Presenting... The Art of Sea of Thieves!

  • @ts-souless-x said in Presenting... The Art of Sea of Thieves!:

    @khaleesibot DUDE !!!! how much of my money do you guys need , i seem to need a second mortgage on my property already... hhmmmmm. i could always rob banks to pay for my SOT addictions i guess 😊.

    How much money have you spent on SoT exactly? Because I'm still at 0. which is very confusing to me because I have spent more time playing SoT then some games I have actually paid for...

  • Woah woah wait. Hard copy AND published by Darkhorse? Definitely getting this.

  • @ecljpse - I think @ts-souless-x meant when the game comes out. There is a possible collectors edition, 2 books so far and I'm sure loads of other goodies in the pipeline.

  • I wait till the base game to come out then I can easily get it at eb games.

  • @ecljpse obviously I haven't spent any yet as the online store is down and has been for some time ... And tartansnake is correct in his sumrey that I'm counting all future purchases that I plan to make .... And why am I defending a comment that was clearly made in jest .

  • @ts-souless-x said in Presenting... The Art of Sea of Thieves!:

    @ecljpse obviously I haven't spent any yet as the online store is down and has been for some time ... And tartansnake is correct in his sumrey that I'm counting all future purchases that I plan to make .... And why am I defending a comment that was clearly made in jest .

    At least they are giving us advance warning so we can A. Save money or B. add items to Christmas/Birthday wishlists lol!

  • @ts-souless-x i will help you in the bank robberies if you want... i need the funding haha!

  • @dumy2008 bro i think we all will have to resort to armed robery just to keep up with all the stuff we have to buy because of this drug addiction.

  • @ts-souless-x said in Presenting... The Art of Sea of Thieves!:

    @dumy2008 bro i think we all will have to resort to armed robery just to keep up with all the stuff we have to buy because of this drug addiction.

    sooo.... what your saying is we will need to assemble a crew in real life and become "pirates" to fund our gaming addiction so we can afford to buy lots of merch and still get a group of 4 together and play as pirates....

  • This is a very dangerous, slippery slope for me. I love collecting artwork of things I am a fan of. Once I start, I will struggle to not try and 'complete' the collection.

    Love the art style so much. ❤

  • @wargrym - This is bad for me as @stacky-a like to collect everything. As for artwork, she has commissioned work of her cats as their namesake (Link & Zelda).

    Looks like I'll be needing more overtime :-(

  • @tartansnake-8 The path of true love mate. Just think of all the b*****e points you'll be scoring too.

    At least you get to blame someone else too. I just have my fickle addictions :-(

    Can't argue against the 'cat art' sorry. Cute pictures involving cats.... I mean, C'mon. You have to be made of stone not to want those lol. 😆
    (She did make you a snake though, right? Can't be all bad)

  • @khaleesibot can't wait! Artwork and much needed figurines as well. Would love a build your ship model and paint it to art.

  • Excited to experience it in game!!

  • For those waiting for it to become available for preorder at, it is now available.

  • Oooh! Found another sneak peak at a page! Crests!

  • What an incredible resource! I could wish it available in either Kindle or Apple iBooks!

  • @katttruewalker OMG! This is making me so happy today! :D Thank you Katt!

  • @katttruewalker oooh I absolutely Love then! I wonder if they will be thinks you have to find in game or simply buy them!? Maybe build!?

  • @dhg-ixxrmacxxi I would certainly love to see some of these items in the shop. I'd definitely buy some of these type items as mini magnets and such :-D

    I will definitely attempt a ship's crest in 3D at some point. Excellent references...indeed :-D

  • @dhg-ixxrmacxxi Ooh interesting, I assumed buy, or maybe they come with a particular choice of livery for your ship? Upgrades from Salty perhaps?

  • @katttruewalker Could be! Or maybe you could have to complete a voyage and then at the end the reward is a new crest for your ship!

  • Waterstones had it saying 'Pre-order for release November 17th'. I got extremely excited then realised it wasn't coming that soon. I can't wait!

  • i must say, the most appealing thing about SoT for me is this topic right here. It's aesthetics . Beats ACIV and it's future follow-up Skull & Bones any day. Really looking forward fo TA!

  • @fullmetaljakee If the game came out now you most definitely would've wished they spent more time on the game

  • @unfound said in Presenting... The Art of Sea of Thieves!:

    @fullmetaljakee If the game came out now you most definitely would've wished they spent more time on the game

    Talking about the Book, not the game :)

  • @fullmetaljakee lol whoops my bad

  • not seen this mentioned before but along similar lines.....

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