming a - get what you pay for gaming market lately.

  • Get what you pay for? Just another PC m*********e comment. I sure hope you have a Gold account because you're allowed to get what I pay for without it.

    I'm getting so sick of dealing with the PC community I'm considering trading in the XBox for a Playstation.

  • @cpt-toothpick

    Yeah, I can understand the competitive scene like e-sports trying to prevent that type of abuse, it just sucks when you're just wanting some fun competitive matches say in Battlefield only to have a good spot spoiled by someone reducing their graphics quality to delete the clutter you're hiding in. I'm no e-sports player but I do enjoy some ranked Halo 5.

    I also got tired of cheaters on PC, my SoT group even experienced some a few weeks after launch. People appeared to never die, no matter how many shots they got hit with, then one of my teammates caught them by surprise and disintegrated them into the green death must only for them to still be standing there and them shooting her back. She messaged them, calling them out on cheating and they openly admitted they were using that cheat program for SoT and didn't even care that we all reported them. For the most part, on console, cheaters have been widely restricted to PC, with the exception of exploits.

  • @hitash-levat said in PC vs Xbox - My Experience:


    Yeah, I can understand the competitive scene like e-sports trying to prevent that type of abuse, it just sucks when you're just wanting some fun competitive matches say in Battlefield only to have a good spot spoiled by someone reducing their graphics quality to delete the clutter you're hiding in. I'm no e-sports player but I do enjoy some ranked Halo 5.

    I also got tired of cheaters on PC, my SoT group even experienced some a few weeks after launch. People appeared to never die, no matter how many shots they got hit with, then one of my teammates caught them by surprise and disintegrated them into the green death must only for them to still be standing there and them shooting her back. She messaged them, calling them out on cheating and they openly admitted they were using that cheat program for SoT and didn't even care that we all reported them. For the most part, on console, cheaters have been widely restricted to PC, with the exception of exploits.

    If it was up to me and I have been saying this sins the day I played Delta force 1 and 2. And that is that they should force settings like that to be the same for everyone or atleast where someone that have it higher does not make it harder for them to see enemys that use gfx to lower stuff. My first ever contact with this problem was back in the days when I had got a voodoo 5 card and delta force 2 came out, ill remember I was playing around with using this new tech called Anti aliasing ^^ and I could run that game with it, Problem was in that game best way to spot movement was to stand still and look at pixels flickering to spot snipers lying around on hilltops etc, And with AA on the game looks awsome as it did hide thoes pixels and make it look smooth, but I had such a hard time seeing what others saw.

    fastforward to today, we still have people that forsake gfx in games just to have an edge up, and im all about the gfx and having stuff look as shiny as they can. So im also still hurt by this when games allow lower draw distance and maybe grass not showing, so you think you hiding in grass but the other players can clearly see you.

  • @cpt-toothpick

    Exactly. I understand that some machines can't keep up with the high end computers, and that's fine, but when it impacts play it becomes a problem that the developer needs to figure out how to fix.

  • @daddy-sanctus said in PC vs Xbox - My Experience:

    I decided to download SoT on my PC and give it a try after seeing how many people were complaining about cross-play, and I have to say there are some definite truths to PC having an advantage. I’ve played on the Xbox for probably 100-150 hours since launch, and have only played on PC for about 10-15 hours, but here’s what I’ve noticed so far.

    First, I think Console players should have kB/m support without a doubt. The ability to aim a weapon on the PC is insane compared to Xbox. I’m able to pop shots at people with extreme accuracy that I just couldn’t do on console from the same distances and the ADS speed is insane. When fighting with swords in close combat you can 180° in mid air and change directions to flank your opponent.

    The ability to free look around when doing various activities such as climbing a ladder, pulling anchor, pulling sails, etc.

    The ability to hot key literally every single item for quick access (no more using the wheel at all).

    The ability to hear in-game chat, while being in a private party and switching between the two with a press of a button.

    The ability to turn 180° in the blink of an eye to target an enemy and fire your weapon in a second or two.

    Increased FPS making the game feel smoother.

    Zooming around the map in a blink of an eye and selecting all desired locations/islands.

    Selecting weapons from the armory quicker. (no bumpers, all mouse).

    Using gaming monitors to have a dedicated crosshair on your screen for hipfire accuracy.

    The ability to use full text chat as another forum of communication.

    The ability to quickly turn nearly 90° during a sword charge to attack an opponent on your left or right.

    The ability to “on the fly” adjust your mouse sensitivity to drastically increase your aiming speeds with weapons, including the Eye of Reach.

    The ability (can’t prove myself) to respawn faster after exiting the Ferry of the Damned vs console players and some PC players. (Hardware dependent).

    So far the ONLY downside I’ve seen using the telescope feels pretty slow / not as smooth as the console. I will also admit I have not tried the Eye of Reach so I have no opinion on that.
    -Adjusted the above text to reflect using “on the fly” DPI changes in mouse sensitivity to increase those aiming speeds.

    Overall, I feel like I can do quite a bit more on PC vs Xbox which is a bit of a shame. I enjoy playing on the Xbox as the game in 4k HDR on a MUCH larger screen is just down right beautiful. Now, I don’t think that the PC players should be limited in these options / mechanics, but I do think the console players could use a little boost to try and get up to the same level as PC players in some of these areas.

    Just my thoughts on the subject.

    XD what you bought a gaming monitor with a crosshair?

  • @nauseous-gnome9 Nah, a buddy has one. His monitor is a bit newer than mine though.

  • @daddy-sanctus said in PC vs Xbox - My Experience:

    @nauseous-gnome9 Nah, a buddy has one. His monitor is a bit newer than mine though.

    Phew... Lol yeah those things are so tacky to me. Especially when it's like a physical crosshair lol

  • You are able to set ‘hotkeys’ on Xbox as well. I myself have rebound buttons to replace things I don’t ever use like the speech options.

  • Pc player here. Im using a 360 controller. Much more comfortable

  • @anadunae said in PC vs Xbox - My Experience:

    You are able to set ‘hotkeys’ on Xbox as well. I myself have rebound buttons to replace things I don’t ever use like the speech options.

    Yes, that is true. But you're pretty limited for the most part. You can map, what, 5 buttons in total without removing key buttons that you need to play? All 4 directions on the D-Pad + the Right Stick if I remember correctly, and that's if you don't want to use any of the Emotes / Chat Wheel.

    @Wierd-Beard-Bob I agree a controller is more comfortable in general than a keyboard and mouse.

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